

This was published 5 months ago

Merrick Watts’ simple rule during Eltham pub fights: ‘Grab the till and run’

Once, an “amazing dichotomy between ruthless bogans and the arts”. Nowadays, Eltham is more like everywhere else.

By Clay Lucas

Merrick Watts in the Eltham Hotel main bar where he used to work.

Merrick Watts in the Eltham Hotel main bar where he used to work.Credit: Penny Stephens

In a series, The Age profiles Victorian suburbs and towns to reveal how they’ve changed over the decades.See all 38 stories.

It’s noon on a recent Friday and comedian Merrick Watts is standing in the tidy main lounge at the Eltham Hotel, remembering how quickly this very room could once erupt into violence when he tended bar here as a young man three decades ago.

If a wild brawl broke out, says Watts, now 50, the rule was simple: “You grab the till and you run for the back door.”

One night while Watts was working, the local tattoo artist – “a massive unit,” he says – was propped at the bar when a free-for-all began.

“There were guys belting each other with pool cues and billiard balls, it was a proper bar fight,” says Watts, who grew up in a classic Eltham mud-brick house just down the hill from the pub.

The tattooist that night “literally put his hands on the bar and he says, ‘No one touches the f---ing bar’, and the fight stopped. And then it resumed, but no one touched the bar, so I figured I was OK not to run out with the till and I was right”.

Watts also worked at the bottle shop. Just before he started there, a driver was refused service because he was drunk – an assertion the driver rejected. “And so he gets into his F100 ute, drove around the block, came back and drove it into the bottle shop. Then he gets out and says, ‘Told you I wasn’t drunk’.”

“Welcome to Eltham,” Watts deadpans after he finishes this tale. “Pretty, mud-brick, artisan Eltham. The Eltham of Montsalvat.” Existing alongside that Eltham, he says, were the shady deals and vicious assaults of that pub. “There was this amazing dichotomy here between ruthless bogans and the arts, and everyone just had to get along.”


Twenty kilometres from Melbourne’s city centre, and now home to almost 19,000 people, contemporary Eltham has changed dramatically from the suburb where Watts grew up. Then, it was a transition place from the bush to the city.

These days, it’s become more like everywhere else, and the scene for a more genteel – but sometimes just as vicious – type of fight, over development and planning.

A single-lane bridge in and out

For decades from white settlement, Eltham marked the end of Melbourne, but as the car became more dominant and the population more used to travelling longer distances, the fringe pushed further out.

Now, for many, the transition is between those who own homes here – in Eltham, 81 per cent of residents own their home outright or are buying it, versus the national average of 66 per cent – and those who want to move into this densely treed suburban paradise but can’t afford it.

Vicki Ward, MP for Eltham, at Edendale Farm. “It’s changed and it hasn’t,” she says.

Vicki Ward, MP for Eltham, at Edendale Farm. “It’s changed and it hasn’t,” she says.Credit: Justin McManus


“It’s changed and it hasn’t,” says Labor MP for Eltham Vicki Ward. She’s lived here since 1973 and when she arrived, “there used to be a dirt road between Eltham and Greensborough. There was a single-lane bridge coming out of Eltham; you had to pull over to allow other cars to come in”.

What hasn’t changed is the “small town vibe” and sense of community in the suburb, which has “two degrees of separation”, she says. “It’s a really smart move in Eltham to not say too many bad things about people because they will learn about it.”

As the suburb has grown, much has stayed the same, Ward says, and for many at the centre of it is the local footy club, established in 1904, where former players include Collingwood great Peter Moore, Western Bulldogs captain Marcus Bontempelli and the Magpies’ Patrick Lipinski.

Eltham Football Club operations manager John Smith’s grandchildren came to the club to play Auskick; the eldest of those grandchildren is now 33. “They went and I stayed,” says Smith, 77, of a club with 30 teams and 900 players. “Eltham is like a small country town and on the edge of suburbia – it’s got that country sort of feeling, even our ground itself, it’s just all trees. It’s beautiful.”

Smith grew up in Thornbury, and when he was a kid, “a Sunday school picnic might go to Eltham”. Now Smith says that same picnic would end up at Yarra Glen.

