

This was published 7 months ago

Foreign buyers let off on extra stamp duties, but government won’t name them

By Broede Carmody

At least 28 foreign-owned businesses had their additional stamp duty obligations waived last year, delivering an estimated $73 million hit to Victoria’s budget bottom line.

A one-page document tabled in the Victorian parliament during the first sitting week of the year acknowledges the exemption, granted by Treasurer Tim Pallas. The state government would not say which companies received the exemptions, citing taxpayer confidentiality.

Stamp duty is a financial burden for most home buyers.

Stamp duty is a financial burden for most home buyers. Credit: Jason South

The state opposition says this raises questions about whether the government is fulfilling its obligations under the law.

Victoria’s Duties Act states that Pallas as treasurer must, at least every 12 months, provide parliament with the number of foreign duty exemptions and the amount of revenue likely foregone, as well as the “name of each foreign corporation or foreign trust” to which an exemption is granted.

Stamp duty is a state-based tax determined by the sale price of a home or the property’s market value, whichever is greater. The median stamp duty in Melbourne is just under $50,000, up from just $1300 in the 1980s.

Since 2019, foreign purchasers of land have incurred an additional 8 per cent stamp duty charge.

Shadow treasurer Brad Rowswell said the Allan government needed to say who had received a tax exemption. The Coalition is also seeking to discover whether the duty waivers were done at the request of Pallas, independently by the State Revenue Office, or both.

“Why is there one set of rules for foreigners, while Victorians are forced to pay the highest property taxes in the nation?” Rowswell asked.


A spokeswoman for the Allan government stressed the exemptions were granted on the basis that the corporations or trusts in question would contribute to the building of new homes.


“One of the greatest issues facing our state right now is housing supply,” the spokeswoman said.

“To encourage more homes to be built, foreign purchasers may be eligible for an exemption from additional duty when their investment or project supports housing growth across Victoria. Other states such as NSW and Queensland offer similar exemptions.”

AMP chief economist Shane Oliver said $73 million was not a lot of revenue in the grand scheme of governments; Victoria’s total spending this financial year will be about $90 billion. But Oliver said that taxpayers generally liked more transparency around exemptions, particularly for unpopular charges.

“Stamp duty for the average Victorian buying the average house is a huge cost,” Oliver said. “And so the typical Victorian would think: ‘Why do they get an exemption, but I don’t?’ If it’s giving fellow Victorians a leg up, then maybe they’d think it’s fair enough. If it’s not, they’d think it’s not. This is the thing – we don’t quite know.”


The government has a target of building 80,000 homes a year over the next 10 years as part of its housing reform package released last year.

States reap billions of dollars in stamp duty each financial year. For much of the past decade, Victoria’s annual stamp duty collection sat between $4 and $6 billion.

However, the tax is despised by homebuyers and economists alike. For purchasers, it represents an extra hurdle – particularly for many first-home buyers or elderly people looking to downsize. Meanwhile, financial theorists and some politicians dislike that it causes government revenue to fluctuate depending on the property market.

Victoria’s net debt is expected to reach $177.8 billion by 2027, according to the December financial mid-year update. The Allan government has warned that this year’s budget will be very tight and departments have been told to cut back their spending requests. Last year’s budget included hiked property taxes.

A parliamentary inquiry last year recommended that Treasury investigate and publicly report back on how Victoria could replace upfront stamp duty with a broad-based land tax for residential properties.

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