

This was published 4 months ago


DV bail changes make a big difference, but Minns missed one big red flag

The Minns government has announced a suite of changes to NSW bail laws – making it much harder for those accused of serious domestic violence offences to get bail, and ensuring that if they do, they are subject to electronic monitoring. These are tough measures, which involve real costs for civil liberties. And they should not be treated as broad precedent for changes in other areas.

But they are also entirely justified – as a response to the unacceptable levels of violence currently experienced by NSW women and children. Too many women currently die at the hands of intimate partners. And even more women and children live each day with the fear and reality of family violence.

NSW Premier Chris Minns announced tough new bail laws after Molly Ticehurst’s death.

NSW Premier Chris Minns announced tough new bail laws after Molly Ticehurst’s death.Credit: Kate Geraghty, Sharni Tolhurst Photography

The proposed new bail laws will help address this in one critical way – by ensuring that it is much harder for the most serious offenders to continue inflicting these harms.

Overseas experience – from Portugal, Spain and the US – suggests that electronic monitoring can and does make a real difference to women’s safety – providing it is done right. South Australia has already adopted a scheme of this kind, and NSW has done some limited pilots in this context. Other states have also made similar changes.

Tougher bail laws also help ensure that when family violence is coupled with other serious crimes, victims are protected from the threat posed by perpetrators with nothing to lose – think of Molly Ticehurst and the alleged attack against her by her partner accused of sexual and family violence.

The Minns government has also listened to the experts, and evidence, and proposes requiring magistrates to consider “red flags”, suggesting a heightened risk of violence when making bail decisions.

Red flags of this kind are not always predictive of bad outcomes. But they are pretty reliable indicators of increased risk. Magistrates, therefore, should always be required to consider them in family violence matters.

Indeed, we should extend the proposed electronic monitoring regime to any perpetrator with red flags – including in the context of applications for an apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO’s), not just the prosecution of a criminal offence.


This is the most conspicuous omission from the current version of the proposed reforms, and one that should be remedied as part of the consultation and debate on the proposed bill. After all, ADVO’s were created with a view to the timely protection of women and children, but also in light of the unwillingness of many victims to pursue criminal charges against intimate partners – at least in cases of less severe violence.


Three other key elements are also still missing from the criminal justice reforms foreshadowed by the government.

First, training. Police and magistrates need more training on how this new regime is to operate, and what red flags are. Indeed, the tragedy of Molly Ticehurst’s death suggests that we should require all family violence matters be heard by specialist, trained magistrates – including, if necessary, via video-link.

The government has made progress in this area – by foreshadowing video-link hearings on weekends in remote areas. But they need to add a focus on training magistrates and police, to offer victims a decisive response in the case of breaches of an ADVO.

Second, greater perpetrator and victim support. Support of this kind means psychological support, and assistance in dealing with mental illness, substance abuse and intergenerational trauma. For some offenders, being released on bail should also involve a requirement of both an ankle bracelet and a willingness to access support of this kind.


As Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner, Micaela Cronin, and victim survivors have highlighted this week, alcohol is a big part of the current family violence crisis in NSW – on some account, up to 65 per cent of the problem. Tackling family violence therefore means rethinking current laws on access to alcohol, but also requiring perpetrators to get help – for their own sake, as well as that of their families.

Victims, of course, deserve even more support. That is why the bail reforms must – and do – go hand in hand with a big increase in funding for victim support. But we should also look at new ways of supporting victims in the enforcement of ADVOs. That is, we should keep demanding that the government pilot new, innovative programs around both perpetrator and victim psycho-social support – not just continue funding our existing programs, even at higher levels.

Third, safeguards. We need to make sure that electronic monitoring does not pave the way for stalking, or the police to track perpetrators for other reasons – such as outstanding warrants, or for immigration reasons.

The government is live to the problem of stalking, and has made welcome changes to laws criminalising this kind of individual tracking. But it needs to do more to guard against the risk of police access – both in fairness to perpetrators and victims. Indeed, without these safeguards, many victims –especially First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse women – may be unwilling to rely on the protections offered by electronic monitoring.

One way to create these safeguards would be to put monitoring in the hands of private telecommunications operators, and require that police have a warrant before accessing their records for non-family violence reasons. This would also offer the promise of a rapid, widespread roll-out of effective electronic monitoring for large numbers of accused offenders.

The police and corrections, however, have the same capacity – providing we give them the resources they need to get the job done, with safeguards. Indeed, this is what has happened in Spain and Portugal.

The government, therefore, should be praised for its decisive and meaningful action on family violence over the past weeks. But we should also be clear: a lot more action is required before the government – or the women of NSW – can go back to business as usual.

Rosalind Dixon is a professor of law and director of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law at UNSW Sydney. She is also the former co-deputy vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion at UNSW.

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