By Daniel Hurst
Campbell Newman's ministers have been explicitly told they cannot allow political party officials to review government entities in the way permitted by cabinet member Bruce Flegg last month.
The Queensland Premier yesterday released a draft new code of conduct for his cabinet which calls for a clear line between the activities of government and those of political parties.
It removes a previous blanket ban on ministers holding shares in for-profit companies, but also flags random checks of ministers' interests.
Under the planned new code, ministers need not divest themselves of all shareholdings but only those “in any company of which a conflict of interest exists or could reasonably be expected to exist”.
Under a planned code of conduct, ministers can't hold shares “in any company of which a conflict of interest exists”.Credit: Luis Enrique Escui
The “integrity” section says ministers must make decisions with the aim of advancing the public interest.
“Ministers must ensure that there is a clear delineation between the activities of the executive government under their portfolio and that of their political party,” the document states.
“For example, they should not allow party officials to become involved in, or to review or oversight, the operations of executive government.”
Mr Newman yesterday described this part of the code as important.
Dr Flegg, the Minister for Housing and Public Works, copped political heat last month after revelations he allowed Liberal National Party heavyweight Barry O'Sullivan to examine the books of government publisher GoPrint and state horticulture business GoPlants.
Although Dr Flegg said Mr O'Sullivan was not paid for the work, Mr Newman had described the appointment as inappropriate and a “mistake” but refused to bow to opposition calls to sack the minister.
“I'm sure he's learnt his lesson and he will do things in a more appropriate way,” Mr Newman told reporters after he spoke at the LNP convention on July 13.
Deputy Opposition Leader Tim Mulherin said yesterday Mr Newman should have abided by the standards and sacked Dr Flegg over what was “a clear breach of the planned new code”.
“It was always a sackable offence under the standards set by the previous government,” Mr Mulherin said.
Controversies over ministerial standards flare from time to time. Former premier Anna Bligh previously faced criticism over her failure to sack a minister over the health payroll scandal which has cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.
Mr Newman said yesterday his new ministerial code would “set the highest standards of performance and behaviour for ministers and assistant ministers”.
It follows the release of advice from Integrity Commissioner David Solomon and Clerk of the Parliament Neil Laurie, who questioned previous requirements for ministers to divest themselves of shares.
They argued the use of “blind trusts” – allowing ministers to hand over personal control of share portfolios – was inconsistent with the parliamentary principle of disclosure.
The previous code, in use under Labor, said ministers and their partners may transfer control to an outside professional nominee, a blind trust or managed fund, so long as they exercised no ongoing control.
“Ministers must, within one month after taking office, divest themselves and otherwise relinquish control of all shares and similar interests in any for-profit company regardless of whether the shares or interests are within the ministers' area of portfolio responsibility or not,” the previous code stated.
“Ministers must not divest their holdings to their partners. The transfer of interests to a partner is not an acceptable form of divestment.”
The proposed new code suggests divestment is not required in cases where there is no actual or potential conflict of interest.
“Ministers must divest themselves of any shareholding in any company of which a conflict of interest exists or could reasonably be expected to exist,” the new code states.
“Such shareholdings cannot be divested to the minister's related persons, or to close associates.”
The code says ministers must advise Mr Newman if they find themselves in a situation of a conflict of interest including any pecuniary or other interests of a partner or dependent family member, and withdraw from the cabinet room.
Mr Newman said ministers and assistant ministers would also face random checks of their interests.
“The Integrity Commissioner has agreed to undertake these random checks which he will conduct once each year at a time of his choosing,” he said.
Mr Newman, who vowed during the election campaign to restore government accountability, is seeking public comment on the draft code within the next two weeks.
The new code comes in the wake of changes to the make-up of parliamentary committees that check draft legislation, along with Speaker Fiona Simpson's moves to ban television cameras for nine parliamentary sitting days over the broadcasting of a protest in the public gallery.
In May, the Newman government passed changes increasing the number of MPs on each parliamentary committee from six to eight, with LNP members to hold 75 per cent of these positions. The government argued the changes were necessary to reflect the reality of the Parliament following the election which delivered the LNP a massive landslide.
Ms Simpson on Tuesday flagged plans to ban members of the public from the Parliament's public gallery “in circumstances when authorised officers are in possession of credible intelligence that protest activity is intended or occurring in or immediately outside the parliamentary precinct and/or that certain individuals or groups are intending to disrupt the proceedings of the assembly”.
Last night, MPs debated legislation to re-criminalise knowingly lying to Parliament, following changes made by the Beattie government after disgraced former minister Gordon Nuttall misled the house.