

This was published 12 years ago

Axe hovers over diversionary court

By Tony Moore

The Newman government looks set to axe a Brisbane-based court program that has stopped 96 per cent of participating female prisoners returning to jail.

The Special Circumstances Court, which has run for more than three years, was designed specifically for prisoners who had a mental illness, brain or neurological disorders.

More than 30 per cent of the women who have been through the program so far were indigenous. yesterday reported new research which for first time shows that within the indigenous prison population, 86 per cent of women and 73 per cent of men had a diagnosed mental illness for more than 12 months.

The Brisbane-based community justice program, Sisters Inside, is the only group that provides assistance to women under this special diversionary court, which operated similarly to a magistrates court.

Sisters Inside chief executive Deb Kilroy said she despaired at the lack of support for the successful program, which was run only in Brisbane.

Funding will run out at the end of the year.

"We are really scared and so is the magistrate that runs the court, that it will be de-funded," Ms Kilroy said.

"The majority of women in that program get referred to us."

Offenders come before the court for minor public order, drug and theft offences.


"We would hope that it gets spread across the state, but we just a bit worried that with this new government it is going to be de-funded," Ms Kilroy said.

"We have had a 96 per cent success rate at keeping women out of prison."

The success of the court program was verified in 2011, with Brisbane Special Circumstances Court magistrate Christine Roney praising the work of Sisters Inside.

Sisters Inside diverted 240 women from 2007 to 2010, with virtually all women no longer re-offending, the report shows.

Justice Minister and Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie was yesterday specifically asked about the future of the program.

“All ministers have been directed to find savings within their Department as the new LNP government works to rein in the $2.8 billion deficit and $85 billion debt Labor left behind," was the response from Mr Bleijie's spokeswoman.

"The Attorney-General will continue to review programs within the department as part of this directive.

“Announcements on any government programs impacted will continue to be made when appropriate.”

Ms Kilroy said the answer was disappointing and said renewed funding for the court should be the automatic response from the Queensland government.

She said she was not surprised by Tuesday's report that showed 86 per cent of indigenous prisoners had a mental illness.

Ms Kilroy gave a frank assessment of the difficulties in dealing with indigenous prisoners.

She said mental illness was a trigger for repeat offending and said some indigenous prisoners had the mental age of seven, and did not speak English as a first language.

"I see women with mental illnesses who once they get trapped in that prison system it becomes a love/hate relationship. And they keep going back," she said.

"They come out, they collide with the police again, and then they are back in the courts and they're back in prison."

Ms Kilroy said the situation slowly became worse.

"We have women with more serious mental illness that will last 24 to 36 hours that will actually seek the police out to create offences so they go back to prison," she said.

"That has to be broken because it is not serving anyone any good purpose."

Sisters Inside is also questioning why the state government will not extend a one-off grant of $120,000 in funding for its work with indigenous women at Townsville's prison.

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