This was published 5 years ago
LNP to repay $500,000 in property developer donations to donors
The LNP will be allowed to return about half a million dollars from property developers to donors, instead of the money being funnelled to the Queensland government.
The decision came after the High Court earlier this year ruled Queensland laws banning property developers from donating to political parties and candidates were valid.
Former LNP president Gary Spence challenged Labor's property developer donation laws in the High Court.Credit: LNP Queensland
In a statement, Electoral Commissioner of Queensland Pat Vidgen said he would allow political parties to return the unlawful donations, subject to strict conditions.
"Should any party fail to comply with all conditions, the electoral commissioner reserves the right to take further action to recover unlawful donations as a debt to the state," he said.
It is understood the affected donations may total about $500,000 but the party will double-check records.
The Palaszczuk Labor government passed laws last year, backdated until before the 2017 Queensland election, banning property developers from donating money to state and council politicians, candidates and parties.
Then-LNP president Mr Spence, also the chairman of engineering consultancy PeakUrban, launched a challenge to the laws in the High Court in mid-2018 and in December resigned his position on the LNP.
He argued the laws prevented him from legally playing a role in the leadership of the party ahead of the federal election, including fundraising, due to his role in the property development industry.
Earlier this year, the High Court ruled the Queensland laws were valid. Part of the Commonwealth Electoral Act allowing federal candidates, politicians and parties to accept gifts despite any existing state laws was ruled invalid.
The federal laws, enacted on January 1, allowed Queensland political parties to receive otherwise unlawful donations from property developers in the lead-up to the federal election, if they were to be used for Commonwealth electoral purposes.
At the time, the Electoral Commission of Queensland told stakeholders gifts designated for federal electoral purposes would be treated as protected by Commonwealth law and would not be captured by Queensland's ban.
But the High Court's ruling meant any donations received from January to mid-April this year from property developers, whether they were meant for state or federal purposes, were unlawful and could be recovered by the ECQ as a debt to the state.
In a statement, the ECQ said it considered public interest factors when deciding to allow the money to be returned to donors, including that parties acted in good faith following ECQ advice, and that the receipt of unlawful donations arose from a genuine understanding it was legal at the time.
"Recovery action in the circumstances may jeopardise voluntary compliance and cooperation by stakeholders in the future," it reads.
LNP president David Hutchinson said he wanted to thank the ECQ for engaging with the party constructively on the issue.
"The Labor Party's financial gerrymander has put the Commission in a very awkward position of having to pursue the government's political rivals," he said.
"However, the ECQ officials have been consummate professionals and have handled the process as well as they could have."
The LNP will have three weeks to repay the donations.
The High Court's full reasons were released last month, revealing Justice Geoffrey Nettle's dissenting argument that the discriminatory nature of the laws, by singling out property developers for a ban, could not be justified.
"It is not unreasonable to suppose that there is now a significant proportion of the Queensland electorate who believe that the state of Queensland is or would be justified in prohibiting political donations by tobacco companies, the gun lobby or fossil fuel producers, on the basis that any influence that those organisations might exert on anti-smoking or gun control or fossil fuel production policies or legislation would be "undue"," he wrote.