Former Nillumbik mayor Peter Clarke lived in Eltham from 1989 to 2019 and much of his time on the council was spent dealing with anger over many of Eltham’s large blocks being cleared for townhouses. “The loss of tree canopy was the main concern,” says Clarke, a Liberal Party member, who says the community is “very politically engaged” in fighting many projects. “There is a large group of community activists, but they’re activists in the NIMBY sense.”


Another who lived in the area for most of his life (but moved to nearby Templestowe in 2022) is state upper house Liberal MP Nick McGowan. The 49-year-old says Eltham is beautiful “but unfortunately, it has become a bit of a highway” due to bad planning decisions.

He says these turned the suburb’s biggest thoroughfare, Main Road, into a major arterial road while a large commercial shopping centre developed behind it. “It’s lost a lot of its character because we’ve failed to protect Main Road.”

Forced out by the pioneers

White settlement first came to Eltham in the late 1830s. Before that, the Wurundjeri-willam clan occupied parts of the area for centuries.

They thrived on the abundant sources of food cultivated along the Yarra River, Diamond Creek and the Plenty River in the region.

There are no records of massacres in Eltham but that does not mean the violence of the frontier was absent from the area. Respected late local author Mick Woiwod believed there was a confrontation, not a massacre, in 1838 at nearby Kangaroo Ground that “wiped out an entire clan”.


Over time, the local Indigenous people were forced out by pioneers, who took over the land for tree felling to fuel businesses closer to town, then for grazing and growing vegetables. Later, Eltham became a stopping point for those en route to goldfields in Panton Hill and St Andrews.

It developed as a township until the government sold large tracts in the 1850s that were subdivided into smaller allotments. Trains came to Eltham in 1902, with orchardists and farmers using the rail to transport fruit.

A day trip to Eltham


At the start of the 20th century, tourism was one of the big drivers of visitors, with parts of Eltham developed for holiday shacks. “People would come out on day trips to see the wattles around Hurstbridge,” says Jim Connor, president of the Eltham District Historical Society.

In the 1930s, Eltham became known for the Montsalvat artists’ community. “Artists and tradespeople came to the area and did their apprenticeship through Montsalvat and then moved beyond to create their own skills,” says Connor.

Among those tradespeople was builder and house designer Alistair Knox, who believed homes should work with the environment, not against. The mud-brick houses he and others built around Eltham came partly from a shortage of building materials after World War II. “Then mud brick became a favoured way of being able to build,” says Connor, who for over 40 years has lived in a Knox house.

Jane Hinwood in her Eltham mud-brick home.

Jane Hinwood in her Eltham mud-brick home.Credit: Justin McManus

Jane Hinwood and partner Andrew Evans are members of the Nillumbik Mudbrick Association and have lived in a “muddy”, as they’re known locally, for the past 26 years. “They fit into the environment,” says Hinwood, in a way that presaged the sort of environmental building concerns that are now standard among architects and home builders.

“These houses were ahead of their time in terms of recycled building materials. They didn’t waste anything on the building site — everything is used, and the materials are local; the mud comes from the area. Current building practice has a huge amount of waste.”

The success of Eltham and this alternative way of building led to the suburb booming and by the 1970s, major builders had moved in. “It’s been a gradual metamorphosis that higher-density residential development came through,” says local historian Connor, once a shire councillor.


In 1991, McDonald’s came to town and, after a lengthy dispute with locals and Eltham Council, it was built with a subdued design and colours to better blend into Eltham. Over time, though, it has been redeveloped and is now typical of any McDonald’s on the planet. Connor was part of the fight to stop McDonald’s; locals believed that once it was in, other chain restaurants would follow, diluting Eltham’s character. “And we’ve, of course, now got KFC and Hungry Jack’s.”

Connor says development in the past two decades has “quickened – not only multiple townhouses on large blocks, but McMansions that take a very, very heavily treed large lot and build a house that covers almost the entire block with almost no trees”.

Connor says Eltham had fewer trees in the 1950s than today, but to lose that canopy now is to remove the reason many were attracted to the area in the first place.

They don’t like change

As the suburb grew over the 1990s, an increasing number of apartments and townhouses were built, leading many locals to fight what they saw as the destruction of their area. The Eltham Community Action Group is now well established, regularly objecting to larger developments in the area. President Carlota Quinlan taught at multiple Eltham schools before her retirement, got involved in the 1990s, and now regularly goes to the state planning tribunal to object to projects her group views as unsuited to Eltham.

