

This was published 13 years ago

LNP sack calls grow

By Daniel Hurst and Tony Moore

LNP president Bruce McIver has denied any knowledge of so-called "dirt files" on Labor politicians prior to being told of their existence yesterday.

But Mr McIver insisted the documents mostly contained legitimate details about MP performance and campaigning, with only some portions featuring “inappropriate” personal comments.

Campbell Newman has morning tea at a home in Ashgrove.

Campbell Newman has morning tea at a home in Ashgrove.Credit: Daniel Hurst

Mr McIver also signalled the party would simply remove the offending portions from the documents, rather than shredding the reports in their entirety as suggested by Mr Newman this morning.

It was today revealed the LNP had paid $3705 for ‘‘consultancy’’ by former Labor staffer and federal candidate Robert Hough to prepare "dirt files" on ALP members.

Campbell Newman has described the LNP's use of a former ALP staffer to dig dirt on Labor MPs as 'sleazy'.

Campbell Newman has described the LNP's use of a former ALP staffer to dig dirt on Labor MPs as 'sleazy'.Credit: Steve Holland

In a statement issued this afternoon, Mr McIver said Mr Hough was commissioned to compile a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis on sitting Labor MPs, Labor Brisbane City councillors, and factional matters.

“Having received a briefing on the report for the first time today, I understand the vast bulk of the content relates to the campaigning and performance of Labor MPs and Labor Ministers,” he said.

“This information, which every political party gathers, is largely in the public domain and, in many instances, has already been reported by the media.

“A small number of the SWOT analyses contain comments and observations of a nature that are the personal view of the author and were deemed inappropriate and no use has been made of them.”

Former federal Liberal MP Michael Johnson.

Former federal Liberal MP Michael Johnson.

Mr McIver said the party had “tightened up our procedures to ensure any material of a salacious nature will never be accepted by the LNP”.

Mr McIver said he had received assurances the document was not released to the media by anyone from the LNP and was never shown to the leader or any member of the parliamentary team.

“The document was never sent to, or seen by, any member of the party’s state executive or any other party official,” he said.

Dossiers 'bring LNP into disrepute'

Former federal Liberal MP Michael Johnson, dumped by the LNP last year, joined calls for heads to roll over today’s revelations of dirt files on Labor MPs.

Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser demanded LNP campaign director James McGrath and state director Michael O'Dwyer be sacked in response to the revelations, but LNP leader Campbell Newman this morning said while they would not be sacked, they had been reprimanded.

Mr Johnson, who was expelled from the LNP in May 2010 for bringing the party into disrepute, told Mr McIver should stand down for allowing the LNP to carry out such work.

‘‘The charge against me was that I had brought the party into disrepute,’’ he said.

‘‘Well surely if the president of the party has commissioned this particular dirt file, this work on Labor MPs, surely that is bringing the party into disrepute?

‘‘Surely that is bringing the values and the integrity of the LNP into grave disrupte and surely he should resign.’’

Mr McIver said Mr Johnson's claims were irrelevant.

Enough is enough, says Newman

Earlier, Mr Newman said he would not sack two senior party officials who hired a former Labor staffer to investigate government MPs, including their sexual habits.

"If they do anything like this again, I'll be demanding their scalps then," he said.

Mr Newman has ordered party officials to destroy the secret dossiers and insisted he was not aware his party had enlisted the former Labor staffer. He apologised to voters but rejected calls to sack party officials at the centre of the controversy.

Mr Newman said he had strong words with both Mr McGrath and Mr O'Dwyer over their "grievous mistake", but they would not be sacked.

"They have been strongly reprimanded by myself and I am sure by the president [Bruce McIver]," he told reporters in Ashgrove this morning.

"It is not acceptable. I absolutely reject this [behaviour] and it will not happen again."

Mr Newman said he had now ordered training to be provided to campaign workers to ensure their efforts did not stray into personal attacks and vowed to take a "no tolerance" approach to such attacks in the future.

Mr Newman today called the editor of The Courier-Mail, Michael Crutcher, to request that it does not publish the dossiers tomorrow.

Mr Crutcher this afternoon told Fairfax Radio 4BC the newspaper would publish the dossiers in an edited form.

