By Daniel Hurst and Tony Moore
Nurses will today rally outside the tuberculosis co-ordination centre at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, amid fears over plans to hand back responsibility to local health boards. last week reported the Newman government was looking to hand the functions of the TB Co-ordination Centre out to hospital and health boards across the state.
The Queensland Nurses’ Union, which is staging a rally outside the centre at lunchtime, has also raised concerns over a plan to hand responsibility for aspects of BreastScreen Queensland to health boards.
“Certain public health programs need strong central leadership and oversight to ensure they are successful,” QNU secretary Beth Mohle said in a statement.
“This is especially true for communicable diseases like tuberculosis, which requires strong clinical leadership to ensure cases are promptly identified, treatment courses are properly administered and completed and that the right training and advice is provided to other doctors, nurses and clinicians who are dealing with TB patients throughout the state.”
The state government yesterday sought to ease concerns, saying the statewide co-ordination of tuberculosis would remain in Brisbane under the control of the chief health officer, Dr Jeannette Young.
After broke the story last week, the Australian Medical Association’s Queensland president Alex Markwell questioned whether the government’s decision meant the state-wide “governance” of tuberculosis control would be affected.
“This is the first we have heard of it, as far as I am aware AMAQ has not been invited to provide any feedback about it,” Dr Markwell said last week.
“But as a result of your media reports I have had several AMAQ members call me very concerned.”
Dr Markwell said she understood the need to regionalise health services.
“I guess our issue is that while it is important to have TB services provided to the regions that need them, the TB centre at the Princess Alexandra also has a statewide co-ordination role, and that is the bit we are not clear about.”
Dr Markwell questioned whether any staff reductions would stretch the line of expertise.
Health Minister Lawrence Springborg said yesterday he understood people were concerned about plans to take “service delivery” from a central office and “putting it out in to the boards in the regions where service is delivered”.
Mr Springborg said the statewide co-ordination of tuberculosis would remain in Brisbane under the control of Dr Young.
“Thirty of our major hospitals already treat patients with regard to tuberculosis,” he said.
“Indeed, if you look at tuberculosis and you look at the way the antibody resistant strains are actually being treated, well most of them are treated in Cairns.”
Mr Springborg said most of the larger hospitals around Queensland were actually treating tuberculosis patients.
“The difference here is that we are going to be giving them the responsibility for that back in their districts,” he said.
“The important thing though is that the overall policy for TB treatment level in Queensland stays at the central level, under the chief health officer.
“But the treatment is going to be conducted in the local areas and responsibility for that is going to be happening in the local area anyway, and by and large that is what has been happening anyway.”