

This was published 13 years ago

Newman defends controversial development approval

By Daniel Hurst and Bridie Jabour

A controversial Woolloongabba development was approved in an ‘‘open and transparent process’’, LNP leader Campbell Newman said as he faced questions over donations from the project's developer.

Today, The Australian reported a developer paid $50,000 under five different company names into the re-election fund of Mr Newman when he was Brisbane's lord mayor.

Weeks after the donations were made, the developer had a controversial building approved by the Brisbane City Council.

Mr Newman said the development was approved in an ‘‘open and transparent process’’ and based on the recommendation by independent planners.

‘‘This was totally consistent with the town planning future for that area. Across the road the state government are building 30-storey buildings,’’ he said.

Mr Newman said he had met with the developer during his time as Lord Mayor.

‘‘I’ve met that developer as I’ve met many people in this city over the years. That’s not the point,'' he said.

‘‘Why is it an issue now? Because Anna Bligh said it’s an issue now.’’

Mr Newman said he had not influenced the development assessment process in any way regarding the application, and when asked whether he had been aware of the donations he said: “Of course I didn’t.”

Premier Anna Bligh has taken what she calls the "unusual" step of pausing her campaign to attack Mr Newman over donations from a developer.


In the wake of the report, Ms Bligh said she would not be holding any other press conferences today as this was the issue of the day and she wanted "serious" questions answered by Mr Newman.

"These revelations come on top of a litany of questionable financial dealings involving Mr Newman," she said.

"It comes on top of millions of dollars worth of hidden investments in properties and companies that went undeclared by Mr Newman.

"It comes on top of a $30 million attempt by one of Mr Newman's family's companies to rip off Queensland's flood recovery money.

"It comes on top of a rezoning of land at Woolloongabba at a multi million dollar benefit to Mr Newman's family's companies.

"It comes on top of continued unanswered questions about Mr Newman's consulting company Ultrex in to which the Liberal National Party pay more than $100,000 for his wages."

Ms Bligh said the development was approved over "very important" heritage objections by the Russian Orthodox and Catholic churches in the area.

She said federal Labor leadership spill had so far dominated the deadlines during the state election campaign.

But this was now firmly behind Labor so the focus needed to be put back on Mr Newman.

"With the issues in Canberra now resolved and behind us in the state election campaign I believe it is time for serious answers from Mr Newman," she said.

"Answers to questions like what meetings, what arrangements and what agreements did he have with this developer?

"What involvement did Mr Newman have in the approval of this development and what opportunity did he give those objectors from the Russian Orthodox and Catholic churches to put their cases to the council?

"Every one of these questions goes right to the heart of Mr Newman's suitability for the high office of Premier."

Mr Newman has previously accused the Labor party of running a smear campaign as they attacked him over his family's financial interests for the past few months.

The attacks come after Ms Bligh had declared families were "off-limits".

Ms Bligh pre-empted Mr Newman's response to today's revelations, saying he would be continue to accuse her of a smear campaign.

"Mr Newman, I predict today will say this is a smear campaign," she said.

"Every time you hear Mr Newman say the words smear campagin you can know he has been asked a question he does not want to answer."

In a later press conference, Mr Newman was unfazed by suggestions Ms Bligh might refer the matter to the Crime and Misconduct Commission.

He laughed off the prospect when asked by journalists.

‘‘Oh, dear me, [Deputy Premier] Andrew Fraser’s referred me on two occasions. The last time I was cleared within a week,’’ he said.


‘’Look this is just the same old malarky from the Labor Party that we’ve seen for the last 11 months,’’ he said.

‘‘She’s clinging to smear and innuendo like a drunk clinging to a light pole.’’

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