

This was published 3 years ago

From the Archives, 1987: I won't resign, says tough-talking Joh

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen had been a masterful and domineering Premier, but as his popularity waned he turned on his potential rivals, threatening to engulf the Queensland Government in an unprecedented constitutional crisis.

By Greg Roberts

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on November 26, 1987


BRISBANE: The Premier, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, will ignore the outcome of a meeting of the parliamentary National Party today which is expected to see him dumped and replaced by Mr Mike Ahern.

His stand could engulf the Queensland Government in an unprecedented constitutional crisis.

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen enters government house on November 25, 1987.

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen enters government house on November 25, 1987.Credit: Peter O'Halloran

Sir Joh said last night that the meeting scheduled for this morning was"invalid".

"None of its decisions will be binding on anyone, including the people attending," he said.

The Premier will boycott the meeting called yesterday by a meeting of the party's management committee in response to Sir Joh's attempt on Tuesday to sack five Cabinet ministers.

Instead, he has called a Cabinet meeting for 9 30 this morning, half an hour before the scheduled parliamentary party meeting. He will tell ministers not to attend the later meeting, but sources say this advice will be ignored.

Sir Joh said on Channel 9, Brisbane, last night: "I am not irrational. I am very, very soundly balanced and supported by his Excellency (Governor Sir Walter Campbell)."


Mr Ahern will move for a spill of the leadership positions at this morning's meeting. The former Minister for Health is expected to comfortably beat off challenges from the Deputy Premier, Mr Bill Gunn, and the Minister for Main Roads, Mr Russ Hinze.

Mr Gunn is expected to retain his position as Deputy Leader.

The Premier last night ruled out legal action against the meeting. He said the management committee had no authority to call it, and that the parliamentary party was bound by a decision it made last Thursday to allow him to convene the next meeting.

Sir Joh said on television: "I have no intention of resigning. Why should I resign? I have done a good job."

If Sir Joh refuses to tender his resignation, party strategists plan to convince Sir Walter that the newly-elected Leader has the confidence of the party and the Government.

As a desperate measure, Sir Joh might opt to sit on the cross-benches as an Independent. With the support of only four loyal National supporters, he could vote with the ALP and the Liberal Party for a vote of no-confidence in the National Government under its new Leader.

Yesterday saw another extraordinary series of events culminating in the management committee meeting, which voted 29-1 in favour of calling the parliamentary meeting. Sir Joh had earlier refused demands by MPs to convene one.

The party president, Sir Robert Sparkes, said Sir Joh's action in sacking the five ministers had "generated a great deal of concern in the party".

The ministers were sacked by Sir Joh on Tuesday when they refused to resign. However, a request by the Premier to the Governor to withdraw their commissions was rebuffed, and Sir Joh was forced to call a special Cabinet meeting on Tuesday night.

The Governor finally agreed yesterday afternoon to withdraw the commissions of three of the ministers, including Mr Ahern, and to swear in two new ministers.

Sir Robert said the meeting today would resolve the leadership difficulties "once and for all". He did not believe Sir Joh would be Premier after the meeting. He "absolutely" expected Sir Joh to accept the outcome.

The day's events began with a Cabinet meeting called by Sir Joh yesterday morning. Ministers rejected his proposals for a major reshuffling of portfolios which would have seen Mr Gunn lose the Treasury responsibilities he shares with the Premier.


Sir Joh went to see the Governor who again rebuffed him. Sir Joh returned to Cabinet where ministers accepted watered-down changes.

The two new ministers, Mr Gordon Simpson, and the Speaker, Mr Kevin Lingard, were sworn in yesterday afternoon. Sir Joh attended the ceremony with Mr Gunn, who was there at Sir Walter's request, and two other loyal ministers

One minister summed up the apparent confusion surrounding these events: "It was all a huge farce. We went along with it because we knew none of it would mean anything after (today)."

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