

This was published 10 years ago

Newman to Sunshine Coast Council: get on with it

By Amy Remeikis

Premier Campbell Newman has criticised the Sunshine Coast Regional Council for not doing enough to encourage development in the region, saying property developers had told him it was "difficult" dealing with the local body.

Mr Newman said it was with the “greatest respect” he advised the council to “get on and deliver” for the Sunshine Coast, adding he didn’t believe it was keeping pace with the Gold Coast, or northern Queensland regions in terms of recovery.

He said his government had “provided the tools” for councils, but “not enough is being done”.

“I made that very clear to the deputy mayor yesterday in a forthright and frank matter and to the chief executive officer of the council,” Mr Newman said.

“But let me explain, I go around this state and I talk to mayors and councils and community leaders and I make the commentary that right now, the Brisbane local government area is going very well under the leadership of Graham Quirk.

“The Gold Coast is going well too. Cairns is going well, the Whitsundays are going well.

“The next major centre in this state that really should be firing on all cylinders right now, with the revival of tourism, and particularly the property sector, should be the Sunshine Coast.

“We’ve given the local council the tools to do the job and I conveyed to the deputy mayor and the CEO that I was greatly concerned, because when I go around this state, the development industry do tell me that they have problems getting development approvals on the Sunshine Coast.”

Mr Newman said when deputy mayor, Chris Thompson, “didn’t seem to think this was the case” he rang a property developer.

“And I said ‘tell me about the Sunshine Coast council’ and he said ‘well, look it is like this Premier, I have 690 apartments that I am currently building or about to build in Brisbane, I have none of the Sunshine Coast and yet I used to do a lot of development here’ and he said they haven’t been particularly pro-development or easy to deal with in the last few years,” he said.


“We’re simply saying to them, look, there is an issue here that they can create jobs and that is what it is about. I want go see jobs for people on the Sunshine Coast, in tourism and construction particularly and way it can happen now, with the tools we have given councils to do the job is to get on and embrace new economic activities.

“We want to see jobs for people on the Sunshine Coast, we don’t want to see trades getting in their cars and heading south as they have had to do every morning for the last six years to Brisbane.”

Deputy Mayor Chris Thompson said the council had a plan.

“In just two years this council has delivered the first truly collaborative Economic Development Strategy for the region; introduced a new planning scheme which makes it easier to do business, and provided successful incentives which have helped to get development projects off the shelves and underway,” he said in a statement.

“That’s seen business confidence increase, the fastest jobs growth in Queensland and increased building approvals.”

But spokeswoman for the Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Narelle McCarthy said the premier was “totally missing the point about the Sunshine Coast region which values its character and lifestyle”.

“He is ignoring the new planning scheme which has just come through for the region and there is already significant development projects underway – the Maroochydore Principal Activity Centre, Caloundra South which is a major development by Stockland that will be a city for 50,000 to name a few.

“There is 30-years worth of development in the pipeline.”

Ms McCarthy said some of the larger developments on the Sunshine Coast were already potentially risking the region’s environmental values and it would not be bullied into rushing the process.

“The community and its elected council will determine how it develops and what it values,” she said.

“Not directives from the state.”

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