

This was published 10 years ago

Heritage Minister halts demolition of Margaret Street bonded stores

By Tony Moore

Environment and Heritage Protection Minister Andrew Powell has called a halt on the proposed demolition of three old brick buildings in Margaret Street.

Mr Powell wants a second opinion on the heritage value of the buildings as well as these Bonded Stores' contribution to the streetscape.

Together the stores link to Brisbane's 1850s, although the buildings themselves date from 1913.

The "stop work" order was announced by Premier Campbell Newman at Redcliffe on Friday.

Mr Newman said he had been advised there was new information about the buildings that was not available to Brisbane City Council in 2005 when it reviewed the city's heritage buildings.

"These are heritage buildings. They are old buildings and there is precious little left in the Brisbane CBD," Mr Newman said.

"We are concerned that these may be lost to the people."

Mr Powell has called an urgent meeting of the Queensland Heritage Council to debate the demolition of the three buildings, which a developer wants to demolish for apartment block.

Mr Newman said it was right to issue a "stop work" order and let the Queensland Heritage Council decide.

He said it was not too late for the heritage council to act despite City Hall approving redevelopment of the site.


"If they should decide to list it, then I believe it would prevent the project as it stands,'' Mr Newman said.

Mr Powell said he issued the "stop work" order on the back of a number of requests from heritage enthusiasts.

"A development application was approved by Brisbane City Council earlier this year and there are some signs work had commenced on the site this week," Mr Powell said.

"As the Minister responsible for heritage in this state, I have asked the Queensland Heritage Council to consider the property at an extraordinary meeting."

Brisbane City Council had considered the heritage of the three buildings, but rejected an application to list the buildings.

Mr Powell said he wanted a second opinion.

"Based on the latest data available for assessment on buildings of this type, I am of the opinion the property was worth an assessment from the people who Queenslanders trust to make these independent decisions," Mr Powell said.

"The heritage merit of the Bonded Stores needs to be properly assessed and the Queensland Heritage Council should be given the opportunity to consider the property before demolition starts."

The proposed demolition of the three buildings was raised by Fairfax Media in early January in a series of stories.

The three buildings; Hotpoint House (1922), O'Reilly's Bonded Stores (1913) and the Free Stores Building (1913) are not listed on the Queensland Heritage list.

However conservation groups have argued they form an important heritage streetscape, because two adjacent buildings - Watson's Building, built in 1887 and the HP Sales Building (1912) - are on the Queensland's Heritage Register.

Debate over the future of the buildings centred around the importance of the heritage aspects of the Margaret Street streetscape.

Developer Sam Chong on December 19 applied to Brisbane City Council to demolish three old brick buildings because he wants to build a temporary off-leash dog park on Margaret Street.

John MacDonald, from the conservation lobby group Brisbane Heritage, welcomed the decision to review the heritage status of the three buildings.

"Together, these five buildings provide a rare example of the evolution of warehouse architecture and our state's early industrial heritage from 1887 to 1922 in an area known as Frog's Hollow," he said.

"This was an important industrial and red light district of early Brisbane between George and Edward Streets.

"These five buildings represent one of the last intact remnants of this precinct."

He thanked Minister Powell for responding to concerns.


"It is now in the court of the heritage council to do their job to protect heritage in Queensland,'' Mr MacDonald said.

"We also hope the developers will realise what an incredible asset the Bonded Stores could be for their new development."

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