

This was published 2 years ago

In 1991, Joan Sheldon blazed a trail for women in Qld politics

By Tony Moore

The release of Queensland cabinet papers from 1991, when Wayne Goss was into the second year of his premiership, show the emergence of a cautious, modern state.

Long a conservative stronghold, Queensland was in the grip of change that was not only brought on by the governing Labor Party.

Internationally, the world’s first website was launched by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee who invented the World Wide Web, the Soviet Union was dismantling, and US grunge band Nirvana released the era-defining Nevermind.

The gloss began to slide from Wayne Goss in 1991 but her remained popular as he pushed ahead with steady, but conservative reforms.

The gloss began to slide from Wayne Goss in 1991 but her remained popular as he pushed ahead with steady, but conservative reforms.Credit: Fairfax Media

In the Sunshine State, Mr Goss and his cabinet ministers jostled with pokies, AIDS, and the remnants of the National Party era: disgraced police commissioner Terry Lewis was jailed, former premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen was put on trial for corruption, and peaceful protest was legalised.

And that same year, the Liberal Party became the first party in Queensland to elect a woman leader.

Mr Goss’ 1989 election had seen seven additional Labor women elected. In 1990, Liberal Joan Sheldon was elected member for Landsborough at a byelection sparked by the resignation of National Party leader Mike Ahern.

Eighteen months later, in November 1991, Sheldon defeated Liberal favourite Denver Beanland in a leadership ballot, before going on to serve as deputy premier and treasurer in Rob Borbidge’s coalition government.

In 1991, Joan Sheldon became the first women to lead a political party in Queensland.

In 1991, Joan Sheldon became the first women to lead a political party in Queensland. Credit: Fairfax Media

In doing so, Ms Sheldon paved the way for Labor’s Anna Bligh to become Queensland’s first female premier, and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to become Australia’s longest-serving female head of government.


In the Queensland Speaks series of interviews, Ms Sheldon said that starting out in politics there was no induction for new MPs.

“I remember walking in and Denver Beanland – who was the leader of the Liberal Party – said, ‘Right, you’ve got the shadow portfolios of health, Aboriginal and Islander affairs and family services’,” Ms Sheldon said.

“And frankly, I didn’t even know where I was when I got out of the lift!”

Ms Sheldon established for the first time an Office for Women within Queensland Parliament, creating opportunities for women - and raising the hackles of male MPs.

“The thing that was said was, ‘Where is the Office for Men’?” she recalled.

“We really made our ministers and our public servants think twice when they were getting a board together so there needed to be some female representation.

“It was nothing like equal, but it was step in the right direction.”

Thirty years on, Queensland has been led by a woman for three consecutive terms. And Ms Palaszczuk is set to become state Labor’s longest-serving leader if she sees out the term.

In 2022, eight women are Queensland ministers and Queensland’s Governor is Jeannette Young, the state’s former chief health officer. The chief justice and police commissioner are also women.

Queensland Premier and former treasurer Annastacia Palaszczuk addresses media in Parliament.

Queensland Premier and former treasurer Annastacia Palaszczuk addresses media in Parliament.Credit: Attila Csaszar

The Office for Women started by Ms Sheldon is now part of the Attorney-General’s department, held by Shannon Fentiman and previously Yvette D’Ath, who is now health minister.

Leeanne Enoch, the Minister for Arts, Digital Economy, Communities and Housing, reflected on Ms Sheldon’s ascension to leader in 1991.

“She became Queensland’s first parliamentary party leader,” Ms Enoch said.

“And today we see a large proportion of our leadership in parliament is now women.”

Back in 1991, Mr Goss was being challenged for the first time in government, according to University of Queensland political history expert Chris Salisbury.

Mr Goss was attracting criticism from public sector unions for his changes to modernise the public service, and from industry groups as he planned to turn Fraser Island – now K’gari - into a World Heritage-listed national park.

“Goss publicly declared that his was not a radical government; his was one looking to modernise the state,” Dr Salisbury said.

“In this year, his administration was portrayed as ‘conservatively progressive’ or ‘progressive conservatism’.

A young Kevin Rudd – originally Mr Goss’ chief of staff – became head of the new Office of Queensland Cabinet from July 1991.

