

This was published 5 years ago

Want to build an independent campaign? First step: find 50 supporters

By Max Koslowski

After announcing she would contest Wentworth, a seat so blue ribbon that it has been held by the Liberal Party or its conservative predecessors since Federation, Kerryn Phelps did not know where to start.

"It was unfamiliar territory,” she said. "We didn’t have any kind of campaign infrastructure, we didn’t have a list of volunteers, we didn’t know whether we would be able to raise the funding that we needed. We didn’t even know what kind of budget we would need to run the campaign.

“We were a pop-up campaign - and the reason that I say that was that we really literally did pop-up from nothing.”

Crossbench MPs Rebekha Sharkie, Julia Banks, Kerryn Phelps and Cathy McGowan in the lower house earlier this month.

Crossbench MPs Rebekha Sharkie, Julia Banks, Kerryn Phelps and Cathy McGowan in the lower house earlier this month.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Two-term Indi independent Cathy McGowan knew Dr Phelps would be struggling in Wentworth. Ms McGowan called up to offer help from her Indigo Valley farm, 600 kilometres away in Victoria, and was soon on a plane to Sydney. Centre Alliance’s Rebekha Sharkie - who has won an election in Mayo twice in the past three years - had done the same, and when she arrived she shared advice and helped Dr Phelps through an early press conference.

Despite being, according to her campaign manager Darrin Barnett, the “ideal candidate”, Dr Phelps may never have won if not for Ms McGowan and Ms Sharkie’s advice - both had worthy knowledge on not just breaking through the two-party system, but specifically winning seats long-held by the Liberal Party.

Since Dr Phelps' groundbreaking success in Wentworth, lower house independents have been pondering how to attack next year's federal election. They hope to earn re-election, but also believe their formula can be repeated in other electorates. Like with Dr Phelps, they think fresh, independent candidates can join Parliament now there is a modern understanding of how to run an insurgent bid.

Dr Phelps photographed on the night she won the Wentworth byelection.

Dr Phelps photographed on the night she won the Wentworth byelection.Credit: James Brickwood

If polling holds true, around one in four voters will preference a minor party or independent first at the next election. One recent Essential poll found that, of undecided voters, 73 per cent were considering voting independent.

Veteran former independent Tony Windsor has been regularly sharing advice with independent candidates for 22 years. He says he has not experienced momentum for independents like he is now.


"It's something I've never seen before," Mr Windsor said. “There’s an extraordinary opportunity for non-party candidates at this federal election.”

When giving advice, Mr Windsor tells independents to look out for one discriminating threshold.

"They say 'I want to run as an independent and I think I can win. What do I need to do?'" Mr Windsor said. "The first thing I say is 'can you go and get 50 friends and get them to support you?' And then ask them to do particular jobs and raise money. If you've still got 50, run. If you've got five people and your mother-in-law, well...

“If you can gain a groundswell of support and those people are prepared to get out in front - they’ll all have relatives and friends that they talk to at the pub.”

Dr Phelps felt a similar groundswell quickly.

“I really sensed momentum,” she said. “It just seemed that with every passing day there appeared to be a real groundswell of support.

"You kind of expect that friends and family will help. To judge whether there’s momentum, it’s when people that you don’t know turn up and sign up.”

Ms McGowan won a narrow victory over Sophie Mirabella at the 2013 federal election, and went on to hold the seat in 2016.

Ms McGowan won a narrow victory over Sophie Mirabella at the 2013 federal election, and went on to hold the seat in 2016.Credit: Justin McManus

In the end, over 200 volunteers helped Dr Phelps’ campaign. Ms McGowan had 600 volunteers in her 2013 bid, and a whopping 800 for her 2016 run - the larger number enabled by her mammoth four-month election campaign. Ms McGowan reasoned that she would need those four months not just to fend off the determined former Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella, who was hoping to regain the seat, but to find cash for her election war chest.

“We raised all our money through events and donations,” she said. “We had online donations and we had some small amount of crowd funding to do an advertising campaign.”

Only a handful of Ms McGowan’s donations were over $1000, but she still managed to raise more than $120,000.

Every Monday night, 20 of Ms McGowan’s most ardent volunteers packed into a campaign hub in Wangaratta to plan the week ahead. Such a large number was needed because Ms McGowan only paid one staffer: a part-time administrative worker, hired eight months out from the election and paid $20,000, who managed the constituent database.

Former crossbencher Tony Windsor says he has not experienced momentum for independents like he is now.

Former crossbencher Tony Windsor says he has not experienced momentum for independents like he is now.Credit: James Brickwood

Dr Phelps did not have four months to plan her insurgent campaign. She had four weeks. She received some grassroots funding, but much of the $270,000 spent on the campaign came from her own bank account.

“They finished a little bit behind the eight ball,” Mr Barnett, who went on to become Dr Phelps' chief of staff, said. “It was a pretty close to breakeven campaign.”

