

This was published 4 years ago

'Pawns in a power game': former Labor boss says party members have been abandoned

By Alexandra Smith

Former NSW Labor boss John Della Bosca says a "fundamental failure" of the troubled party has been the abandoning of its branch members, who have been treated as "pawns in a power game".

The long-term former general secretary and senior state minister said Labor officials had become more interested in "nosh-up lunches with rich people and powerbrokers than their branches".

Former NSW Labor boss John Della Bosca says branches have been forgotten by the party.

Former NSW Labor boss John Della Bosca says branches have been forgotten by the party.Credit: Simone de Peak

Former premier Nathan Rees also criticised the besieged party, saying Labor's most significant problems could be blamed on its culture.

Mr Della Bosca, who ran the party for nine years before entering NSW Parliament, said the party had turned its back on its rank-and-file members.

"The part of the party that is the closest to the people who vote for us are the branches with their activists on the ground, but they have been ignored over the past decade," Mr Della Bosca said.

Mr Della Bosca's comments come as former Keating government attorney-general Michael Lavarch was appointed to conduct a review into NSW Labor after it was embroiled in corruption hearings.

The party has also failed to win an election in its own right since 2007.

A key focus of the Lavarch review will be the role of the party's general secretary, a powerful political position because of its influence in selecting leaders and determining preselections.

Mr Rees said the Lavarch review was a good starting point for the party but Labor's problems were cultural.

Former NSW premier Nathan Rees says Labor's problems are cultural.

Former NSW premier Nathan Rees says Labor's problems are cultural.Credit: Kate Geraghty

"Lavarch is well regarded and has sufficient distance from Sussex Street to provide an independent and objective view," Mr Rees said, referring to the party's Sydney headquarters."But at the end of the day, you can have all the rules and recommendations you like, but none of that matters unless the culture changes."

The party was hauled before the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) over allegations that former secretary Jamie Clements received an illegal donation of $100,000 in cash in an Aldi bag.

During the seven-week ICAC hearings, it emerged that Mr Clements dined with billionaire Chinese businessman Huang Xiangmo at his Mosman mansion as well as Master Ken’s Seafood Restaurant in Haymarket.

A witness at ICAC said Mr Huang was the source of the illegal donation but the businessman, who now lives in Hong Kong after he was denied an Australian visa, has said he was not behind the cash.

Mr Clements' successor Kaila Murnain was also caught up in the inquiry, and was suspended from her position after telling ICAC that she knew about the donation.

Late yesterday, lawyers for Ms Murnain and Labor were finalising the details of her severance payout, which party sources with knowledge of the negotiations said would only include her legal entitlements. The entitlements include her legal fees up until she was suspended, as well as her outstanding leave balances. Once agreed, Ms Murnain will formally resign from her position.

The party's Right faction met at Trades Hall on Monday night to endorse the national secretary of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union Bob Nanva as the next assistant general secretary of the party. Mr Nanva, who is likely to be elected unopposed, will then be acting secretary until the Lavarch review is completed, with its first round of recommendations due in November.

Mr Della Bosca said the party was suffering from dwindling membership and needed to urgently re-engage with its branches.

"We should be worried about people like the die-hard teachers out in Deniliquin who are prepared to put the flag up for the Labor Party but instead they have been forgotten," Mr Della Bosca said.


He said the party's powerful administrative committee could also be overhauled, and one option would be to give branch members a say in who sits on the committee.

The Lavarch review will look at the structure of the committee, which is made up of 48 members including party president Mark Lennon, the general secretary and other party office holders, senior union officials, as well as rank-and-file members.

A former senior party official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said a review of the party was "long overdue and needed" and he agreed with Mr Della Bosca's criticisms.

"Della's right, too much power was centralised for too long," the former official said.

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