

This was published 10 months ago

States to push for voluntary assisted dying exemption in criminal code

By Natassia Chrysanthos

States will push Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to write an exemption for voluntary assisted dying into the Commonwealth’s criminal code so doctors who consult their terminally ill patients about euthanasia over telehealth aren’t at risk of being prosecuted.

The Federal Court on Thursday ruled that voluntary assisted dying was considered suicide under the code, which means doctors could be charged under laws that prohibit using a carriage service – such as telehealth, email or phone calls – to incite or provide information about suicide.

Voluntary assisted dying is considered suicide under law, the Federal Court has ruled.

Voluntary assisted dying is considered suicide under law, the Federal Court has ruled.Credit: Getty

The landmark judgment by Justice Wendy Abraham clarifies a previously grey area for medical practitioners and patients. It will have the greatest implications for terminally ill Australians in rural and regional areas who must travel long distances to speak in person with a qualified doctor.

Melbourne doctor Nick Carr brought the case against the federal government based on his concern that offences in the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act – which does not define “suicide” – applied to doctors using telehealth for assisted dying support that was otherwise now legal under state laws.


He argued that the term suicide should not apply to voluntary assisted dying because the latter involved a legal right to intentionally take one’s life that was regulated by law.

But the court disagreed. It ruled that suicide, as used in the criminal code, applied to ending a person’s life under state voluntary assisted dying laws – meaning that doctors who consulted patients about euthanasia over the phone, email or telehealth were breaking the law, even if those actions had been authorised under state legislation.

The ruling will open a fresh round of advocacy from state governments, which have been pushing for changes for years, and comes just two days after NSW became the final state to allow terminally ill people to choose the timing of their death.

A Victorian government spokesman said the ruling was “incredibly disappointing, especially for regional Victorians”.


“The Commonwealth must amend the criminal code to allow Victorians to have important conversations about [voluntary assisted dying] over the phone or via teleconference – so all eligible Victorians, no matter where they live, can act on their preferences and access voluntary assisted dying as an end-of-life choice,” he said.

Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said the Commonwealth’s laws stood in the way of people’s lawful access to assisted dying, and changes were essential.

‘This finding is sad and frustrating and will impede provision of best-practice care for terminally ill individuals.’

Independent MP Monique Ryan

“Medical professionals should not face prosecution for fulfilling their duties, nor should people be denied access to medical support based on where they live,” she said.

“I will continue to lobby Canberra to urgently amend these laws to ensure Queenslanders in the regions aren’t discriminated against and their suffering unnecessarily prolonged.”

Federal independent MP Kate Chaney will introduce a private members’ bill early next year, with an amendment that exempts voluntary assisted dying from the definition of suicide.

“There’s a lack of logic to allowing voluntary assisted dying but denying it to people in regional and rural areas by criminalising the use of telehealth … It is now actually stopping vulnerable people from accessing end-of-life options,” she said.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will consider the ruling.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will consider the ruling.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Fellow crossbencher Monique Ryan, who will support Chaney’s bill, said the ruling showed the importance of addressing the issue at a federal level.

“This finding is sad and frustrating and will impede provision of best-practice care for terminally ill individuals,” said Ryan, who practised as a paediatric neurologist before entering politics.

But the issue is unlikely to be a priority for the federal government this term as it focuses on voters’ cost-of-living concerns. Voluntary assisted dying is one of the few issues on which Labor MPs have had a conscience vote in the past.

A spokesman for Dreyfus said the government would consider the court’s judgment.

Carr said he was “massively disappointed” by the Federal Court outcome, which had been his final attempt to resolve long-standing confusion after more than three years of advocacy.

“Now there’s voluntary assisted dying in every state, this is an issue that affects the entire country,” he said.

“People in regional areas, who are already disadvantaged in healthcare, have very little access to voluntary assisted dying qualified practitioners. They will be forced to travel huge distances when they’re sick and frail at the end of their lives, when some of this could be done by telehealth.”

But Catholic Health Australia warned that allowing telehealth access for assisted dying would make it more accessible in regional areas than ordinary end-of-life and palliative care.

“Far from creating a level playing field ... amending the criminal code will increase the vulnerability and risk to regional, rural, remote Australians who are the most likely to use telehealth services without ready access to other options,” a spokesman said.

It cautioned the federal government against any changes that would allow assisted dying processes to take place over a carriage service and said there was “no substitute for face-to-face assessment” for such a serious issue.

“An assessment of this nature would further exacerbate the lack of protection for patients experiencing duress, undue influence, elder abuse and mental impairment, which cannot be appropriately assessed via phone or a Zoom call,” the Catholic Health spokesman said.

Carr said it was difficult to provide comprehensive care in the voluntary assisted dying space without using a carriage service for at least some of that work.

“If a patient rings me and says, ‘I want you there when I’m taking the medication on Friday’, and we’re having a conversation, does that mean I’m breaking the law? After this ruling, it seems any connection on a carriage service is potentially at risk.”

How the Federal Court made its ruling

Carr had asserted, based on Victorian legislation, that voluntary assisted dying should not constitute suicide under the Commonwealth criminal code for three main reasons.

First, because the criminal offence sought to prevent harm to vulnerable people and stop them being subjected to pressure or coercion; harms that he said voluntary assisted dying legislation had already recognised did not apply in this circumstance.

Second, he argued words in statute should be interpreted according to their contemporary meaning, and that “committing suicide” and “assisted dying” were recognised as different forms of death in society.

Finally, he argued that including voluntary assisted dying in the criminal code’s definition of suicide would cut across state legislation, and contradict a provision in the Commonwealth criminal code that says it should not exclude or limit other state and territory laws.


But the court rejected those arguments and sided with the federal government, which argued that “when the criminal code provisions were introduced, ‘commit suicide’ simply referred to the intentional taking of one’s own life, regardless of the circumstances in which that occurred”.

Without a definition of suicide in the criminal code, Abraham said its ordinary and natural meaning should apply.

“The parliament saw fit not to define the term given that it was so firmly and universally used and understood at that point in time,” her judgment said.

“Voluntary assisted dying, while a means carefully regulated and a societally approved means of a person intentionally taking their own life, remains a means of a person taking their own life.”

The judgment also said Commonwealth laws should prevail in any clash between state and federal legislation.

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