Mr Newman said the material contained in the documents was "sleazy".

"Yes, I am embarrassed that our party has stooped to the same depth that we've seen from Labor," he said.

"I am sorry that my party has done this. I am sorry to the people of Queensland, but I point out it is also time the Labor Party declared a ceasefire on this sort of stuff."

Labor's call for scalps

Mr Fraser questioned Mr Newman’s assertion that he did not know about the activity, saying it beggared belief that more people in the LNP were not aware of it.

The LNP had crossed the line, Mr Fraser said as he called for Mr Newman to sack Mr McGrath and Mr O'Dwyer to “cut out the cancer from his campaign team’’.

“If he stands by them, then he stands by their actions,’’ Mr Fraser said.

“What we’ve seen here has crossed the line, it’s never been seen before in Australian politics.

“It’s bread and butter in American politics but I don’t believe that Australians want to go down that path.’’

The Courier Mail this morning reported that ex-Labor staffer Robert Hough had compiled dossiers on government MPs, detailing their sex lives, personal information and general strengths and weaknesses, in exchange for payment from the LNP.

It said about 50 files include claims of bisexuality, sexual promiscuity and sexual harassment, and were handed to Liberal National Party campaign director James McGrath in the first half of this year.

The former Labor staffer began the work when John-Paul Langbroek was still LNP leader, but continued after Mr Newman took over the leadership, the paper reports.

"I was not aware that the LNP was involved in anything like this," Mr Newman told 612 ABC radio today.

"I certainly don't condone it. I've been very critical of the Labor Party spending public funds to dig up dirt on myself and my family.

"I certainly am very disappointed that the LNP has spent its own money to do this sort of sleazy thing."

Claim and counter-claim

Last week Mr Newman accused Labor of unleashing a dirt unit against him, after weeks of attention focused on his personal financial interests.

He called Premier Anna Bligh a "sleaze bucket" and warned voters to expect a summer of sleaze leading into next year's election.

Mr Fraser, who has been leading the government’s attacks over Mr Newman’s and his family’s financial interests, said there was “galaxy of difference’’ between the LNP’s activities and Labor’s pursuit of legitimate questions about financial accountability.

Trawling through family breakdowns and personal relationships went beyond reasonable research activities done by political parties.

Asked whether he could guarantee that Labor would not target any family or personal matters going into the election, Mr Fraser said “absolutely’’.

Mr Fraser was unconcerned about what information might be contained in the dossier about him.

“I’m not particularly worried about it. I’m pretty sure mine just says ‘a bit too square and a bit too straight’,'' he said.

“Ultimately, I’ve got no real worries about it but I do think that for many people obviously this goes beyond the line. The truth of it is that people do have family problems, people do have marriage break-ups, politicians are human beings too - that’s not relevant to whether or not they can do their job in the public arena.’’

Parliamentary procession of potshots

During a fiery session in question time, Education Minister Cameron Dick said the LNP had written “a shameful page in Queensland political history” and he likened Mr Newman to an ignorant Hogan’s Heroes character.

“In reality Campbell Newman is nothing more than Sergeant Schultz because he always says he knows nothing,” Mr Dick said.

Attorney-General Paul Lucas questioned whether Mr Newman knew about the dirt files when he last week said Queensland was ruled by “drunks, punks and desperadoes”.

Main Roads Minister Craig Wallace said the LNP-commissioned dirt file claims belonged in a trashy celebrity magazine.

“You’d see this sort of stuff scribbled on the toilet walls at school,” Mr Wallace said.

“It makes me feel sick in the stomach.”

Mr Fraser lambasted the LNP over the “cash for dirt conspiracy” and accused the LNP of trying to “trade in falsehood, rumour and innuendo”.

“This is a new low in Australian politics. This is plumbing the depths of moral bankruptcy and there is no place for this in Australian politics,” Mr Fraser said.

Mr Fraser condemned Mr Newman for not demanding the sacking the two LNP officials involved, saying it meant his apology was “a bit like apologising for stealing your wallet but wanting to keep the money in it”.

“Words today won’t be enough,” Mr Fraser said.

“A ‘naughty naughty’ talking to is just not going to cut it today.

“If he stands by them he stands by their actions and he will stand condemned.”

- with AAP


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