Kevin Rudd as the Head of Queensland’s Office of Cabinet.

Kevin Rudd as the Head of Queensland’s Office of Cabinet.Credit: Adam Smith

“This is quite a landmark decision [creating the Office of Cabinet], not just for policy and administration wonks, but in the very make-up of cabinet materials themselves,” Dr Salisbury said.

“You can see almost from the beginnings of the cabinet office itself in July 1991 that the materials taken to cabinet; submissions, briefing papers; reflects this new kind of structure,” he said.

“It really changed the way decision-making happened both in cabinet and filtered down into legislation that the government passed.”

1991 and the Peaceful Assembly Bill

One of the key promises of the Goss government in 1989 was to abolish the anti-street march legislation symbolic of the Bjelke-Petersen era.

In February 1991, the Peaceful Assembly Bill was finally introduced to State Parliament and became legislation in 1992.

The cabinet briefing paper noted: “This [street march legislation] led to almost two years of bitter confrontation between demonstrators and the police force, leading to almost 2000 people arrested for various summary offences.


“Queensland was criticised throughout Australia for adopting draconian, heavy-handed tactics.”

But first, discussions with Brisbane’s lord mayor (Sallyanne Atkinson and then, after the March 1991 council election, Jim Soorley) had to seek a compromise because councils were responsible for pedestrian malls.

Malls were excluded from the bill.

“The outcome was that the right to peaceful assembly is a qualified right subject to such lawful restrictions as are necessary and reasonable in the interests of public order, public safety and the rights and freedoms of others,” the briefing note shows.

That right was tested and upheld in 2019 by Brisbane Greens councillor Jonathan Sri.

1991 Cabinet discusses start for North Queensland Cowboys

On September 9, 1991, Mr Goss in cabinet asked then sports minister Bob Gibbs to advise on getting a rugby league team from north Queensland to join the Broncos in the NSW rugby league competition.

A week later, Mr Gibbs advised that a sports company, Top End Rugby League Inc (Top End), could raise $5 million equity from the corporate sector of Queensland, predominantly from north Queensland.

Castlemaine XXXX also guaranteed $300,000 sponsorship, and Mr Gibbs offered Townsville’s Willows Paceway for the Cowboys’ centre of operations and home games.

However, there was not enough time to satisfy the rugby league guidelines and the Cowboys, as the club became known, did not enter the competition until the 1995 season.

Talks began in 1991, but 14 years later the North Queensland Cowboys celebrate their 2015 golden-point grand final win.

Talks began in 1991, but 14 years later the North Queensland Cowboys celebrate their 2015 golden-point grand final win.Credit: Cameron Spencer

Managing 1991’s AIDS pandemic

Queensland is part of a world gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, but in 1991 the health crisis was HIV/AIDS.

On January 31, 1991, a cabinet briefing paper revealed 1040 Queenslanders were HIV positive.

The risk of HIV spreading among students was “considerable”, cabinet was told.


“Ten per cent of notifications are under 25 years of age, the majority of whom were infected as adolescents,” cabinet was told.

“[The] prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents, suggest that the risk of HIV infection, for many young people, is considerable. Various surveys have indicated that first sexual intercourse for young Australians begins as early as 13 years old, and up to 47 per cent of 15-16 year olds are sexually active.”

Cabinet described the existing education programs as “inadequate and becoming obsolete” and approved an ongoing high school AIDS education program costing $75,000 a year.

1991 Trials and sentences for former Bjelke-Petersen figures

  • April 1991: Former minister Geoff Muntz sentenced for 12 months’ jail for misusing $4891 of his ministerial expenses.
  • June 1991: Former minister Russ Hinze dies of bowel cancer before his corruption trial begins.
  • August 1991: Police commissioner Terry Lewis sentenced to 14 years’ jail for taking bribes.
  • September 1991: No verdict delivered in Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen’s corruption trial and jury foreman Luke Shaw is identified as a Young Nationals member and member of the Friends of Joh fundraising group.

The infamous role played by Mr Shaw was comprehensively examined by the Criminal Justice Commission in 1992 and while there were flaws in jury selection, no “prima facie” case of corruption was found.

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