After carefully considering all of the information put before me and advice from my department, it is very clear to me that the Traveston Crossing Dam project can not go ahead without unacceptable impacts on matters of national environmental significant.
I have based my proposed decision on the science presented to me, and the science shows that this project would have serious and irreversible effects on nationally listed species such as the Australian lungfish, the Mary River turtle and the Mary River cod."
The area that would be flooded by this proposal is critical habitat for populations of these species. The evidence before me showed that flooding this habitat would have serious consequences for those species, including on their ability to breed and maintain population numbers.
My department advised that the environmental impacts of this project would be so serious they would contribute to the further decline of these threatened species.
As Environment Minister, my responsibility is to ensure that nationally listed species are protected, and I believe no conditions or mitigation measures that would adequately guarantee their protection could be imposed on this project.
Several of the measures put forward in the proposal lacked scientific evidence as to their effectiveness.
The assessment of this proposal has highlighted the serious plight of these species, and I believe that it is critical that all levels of government work together to tackle the threats to these species and secure their future.
In making this proposed decision, I have also considered the social and economic impacts of this project. An independent expert review conducted by the Centre for International Economics creates serious doubt about the economic benefits of the dam.
The likely economic and social benefits of this proposal do not outweigh the serious environmental impacts on our nationally protected species.