

This was published 9 years ago

Rainbow Flag to fly at City Hall

By Kim Stephens

A year after sparking public outrage by refusing to fly the Rainbow Flag at City Hall to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, Brisbane's Lord Mayor has this year relented.

The international queer pride symbol will adorn one of the city's grandest historic buildings for the first time as a gesture of inclusiveness on May 17.

A rainbow flag will fly on Brisbane City Hall.

A rainbow flag will fly on Brisbane City Hall.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk last year denied a request from the Brisbane Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Intersexual, Queer Action Group to follow other municipalities, most notably its high profile counterpart Sydney, and fly the flag at City Hall to mark the day.

"It is not my intention to fly a flag," he said at the time.

"I think it is important to say rather than symbolic things such as the flying of a flag, this administration has taken a far greater step when it comes to making sure gay and lesbians are an inclusive part of our city."

This year, however, the Lord Mayor has had a change of heart.

"Council supports the message behind the International Day Against Homophobia, which is why we are sharing this message of inclusiveness from our most iconic Brisbane landmarks, Cr Quirk said in a statement.

It has been met with wild celebration from Brisbane's LGBTIQ community.

Brisbane LGBTIQ Action Group convenor Phil Browne last year decried the Lord Mayor's rejection of the flag's symbolism, saying "if the rainbow flag was flying in the streets, people would be crying in the streets."


This year he again reiterated the flag's symbolic power as he welcomed the decision.

"Symbolic gestures such as this are important because homophobia and the lack of awareness about these issues have impacts on everybody, gay or straight," he said.

"If our ongoing actions and council's support helps just one troubled LGBTIQ person struggling with discrimination, or prevents one suicide, all our work will be so, so worth it."

Central Ward councillor Vicki Howard, in whose ward City Hall sits, denied the decision to fly the flag was a backflip borne from the backlash that greeted last year's hugely unpopular refusal.

"Last year there had been a long-standing practice regarding flags being flown at City Hall, which changed late last year," she said.

"We have taken on board the feedback and looked at the practice that has changed to allow flags and banners that mark significant events to be flown."

Previously the council said only national, state and city flags were permitted to fly at the historic building.

The administration hastily rallied in the wake of its refusal to fly the rainbow flag last year by offering to light the Story Bridge in rainbow colours to mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

"I was proud of the lighting at Story Bridge, we had a number of people photograph, which has gone far and wide," Cr Howard said.

"(Flying the flag) is just an opportunity to recognise there is always a need for what we as a city can take on board as feedback and use as an opportunity to really be able to raise awareness."

Labor councillor Victoria Newton said the council should never have rejected BLAG's submission to fly the flag at City Hall in 2014.

"In this day and age, flying a rainbow flag shouldn't be an issue," she said.

"I was disappointed last year when the Lord Mayor refused to allow the rainbow flag to fly outside City Hall because it sent the wrong message about Brisbane and how we value the people who live here.

"We could have avoided all of this controversy and upset if the conservative council did the right thing the first time they were asked."

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