

This was published 9 years ago

Tony Abbott lifts ban on frontbenchers appearing on the ABC's Q&A program

By Andrew Darby

Federal government ministers have been given the green light by Prime Minister Tony Abbott to appear on the ABC program Q&A again, with Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg the first minister to join the panel since the ban was lifted.

Mr Abbott imposed the blanket ban on Coalition frontbenchers appearing on the show after the controversial appearance of convicted criminal Zaky Mallah in June.

But after the ABC board decided on Thursday to shift the show to its news division, Mr Abbott said he was pleased that the national broadcaster's board had accepted exactly what the government had sought.

"At last we've seen a bit of common sense after the notorious Q&A program of some weeks back," Mr Abbott told reporters in Hobart.

Zaky Mallah's <i>Q&A</i> appearance in June sparked a boycott by the Abbott government.

Zaky Mallah's Q&A appearance in June sparked a boycott by the Abbott government.Credit:

"Look, I'm pleased that they've accepted what the government sought.

"I'm pleased that they have finally agreed to do what their chairman said he wanted to do a few weeks ago, and I'm looking forward to Coalition frontbenchers reappearing on Q&A.

"Now that they have guaranteed it's going to happen, it could happen straight away as far as I'm concerned."

The decision to move the weekly panel show from the ABC's entertainment division to news will mean Q&A being subject to stricter guidelines of fairness and balance

Mr Abbott accused Q&A of being "out of control" when Mr Mallah was allowed to be a member of Q&A's audience and ask parliamentary secretary Steve Ciobo a question on the government's proposed citizenship change.

Prime Minister Tony has welcomed ABC's decision to move <i>Q&A</i> into the broadcaster's news division.

Prime Minister Tony has welcomed ABC's decision to move Q&A into the broadcaster's news division.Credit: Louie Douvis

When the episode was repeated later in week, he imposed a blanket ban on Coalition frontbenchers appearing on the show until it was moved to the news division.

The ABC admitted it was an error of judgment to allow Mr Mallah on the program.

Mr Frydenberg, who together with Eric Abetz has led the Coalition's criticism of Labor MP Tony Burke's use of MP expenses, will take up the batting for the government as the first minister back on Q&A.

He will join Labor's Sharon Bird on the five-member panel on Monday.

According to an ABC statement on the board's decision, the shift from the entertainment division would give Q&A greater "operational and cultural alignment".

"Based on the information provided, the board considers both the program and wider ABC would benefit by an orderly shift of Q&A into the ABC news division," the statement said.

The program's executive producer, Peter McEvoy, declined to comment.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said Mr Abbott's job should not include worrying about which division of the ABC Q&A sat in.

"What a victory for Mr Abbott this week. We've got unemployment's now at 6.3 per cent but he's micromanaging the programming decisions of a TV station?" Mr Shorten said on Friday.

"If that's the most the leadership Mr Abbott and his Liberals have got to do, they need to take a good, long look at themselves."

A spokesman for Malcolm Turnbull said the Communications Minister had no comment to make.

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