

This was published 9 years ago

Morcombe nightmare continues

By Kim Stephens

Standing beside the distinctive red Daniel Morcombe Foundation truck in King George Square on Thursday, Bruce and Denise Morcombe did what they do every other day - worked tirelessly to spread the child safety message.

Largely unbeknown to those they spoke to, a little more than a block away in the Queensland Court of Appeal, their nearly 12-year nightmare dragged on.

The Morcombe family thought they had finally received the closure they had long coveted just more than a year ago when Brett Peter Cowan, now 44, was convicted of Daniel's murder, a decade after the teenager vanished from a Sunshine Coast bus stop.

On Thursday, however, Cowan and his legal team continued to haunt them.

Daniel Morcombe's parents Bruce and Denise in King George Square with the child safety foundation they created in his honour as legal argument in the appeal of his killer is heard a block away.

Daniel Morcombe's parents Bruce and Denise in King George Square with the child safety foundation they created in his honour as legal argument in the appeal of his killer is heard a block away.Credit: Kim Stephens

Cowan maintains he did not murder the 13-year-old, despite telling undercover police he killed Daniel during a carefully planned sting aimed at eliciting a confession from the convicted paedophile.

He appealed his murder conviction last year and a hearing date that could end the matter once and for all has been set for May 26.

Now, however, a legal tit-for-tat that resulted in Chief Justice Tim Carmody unexpectedly withdrawing from the three-person judicial bench on Thursday threatens to derail that hearing date and elongate the appeal process even further.

"Too angry," was how Mrs Morcombe described the couple when declining to comment in the wake of the court hearing.


"P****d off," her husband said, stepping it up a notch but joining his wife in declining to comment further.

The couple appeared briefly in court to hear Justice Carmody outline his reasons for excusing himself from the hearing.

They did not stay to hear Justice Margaret McMurdo say that the legalities of an appeal judge stepping down under such circumstances were unprecedented and the legal teams for Cowan and the Crown had until May 18 to file submissions relating to whether or not the May 26 appeal date could go ahead with just two judges to hear the matter.

It remains listed for that date but could potentially dissolve if it is legally required to be relisted under a new trio of Court of Appeal judges.

Justice Carmody withdrew from the case after the defence made an application questioning his impartiality, following a meeting with anti-child abuse campaigner Hetty Johnston.

Ironically, he said he did so to eliminate the defence's pursuit of his disqualification, which would have inevitably elongated the appeal process.

He said such a legal pursuit would result in "an exorbitant waste of public time and money".

"If this absurd and extraordinary application continues, there will be further hearings on applications of prejudgment regarding the procedure governing bias or prejudgment regarding whether or not I am disqualified for bias," he said.

"This will result in an exorbitant waste of public time and money, and the only persons who will benefit are the legal practitioners involved. The parents of the victim of this dreadful crime will have justice delayed, and be placed in a position of continued uncertainty until these applications are resolved.

"The appellant has also been left with considerable uncertainty.

"I will not allow this court to become a Dickensian Bleak House, where parties will be 'tripping one another upon precedents, groping knee deep in technicalities [and making mountains of costly nonsense]'.Otherwise, to cite Dickens, it will become a 'scarecrow of a suit… so complicated that no man [or woman] alive knows what it means'."*

In a thinly veiled swipe at Cowan's defence team, Justice Carmody described the application alleging potential bias as "a bizarre sideshow" and "absurd and extraordinary".

Cowan's lawyer Tim Meehan said the comments were surprising, given the matter was not initially raised by the appellent's legal team.

"This was an issue raised and brought to our attention by the Chief Justice himself so to say the things he said in the manner in which he said them, really is quite extraordinary," he said.

He described the Justice Carmody's decision to stand down as extraordinary and unexpected and rejected that the defence team were dragging out appeal proceedings.

"Justice needs to be done according to law, it's as simple as that," he said.

"All we want for our client is for this matter to be dealt with in the correct way and in the way everyone else is entitled to have their matter dealt with.

"Quite frankly this has nothing to do with Hetty Johnston, it has nothing to do with Bravehearts, nothing that is said impugns her or her organisation at all.

"Quite simply, it's whether or not the issue of apprehended bias on behalf of the Chief Justice is raised and that's really the long and short of it."

Ms Johnston, however, said she felt personally affronted.

"I feel like I have done something wrong, even though I have done nothing wrong. The whole reason this is happening is because Tim Carmody and I met to discuss child protection reforms," she said.

"I'm really personally offended. I'm a member of the public totally held to ransom by these people."

She described Justice Carmody's withdrawal as a "travesty of justice".

"What does this mean for me as an advocate or for advocates more widely that we can't go and see the Chief Justice?" she said.


"Because there will always be a matter afoot, that's the nature of the business."

* Clarification: This quote has been expanded to include the entire Chief Justice's comment.

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