Once they secure volunteers and funds, independent campaigns become about the candidate and message. A successful independent needs to have a strong local profile. A national profile doesn’t hurt. Most importantly, independents have a flexibility on messaging that major parties cannot match, and the best campaigns have fully exploited that, targeting pressure issues in the community and championing them.

"You have to set the agenda, not just be responsive to what the parties are saying,” Dr Phelps said. “You can actually cut through party processes if you like and you can speak not only from your own heart but you can speak from the perspective of your community."

"You’re not expected to solve every problem,” Mr Barnett said. “But you are expected to be an advocate for change. We chose climate change, getting kids of Nauru, a national integrity commission, superannuation, and there was a little bit of My Health Record.”

While the electorate of Wentworth is socially progressive - more than 80 per cent ticked yes in the same-sex marriage plebiscite - Liberal candidate Dave Sharma was restrained to strategically weak party positions on climate change and asylum seekers.

Where major party candidates like Mr Sharma have an established advantage is the perception among voters of competence. Independents are an unknown quality, especially when challenging an incumbent, and must work hard to persuade voters they will be productive in Parliament.

“I had to convince my community that I was a risk that was worth taking,” Ms McGowan said. “Would I be able to achieve anything? Would I get things done? Would I turn up to events? Would I work hard? Would I actually represent people? Could they trust me?”

Indi decided they could trust Ms McGowan. And major parties are concerned that momentum for independents could grow.

The National Party is quietly nervous that Gillard-era independent Rob Oakeshott could win their long-held northern NSW seat of Cowper, with local member Luke Hartsuyker retiring at the election. Next door, Mr Windsor has not ruled out recontesting Barnaby Joyce's New England seat, as speculation that the former Nationals leader may seek his old role again persists. Multiple independents are expected to take on Tony Abbott in Warringah, with one, Susan Moylan-Coombs, already running.

Four weeks from the Wentworth byelection, Dr Phelps was clueless - but she raised funds, amassed volunteers, and prompted a 17 point swing come October. With at least three months to go before a federal election, independents in more marginal seats with more time on their hands are weighing up a run.

Their first step: find fifty supporters.

Key seats

Name: Warringah
Margin: 11.6%
Incumbent: Tony Abbott (Lib)
Challenger: unknown (ind)

Community groups like Voices of Warringah and Think Twice Warringah have spawned in recent months, begging to end the parliamentary career of former PM Tony Abbott. In an affluent Sydney seat with woefully low Labor support, multiple independent candidates are expected to stand.

Name: Indi
Margin: 4.8%
Incumbent: Cathy McGowan (ind)
Challenger: Steven Martin (Lib)

The key question in this regional Victorian seat is whether incumbent independent Cathy McGowan retires. Affiliated community group Voices of Indi have announced they are looking for a successor, and if McGowan does decide not to run in the new year, Nationals deputy leader Bridget McKenzie looks ready to make a tilt at the lower house. Either way, the Liberals have preselected Steven Martin and Labor has next to no chance.

Name: Wentworth
Margin: 1.2%
Incumbent: Kerryn Phelps (ind)
Challenger: Dave Sharma (Lib)

Famously turned by Kerryn Phelps in October, Dave Sharma hopes to return the seat to the Liberals. The wealthy, beachside electorate formerly held by Malcolm Turnbull rests on a slim 1% margin - it is anyone’s race.

Name: New England
Margin: 8.5%
Incumbent: Barnaby Joyce
Challenger: unknown

As rumours of infidelity swirled, Barnaby Joyce won last year’s byelection convincingly with an outright majority of primary votes. Tony Windsor, the independent who held the seat from 2001 to 2013, will look to improve on the two-party preferred result of 41% he achieved in 2016 if he decides to run again.

Name: Cowper
Margin: 4.6%
Incumbent: Luke Hartsuyker (Nat)
Challenger: Rob Oakeshott (ind)

Former independent MP Rob Oakeshott is eyeing a bid in Cowper after the Nationals’ Luke Hartsuyker announced his retirement. It has been 17 years since the seat had a different member - but when Oakeshott ran in 2016, he inflicted an 8.7% swing. He needs one half as large again to win in 2019.

Name: Mallee
Margin: 19.8%
Incumbent: Andrew Broad
Challenger: unknown

Mallee is enviably safe, and has never been lost by the Nationals. But since Andrew Broad's "sugar baby" scandal, and his decision to retire at the next election, pundits have suggested an independent could take his place: in the Victorian state election, independent Ali Cupper won an overlapping seat the Nationals held on an eight point margin. Mildura deputy mayor Jason "Jake" Modica is being urged to run in Mallee, but remains undecided.

Name: Chisholm
Margin: 1.2%
Incumbent: Julia Banks (ind)
Challengers: Jennifer Yang (Lab) and Gladys Liu (Lib)

Julia Banks blew the race wide open twice: once, when she announced she would quit politics at the next election, and again when she moved to the crossbench, spawning speculation she was preparing to run again as an independent. If Banks runs, Chisholm will be a three-horse race between her, the Liberal Party and Labor, who held the seat from 1998 to 2016.

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