

This was published 3 years ago


Sydney needs brains and soul to match its beauty

Ever since David Williamson’s 1987 play Emerald City reinforced the contrast between dazzling but superficial Sydney and plain but profound Melbourne (“bleak city”) many of us who call the Harbour City home have had a little chip on our shoulders.

The play posited that Sydney is too obsessed with harbour views to do anything meaningful and great things usually come from south of the Murray.

It is a thought that was revived on Monday by NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet. In a speech to the Committee for Sydney’s inaugural Sydney Summit, he said Sydney’s “tolerance for mediocrity was too high” because its natural beauty alone made it a world-class city.

By contrast, he said cities such as Melbourne, which is on a “brown creek”, have put enormous effort into making themselves great places to live, work and visit.

Some will joke that any NSW elected official who says anything nice about Melbourne should be sacked for high treason. Yet Mr Perrottet, who admits he likes to stir the pot occasionally, is making the serious point that Sydney cannot afford to rest on its laurels and must think hard about how to reimagine and reinvent itself if it is to retain its leading position into the future. The Herald agrees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a host of new challenges in front of the city. Sydney’s population fell in the September quarter last year as people moved to regional areas and interstate. The CBD feels empty because the majority of office workers have switched to working from home. The international tourists and students who gave the city so much of its cosmopolitan glamour and economic dynamism are locked out. Melbourne’s population is forecast to exceed Sydney’s by 2026.

Mr Perrottet says if Sydney is to surmount these problems it must break with the status quo. He is calling for new urban development to get the most out of Australia’s most beautiful harbour. He wants better use of public space along Macquarie Street and the inner-western harbour around the old White Bay power station.

Not everyone will agree with Mr Perrottet’s view on urban planning. Last year he provocatively (and only mildly facetiously) published a list of 10 major public buildings, mostly built in the ’50s and ’60s in the brutalist style, which he would like to see bulldozed. The Treasurer has also urged other government departments to institute a more flexible approach to regulation and broader economic reform, starting with the changes he is proposing for property taxes.

The overriding focus of the conference was to examine how Sydney has been changed by COVID-19 and what the future looks like as we emerge from the health crisis. Greater Sydney Commission chief commissioner Geoff Roberts reiterated its focus on a three-city strategy, which divides Sydney into three distinct areas: the Eastern Harbour, around the CBD; the Central River, around Parramatta; and the Western Parkland city emerging further west. He added a fresh call for three universities to be based in each of these three areas to give them distinct characters and economic orientations. Other speakers outlined the opportunities to reinvent and a call to action – what do we want our city to be known for?


    While cynics will look at these various visions as impossible thought bubbles, the broader point behind Mr Perrottet’s speech holds true. Sydney cannot just cruise along – it must innovate.

    It has done so in the past. The harbour’s extraordinary beauty was enhanced by the man-made marvels of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

    As Mr Perrottet pointed out, NSW has led the world in fighting COVID-19, thanks to its world-class contract tracing and testing regime. NSW is also poised to lead the country in transitioning to green power.

    Given the uncertainty about the shape of the world after COVID-19, Sydney must keep reinventing itself. It will always be a beautiful city but it must find ways to remain the country’s intellectual, economic and artistic hub.

    Note from the Editor

    Herald editor, Lisa Davies, writes an exclusive newsletter for subscribers on the week's most important stories and issues. Sign up here to receive it every Friday.

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