

This was published 2 years ago

NSW government attacks rail unions over mothballed $2b train fleet

By Tom Rabe and Alexandra Smith

One of the NSW government’s most senior ministers has refused rail union demands to address safety concerns with new intercity trains on the same day the state’s transport agency indicated changes could be made to the mothballed fleet.

In a move that has inflamed tensions between the government and the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU), Employee Relations Minister Damien Tudehope declared on Thursday that no alterations to the $2.8 billion Maryiyung fleet would be made.

The new intercity fleet is at the centre of a long-running industrial dispute, with the RTBU refusing to operate the new trains due to safety concerns.

Employee Relations Minister Damien Tudehope said the government would no longer allow its new intercity fleet to sit idle.

Employee Relations Minister Damien Tudehope said the government would no longer allow its new intercity fleet to sit idle.

The union claims the trains are not safe to operate because guards cannot properly see out of them to check platforms are clear on approach and departure from stations.

The fleet, which began arriving in Sydney more than two years ago, has been sitting in sheds at a cost of $30 million a month to the taxpayer, according to NSW Treasurer Matt Kean.

However, Kean said it was a “disgrace” that the fleet remained in “mothballs” and the government would no longer allow the trains to sit idle because of the demands of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union.

Tudehope said that there was no excuse for the trains to sit idle because they had received the necessary tick-off from the Office of Transport Safety.

In a statement, Tudehope said he had “advised the leadership of the union movement that I will not support any Rail, Tram and Bus Union demands that further delay the roll-out of the New Intercity Fleet (NIF).”

“The NIF are safe, world-class trains that will enormously improve the experience for commuters, especially those with a disability, and they should be in operation today,” Tudehope said.


“The refusal by union leadership to operate these trains is further evidence of their collusion with NSW Labor. The commuting public and rail workers are suffering as a result.”

The breakdown in negotiations comes after the entire rail network was shut down on February 21, sparking days of transport chaos for commuters.

RTBU secretary Alex Claassens said while industrial action was an option, the union would not rush into a strike.

“Just because one minister wants to blow the world up, doesn’t mean that we’re going to be silly about this,” he said. “They’re playing games.“

He accused the government of attempting to bait his union into taking further industrial action.

“If Damien Tudehope is going to continue to wave the red flag at us and try and force us into a position then we’re going to have some real problems,” he said.

Claassens added he had contacted Premier Dominic Perrottet and maintained he was still on good terms with Transport Minister David Elliott, who he believes was blindsided by Tudehope’s move.

Elliott – who was not at the government’s snap announcement on Thursday – was asked by Labor in parliament if he was aware that Transport NSW told union officials earlier on Thursday that the department would continue to work towards resolving issues with the fleet.

“An operating model closely aligned to the accredited Waratah fleet is proposed by NSW TrainLink,” the letter to union boss Alex Claassens, dated May 12, said.

“If this is approved by government, it is proposed that an interim model is adopted for a limited number of sets to be in revenue service by December 2022, whilst modification of design is underway for the entire fleet (changed driver screens and door controls to more closely align with Waratah sets),” the letter said.

Elliott told parliament that “he was just a suburban dad trying to right some wrongs” and the government’s proposal had to be presented to cabinet’s expenditure review committee, which Elliott is not on.

Labor’s transport spokeswoman Jo Haylen said it was “another attempt by the government to cause chaos right across our train network for their own political purposes.”

“Just this morning, the Deputy Secretary of the Department sent a letter to the RTBU saying they are continuing collaborative discussions around an interim operating model for the new intercity fleet,” Haylen said.

“By the afternoon Damien Tudehope and Matt Kean blew those negotiations up.”

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