

This was published 12 years ago

70 per cent of CityCycle helmets go missing

By Katherine Feeney

About 70 per cent of Brisbane's free yellow CityCycle helmets have gone missing since they were introduced last year.

Council figures show 1500 yellow CityCycle helmets have gone missing, costing up to $13,500 and leaving only 650 helmets left circulating in the transport program that has been plagued from the start.

But “missing” did not necessarily mean “stolen”, according to a spokesman for Lord Mayor Graham Quirk – some people were simply reusing the helmets when taking their next trip.

Public and Active Transport chairman Peter Matic said Brisbane City Council stood by the helmets, and said their introduction a year ago, among a range of other improvements, contributed to an increase in CityCycle usage.

Thousands of CityCycle helmets have gone missing since they were introduced to the bike hire scheme.

Thousands of CityCycle helmets have gone missing since they were introduced to the bike hire scheme.Credit: Michelle Smith

Cr Matic said there were 170,000 cycle trips made this year, compared to 82,691 recorded to August 2011, before the helmets were introduced.

But the rise in use comes with rollout of stage two of the scheme to the city's western suburbs, including the University of Queensland.

Still, Cr Matic said fewer helmets would go missing as people continued to “get used” to the scheme.

“Let's not forget CityCycle is still a new concept for Brisbane, which people are still getting used to, and to have usage double just one year after making these improvements is a positive sign,” he said.

The CityCycle helmets have seemingly proven popular.

The CityCycle helmets have seemingly proven popular.

“The reality is that there are state laws requiring helmets and it's clear that providing free courtesy helmets has had a significant impact on boosting usage.”

But the council knew the free helmets would pose a problem; during a three-month trial in August last year, 250 of 400 helmets went missing.

Despite the loss, the Quirk administration went ahead with the helmet scheme and introduced another 500 free helmets in November at a total cost of $5000.

Operator JCDecaux covered half of the cost, and Cr Quirk's spokesman said the outdoor advertising company had also paid for the cost of all damages and stolen bicycles to-date.

Out of the 2000 bikes delivered, six had been stolen or reported missing, and 289 bicycles have had to be repaired as a result of vandalism, with each bike costing about $70 to fix.

However, the council has recovered all but one of the stolen bikes, the majority of repairs were minor, and there had been no bicycles fully written off due to damage resulting from vandalism, the spokesman said.

Opposition Leader Milton Dick said the latest figures show that the scheme failed to attract long term users and address congestion, describing CityCycle as “at best a novelty for tourists”.

“We've already wasted $8 million on City Cycle and this year the Lord Mayor will spend another $2.8 million on this failed bike scheme,” he said.

“Now we know why council is spending another $2.8 million on CityCycle - they need to replace all the stolen helmets.

"These figures show supplying $18,000 worth of yellow helmets hasn’t worked and either has designing a $10,000 City Cycle phone app – people just aren’t using City Cycle.

“CityCycle has only benefited the 1500 people who have made off with a nice new helmet.”

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