Carlota Quinlan is president of the Eltham Community Action Group.

Carlota Quinlan is president of the Eltham Community Action Group.Credit: Justin McManus

“I am fairly passionate about the area,” says Quinlan, who moved to Eltham in 1981. “We came because it was a sort of natural semi-rustic environment. It’s markedly different now.”

Quinlan says developers come to the area and carve large lots into multi-residential projects. “Most of the time, the trees aren’t retained.”

One project her group and Nillumbik Council opposed at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal is on Eltham’s Brougham Street.

The Brougham Street Collective is an “intergenerational co-housing”, resident-led project where owners have banded together as a group to develop 21 townhouses in a $20 million project – on a 6900-square metre site not far from Eltham railway station. Existing mud-brick buildings on site will be retained for communal space. The townhouses will have net zero carbon output in their construction and be deep green in their future energy use.

An artist’s impression of the Brougham Street Collective project in Eltham, a proposed 21-townhouse development that went before VCAT in April.

An artist’s impression of the Brougham Street Collective project in Eltham, a proposed 21-townhouse development that went before VCAT in April.Credit: DKO Architecture

Tim Riley is director of Property Collectives, the development manager seeing the project through on behalf of owners since 2021. This is the first project he has managed in outer Melbourne – others have been in inner-city suburbs like Northcote, Brunswick and St Kilda.

Riley says it’s unsurprising that the community group is “quite anti-development” because Eltham doesn’t have much high-quality infill housing. “They have some justification from what I’ve seen of medium-density development in that area.” He says those who have bought into Brougham Street, designed by architects DKO to fit seamlessly into the local environment, want to create an “intentional community” in an eco-village.

“It’s a great development that wouldn’t be delivered by a speculative developer because you can only create that sort of outcome when you have the end users in the tent.”

A decision from the state tribunal on whether the project can proceed is expected by next month.

”They’re quite modest homes,” says Magnus Irvine, one of the initial founders of the project. He will live in a one-bedroom townhouse. “But I’m getting all this extra shared space and the location is amazing – our principle is to have modest homes that are very liveable because of the shared community situation.”

Magnus Irvine in front of a mud-brick house that will be retained as part of the Brougham St Collective townhouse development.

Magnus Irvine in front of a mud-brick house that will be retained as part of the Brougham St Collective townhouse development. Credit: Penny Stephens

Another project member is Ross Wade, who with his wife will move into the project when it’s built (their son will also have a home). “People’s eyes usually light up when you talk about moving into a community like the one we will have,” says Wade.

Another in the collective is Suzanne Hurley, who says Eltham, “one of the really old suburbs of Melbourne”, has so many wonderful community and environmental aspects to it. “The downside is that they don’t like change.”

‘What an idiot. He’s gonna go nowhere.’

Back at the Eltham Hotel, Merrick Watts is doing a roll-call of famous students who, like him, attended Eltham High School: racing car driver Peter Brock, actor Ben Mendelsohn, footballer Daisy Pearce, broadcaster Phillip Adams and cyclist Cadel Evans. (Watts remembers Cadel as “the kid who used to race the buses on his mountain bike. We used to think he was mad – we used to say: ‘What an idiot. He’s gonna go nowhere’.”)

Merrick Watts at the Eltham Hotel where he used to work.

Merrick Watts at the Eltham Hotel where he used to work.Credit: Penny Stephens

Watts lives in Sydney now but comes to Melbourne regularly, and always stays in Eltham. Over time, his beloved suburb has become more like the rest of Melbourne, he says. “There were two Elthams when I was here: the families linked to the arts community, mostly via Montsalvat, which was what my family was partly connected to. And then there were the really blue-collar, working-class people that could have affordable homes. Eltham’s become more similar to other suburbs so it doesn’t stand out as much as it used to.”

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An earlier version of this story stated that the late local author Mick Woiwod had written of a historical massacre in Kangaroo Ground, near Eltham. Woiwod did not write of a massacre, although he did say there had been a “confrontation” that “wiped out an entire clan”.

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