

This was published 4 years ago


Why the Nats aren't road kill, yet

John Barilaro wasn't appealing to his party room, but to a growing group of disaffected Australians.

The National Party has been in a death spiral for years and it says a lot about a very tenacious and committed group of people in moleskins that the funeral has not been held. Of course, NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s outburst last week was ridiculously timed and picked on the one national mascot we haven’t eaten; and, of course, Premier Gladys Berejiklian stared him down magnificently and he had to back down.

But he’s made the point, hasn’t he?

Testing times for the Liberal and Nationals Coalition ... Premier Gladys Berejiklian with her deputy John Barilaro in the NSW Parliament.

Testing times for the Liberal and Nationals Coalition ... Premier Gladys Berejiklian with her deputy John Barilaro in the NSW Parliament.Credit: Wolter Peeters

No, not to his party room, which is a mixture of former Young Liberals and community-minded country-town folk, who back him, almost to the hilt. It wasn't really intended for them because he has quite a command of a parliamentary group absolutely transformed in recent years from graziers and stock and station agents to community nurses and local media personalities. From tweed-coated, ruddy-faced farmers to a community party.

Rather, Barilaro’s dog whistle was to the other end of the National Party voting spectrum. Here you find the frustrated farmers and graziers who are struggling in an increasingly regulated environment dominated by a baffling land management code they can never crack. As Australian agriculture relentlessly mechanises and corporatises there are fewer of these voters.

Here you also find a growing group of disaffected Australians who have taken to living in regional and outback towns. They, too, abhor the abstract verbiage and superiority of the ruling classes who look down on their dirt motor-bike racing and four-wheel-drive forays in national parks. They have taken to pig hunting, earrings and the odd, endearing tattoo as they seek to make clear that they reject the genteel vanilla life of the suburbs.

These groups are acutely aware that the country rides on the back of their efforts; as farmers, farm hands, miners or allied workers. They believe that one of the world’s major exporters of food and minerals should treat its towns with due respect, no matter how few their residents.

You may not recognise these voters; many are the rank-and-file supporters of One Nation and the Shooters and Fishers, two parties with "Death to the Nats" tattooed on their souls. But Barilaro is wooing them hard.

I promise you I haven’t checked, but, in my experience, well-resourced political party leaders do not make absurd utterances such as these without some sort of polling telling them they need to do something, however crazy, to reassure voters they are acting on some perceived problem.

For most of us, after the flare-up and then denouement last week, there was a sigh of relief that koalas were safe again (they are not so long as we continue to populate) and we move on, two years out from an election. For others, those marginal voters in country towns, there was the thought that maybe Barilaro wasn’t such a bad bloke after all.


The increasingly unhappy marriage between Liberal and National parties can be traced back to the surge of the environmental protection movement. A little history first. In the good old days of Bob Menzies and Black Jack McEwen, the Liberal Party was happy to defend the (then) Country Party’s absurd promotion of protectionism. After all, metropolitan manufacturers got even more out of it than the tiny number of their kind in regional towns held by Country Party members. That protectionism damaged the interests of the Country Party’s prime constituency, farmers, was carefully never pointed out by anyone including, wisely, the unions.


The Malcolm Fraser-Doug Anthony marriage was similarly happy because Fraser was a farmer and, anyway, all his closest friends in cabinet were Nats. His foray into saving whales and Indigenous land rights might have bothered a few but, wisely, they kept their focus on budget repair and the prime minister’s middle-power policy (who could forget his negotiating on Zimbabwe's independence).

More recently, John Howard so utterly seduced Tim Fischer that the Nats happily bore the political brunt of gun-law reform while free-trade agreements and taxation reform were pursued. Mind you, those gun law reforms were the first wake-up call to regional communities that coalition with that nice Mr Howard was not always in their interests.

Meanwhile, the environment movement’s political influence has grown and grown, and party schisms with it. The splitting effect of environmental politics on the ALP constituency has long been obvious; coal miners and steel workers versus white-collar, inner-city professionals. However, its effect on the Liberal-Nationals marriage is just as profound. Splinter parties such as the Shooters and Fishers and One Nation have prospered from both.


A split in the ALP over environment policy (in which case blue-collar unions would join with anti-green members) would be extremely threatening to Australia’s political duopoly if it coincided with a split between Nats and Liberals on the same issue. Bearing in mind the strong commonality between traditional blue-collar Labor and the Nats, who preside over some of the poorest electorates in the country, it is not difficult to foresee a political Grace and Frankie, where two quietly unhappy wives wake up one morning to discover their husbands have run off together. (You need to get Netflix.)

That’s what’s keeping Barilaro up all night. Who is surprised if he occasionally acts out his nightmare?

Pru Goward is a former sex discrimination commissioner and NSW Liberal minister. She is a professor at Western Sydney University and a director with Taylor Fry, data analysts and actuaries.

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