This was published 4 years ago
From lore to law: Traditional adoption legally recognised in Queensland
By Lydia Lynch
After decades of lobbying successive Queensland governments the ancient practice of Torres Strait Islander adoption has been legally recognised for the first time in Australia.
The Labor government's 2017 election promise to acknowledge the traditional practice in law was finally delivered in the final parliamentary sitting week of Annastacia Palaszczuk's second term in office.
Ivy Trevallion cried tears of joy when the traditional adoption bill was passed in Queensland.Credit: Lydia Lynch
Under the practice of "Kupai Omasker", Torres Strait Islander children can be adopted by relatives or members of the community for a range of reasons including equal distribution of the sexes among families and to give an infertile relative the chance to be a parent.
Without legal recognition of the adoption practice, newborns in the Torres Strait were registered under their biological surname name or not given a birth certificate at all which has a number of practical and cultural implications.
The Kupai Omasker working party chair, Aunty Ivy Trevallion, said failing to recognise the practice under the law created issues with the issuing of drivers' licences, passports, school enrolments, inheritance and Native Title rights.
She said doctors would require biological parents to sign off on medical procedures or appear in court for children they did not know.
"We have generations of families who have missed out on a lot of things," she said.
Applause rang out from a group of Torres Strait Islanders, who were watching the vote from the public gallery of Parliament, once the Bill passed on Tuesday night.
It passed unanimously with the support of the LNP opposition and the crossbench.
The first Torres Strait Islander to be voted into any Australian Parliament, Queensland's Member for Cook Cynthia Lui, introduced the private member's bill on behalf of her community.
"This sacred cultural practice supports the permanent transfer of parentage for a child from the biological parents to the cultural parents ... It is a consent-based, verbal agreement that usually occurs within an extended family," Ms Lui told State Parliament when she introduced the Bill in July.
Queensland MP Cynthia Lui.
"Under the practice, the child’s biological parents are never lost to a child, as the child is usually placed within the family network.
"The child continues to have a relationship with them, and can recognise them as aunt, uncle or another familial relationship."
When asked how she felt watching the Bill pass in Parliament, Ms Trevallion began to cry.
"Very sad. Sad for all of my family but I am crying the tears of happiness," she said.
"It will give a lot of people peace of mind
"I want to thank all of the families for their support, if it was not for the people of the Torres Strait we would not be able to work so hard to get this through for them."
The legislation will be reviewed after two years.