

This was published 6 months ago

Sydney’s rich getting richer: How do incomes in your suburb stack up?

By Matt Wade and Craig Butt

Income has become more concentrated in some of Sydney’s wealthiest regions including the eastern suburbs, inner city and inner west during the past decade, while in the western suburbs the distribution of earnings has remained relatively stable.

Analysis of personal income by the Bureau of Statistics shows the top 1 per cent snared a bigger share of earnings in Sydney’s eastern suburbs than any other city region – 20.2 per cent, up 2.1 percentage points over the decade to 2020-21. The top 10 per cent of earners in that area now take home 48.1 per cent of all income (up from 46.5 per cent a decade ago).

The top 1 per cent of earners in Sydney snare more than 12 per cent of all personal income.

The top 1 per cent of earners in Sydney snare more than 12 per cent of all personal income. Credit: iStock

The Ryde region had the city’s biggest increase in earnings going to the top 1 per cent in that period; up 2.5 percentage points to 14.2 per cent. In the inner west, the 1 per cent’s share climbed from 10.3 per cent to 11.3 per cent in the decade.

But across much of western Sydney the share of income accruing to the top 1 per cent of earners was largely unchanged. In the Blacktown district the top 1 per cent earned only 4.7 per cent of all income in 2020-21, the lowest share of any Sydney region (up 0.2 percentage points over the decade).

Terry Rawnsley, an urban economist at KPMG, said structural changes in Sydney’s economy, especially the boom in knowledge intensive services such as finance and IT, had been a key driver of income disparities across the city.

“The clustering of those businesses and workers in and around Sydney’s CBD has meant more and more income accumulating in those areas,” he said.

“A lot of that income is subsequently rolled into assets like property or shares and the effect compounds over time. As incomes go up, housing in those inner-city suburbs becomes more expensive, and they start to lose the lower end of the income distribution which is priced out. And hence, over time you get a skew to the top end.

“In western Sydney, there’s much more of a diverse population because the housing market makes it easier for different income cohorts to remain.”

Sydney’s highest and lowest incomes


The bureau’s analysis revealed huge differences in financial resources across the metropolitan area with the average personal income in Sydney’s best-paid suburbs almost five times higher than the lowest paid.

Woollahra in Sydney’s inner east had the city’s highest average personal income of $209,607 followed by the nearby harbourfront suburbs of Rose Bay-Vaucluse-Watsons Bay ($202,212) and Bellevue Hill ($200,348).

Auburn North in Sydney’s central west had the city’s lowest average personal income at $44,283. It was one of 12 neighbourhoods in western Sydney with an average personal income below $50,000 in 2020-21.

The average personal income across Greater Sydney was $80,159 – nearly $10,000 more than the national average ($70,522).

Sydney was Australia’s most unequal capital city with the top 1 per cent of earners snaring 12.2 per cent of all personal income across the metropolitan area in 2020-21, up from 11.7 per cent the previous year. Nationally the top 1 per cent received 9.8 per cent of personal income.

Rawnsley said industry composition contributed to higher income concentration in Sydney compared to other parts of the country.

“The bulk of ASX 200 companies are based there, and it’s a big financial and insurance hub for the Asia-Pacific, so you’ve got a lot of very high-paying jobs in Sydney,” he said. “You just don’t find as many of those jobs in, say, Adelaide, Perth or Brisbane. ”

Where 1 per cent have biggest income share

Eastwood in Sydney’s inner north-west had the city’s highest percentage of total income going to its top 1 per cent of earners, at 35.5 per cent in 2020-21. (That was the second-highest share in Australia after Cottesloe in Perth where 50.2 per cent of income went to the top 1 per cent.)

Next highest in Sydney was Woollahra where 30 per cent of the suburb’s income went to the top 1 per cent of earners followed by Bellevue Hill (27.2 per cent) and Rose Bay-Vaucluse-Dover Heights (26.5 per cent).

In the western Sydney neighbourhoods of Hasselgrove-Plumpton, Glendinning-Dean Park and Bidwill-Hebersham-Emerton the best paid 1 per cent earned 3.6 per cent of income, the lowest share across the city.

Postcodes and spending power

Separate postcode level data published by the Tax Office highlights enormous differences in spending power across Sydney. The combined income of earners living in Mosman (postcode 2088) was $3.88 billion in 2020-21, the highest in NSW.

The Mosman postcode area had 19,706 taxpayers with an average personal income of $196,984.

The highly populated Liverpool postcode (2170) had almost three times more earners than Mosman (56,824) but a smaller total income at $3.34 billion.

The south-western suburb of Claymore (postcode 2559) which has a relatively small population and modest average earnings, had a total income of only $63 million.

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