

This was published 11 years ago

A ways to go on flood rebuild, Quirk says

Two years on and there are still visible gaps in Brisbane’s built environment thanks to the flood which left City Hall with a $400 million repairs bill, and damaged 22,000 homes and 7,600 businesses.

Though council had spent $187 million had been spent on the recovery so far, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said there was still a fortune’s worth of work to be done, including the $70 million Riverwalk rebuild and between $70 to $90 million worth of ferry terminal upgrades.

The work would leave council over $100 million out of pocket Cr Quirk said on the second anniversary of the Brisbane River’s 4.46 metre peak Sunday.

But a spokesman for Cr Quirk said the figure had been budgeted for and was covered by $380 million in cuts to council’s programs made by then lord mayor Campbell Newman.

“We knew this is where we’d be, so we’re on track,” he said.

However leader of the opposition Milton Dick said the successive LNP administrations had dragged their feet on recovery work, throwing Queensland Reconstruction Authority funding into question.

Through the QRA, State and Federal Governments have so far contributed $145 million towards recovery projects with council, but Cr Dick said failure to stick to conditional timeframes put the money at risk.

“Two years on, construction still hasn’t started on $75 million rebuild of Riverwalk despite the Federal Government committing to pick up the bill for this work,” Cr Dick said.

“Instead of wanting pats on the back, the Lord Mayor should get on with the job of rebuilding Brisbane’s infrastructure.”


Describing the recover as a “marathon”, Cr Quirk said council had completed repairs such as 465km of stormwater drains, 13,000m2 of footpaths, 155 traffic intersections, 17 bridges and 406 parks since 2011.

About 66 per cent of works to council’s 194 flood damaged roads had also been completed in that time he said.

Meanwhile 107 flood-affected clubs had received $11.83 million in emergency funding, with a further $1.12 million going to 32 community groups.

Cr Quirk said council also spent around $14 million buying back 35 of Brisbane’s most flood-prone homes, and completed 75 per cent of all 124 recommendations handed down from the Flood Commission of Inquiry.

Council had also completed 52 of the 53 recommendations from its own flood review, he said.

“We’ve also made significant changes to Brisbane’s planning scheme in the last two years, including requiring building utilities to be located away from basements and allowing residents in flood-affected areas to raise their homes an extra metre,” Cr Quirk said.

“This has been so successful council is now proposing to allow all homes in Brisbane to be raised to 9.5 metres as part of the upcoming draft new City Plan.”

Cr Quirk said there had been 211 applications from residents in flooded areas to raise their homes to 9.5 metres under the Temporary Local Planning Instrument since it was introduced in May 2011.

Cost of the flood

The estimated cost of flood recovery work is in excess of $400 million, including:

  • $127 million for roads and related infrastructure
  • $41 million for disaster operations and clean-up
  • $19 million for parks
  • $20 million for the drain network
  • $9 million for creek remediation
  • $6 million for pools and libraries
  • $5 million for wharves, jetties and pontoons

Infrastructure recovery

Since the Brisbane January 2011 flood, Council has repaired and restored:

  • 23 ferry terminals initially repaired (100% complete)
  • 465.3km of stormwater drain network, including removal of 27,898kL of sludge (100% complete)
  • 13,402m2 of footpath (100% complete)
  • 194 roads (66% complete - 145,659m2 of bitumen laid so far)
  • 155 traffic intersections (100% complete)
  • 89 playgrounds (100% complete)
  • 17 bridges (100% complete)
  • 10 pontoons (100% complete)
  • 2,549 trees on public land (100% complete)

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