By Jorge Branco
Queensland Rail was warned 10 months ago about the driver shortages that have played havoc with the train network but Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe says he was never told.
After a week of angrily blaming the rail operator for not letting his office know about impending problems, the minister said he was "deeply concerned" the external report had not been provided to him earlier.
"To be clear, I was only provided with a draft version of this report this evening at 9.20pm," he said, in a statement issued just before 11pm.
"The draft report clearly shows Queensland Rail personnel were aware from as early as January 2016 that there were significant risks attached to multiple projects as a consequence of a shortage of train driver resources."
Brisbane train commuters are being moved to buses this morning.
The shortage of drivers saw last-minute cancellations of more than 100 trains two Fridays ago, and forced an emergency meeting of the QR board to introduce a cut-down interim timetable.
The report by external consultants Indec, reviewing Queensland Rail's train service delivery, was prepared for QR in January.
A QR spokeswoman confirmed bosses received the report in January and it wasn't passed on to the minister.
Opposition transport spokesman Andrew Powell says the minister has to go because he has no idea what is going on in his own portfolio.
"Every day this rail crisis just gets worse and worse. And frankly south-east Queensland commuters deserve better than the Sergeant Schultz excuse that 'I know nothing'," he told ABC radio.
"This bungling transport minister has to go."
According to News Corp, teh report compared the number of qualified drivers with the projected necessary supply and found a shortfall back to July last year and raised concerns about a shortage impacting new generation rollingstock and the Commonwealth Games.
"Operational readiness for the integration of the NGR and the MBRL is at risk due to the demand this will place on the train crewing resources," the report is said to say.
Mr Hinchliffe said the matters would be referred to Philip Strachan's independent investigation into the government-owned company's crewing practices.
"I have instructed the acting CEO Neil Scales to make any and all immediate required recommendations to Government that would address these clear shortcomings in the reporting and performance of the operation of Queensland Rail," he said.
QR chief executive officer Helen Gluer and chair Michael Klug both resigned on Thursday but Mr Hinchliffe has resisted repeated calls from the Opposition for his sacking.
Those resignations came after Ms Gluer took full responsibility for the debacle, caused by a lack of trained drivers for the newly opened Redcliffe Peninsula line.
QR's overtime bill jumped 24 per cent as it struggled to keep trains crewed following the opening, with almost $580,000 in extra wages paid to 379 drivers in the fortnight after the Moreton Bay Rail Link opening.
Mr Hinchliffe was on Monday forced to admit the 75 new trains had "teething" issues such as some drivers not being able to properly see out of the cabin.