

This was published 3 years ago


The big threat to the budget - inflation

The greatest economic uncertainty facing Australia and the world is price inflation. A blowout in inflation forecasts is a principal risk to the Morrison government’s budget outlook, especially if it spurs the Reserve Bank of Australia to raise interest rates much earlier than anticipated. That would have significant consequences for confidence and for household, business and national debt – thereby seriously threatening the economic recovery.

To confound the matter, some of our old assumptions about inflation are outdated.

Excluding rising home prices from the inflation target does not ring true with property buyers or renters.

Excluding rising home prices from the inflation target does not ring true with property buyers or renters.Credit: Peter Rae

The budget forecasts a sizeable turnaround in inflation – from 0.3 per cent in 2019-20 to 3.5 per cent in 2021-22, then dropping back to 1.75 per cent and 2.25 per cent over the following two years. Treasury explains the 3+ per cent in the June quarter as due to “higher oil prices and the unwinding of policy measures in areas such as childcare compared to the depths of the pandemic”.

Recent data and inflation forecasts in the US, Europe and China – as here – also see a pick-up in the near term, although there is some debate as to whether this is transitory. That is, to what extent is it a blip that will work its way through the system as economies “normalise” post-COVID? This seems to be the forecast of our Treasury.

Whether it is transitory is a very important question. Bond and stock markets have reacted adversely a couple of times in recent months, reflecting concern about the possibility of mounting inflationary pressures.

Sentiment flip-flopped over the past week to 10 days in the US with two developments – underwhelming non-farm payrolls seemed inconsistent with the views of some who had been warning about inflation, yet then the sharp rise in the US consumer price index from 2.6 per cent in March to 4.2 per cent in April.


There is no doubt US prices are rising, and rising fast, as more consumer-facing companies take the opportunity of rising inflationary expectations to increase prices. This is coming on top of rising commodity and material prices. Copper is at a record high, corn and soybeans at eight-year highs, coffee at a four-year high, iron ore hitting $US230 ($295) per megatonne against our budget assumption of $US55, and US lumber having doubled over the past year.

The Bloomberg commodity price index is up almost 18 per cent year-to-date and year-on-year more than 50 per cent. Shipping costs are rising rapidly – the Baltic Dry Index is at a peak since 2010, and up more than 700 per cent since April 2020.


Central banks have generally sought to downplay the possibility that recent and prospective pick-ups in inflation are of concern, focusing more on jobs, and sticking with commitments to keep interest rates low for the next several years. Economists and market commentators, however, have been less definitive, even divided.

In the US the likes of Larry Summers, Oliver Blanchard and Andy Haldane have been warning about inflation, while Paul Krugman, Janet Yellen from the Treasury and Jay Powell from the Federal Reserve have pressed on backing expansionary, job-supporting policies.


A main reason for the uncertainty is that some important economic relationships, long taken for granted, such as the links between liquidity and inflation, and employment and wage inflation, seem to have broken down to some extent.

It is staggering that three major cash injections by central banks in the past couple of decades – the then Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan creating the global financial crisis with injections from 2004, followed by responses to the GFC-induced recession and most recently the pandemic-induced recession – have not resulted in massive global inflation.

It is misleading to focus only on consumer prices as a measure of overall inflation when such unprecedented and sustained liquidity injections have underwritten property and stock market bubbles in many countries and extensive art, gold and silver speculation, even during the pandemic.

Australia’s Treasury has conceded our “housing prices would not rise as fast without the monetary stimulus”, emphasising the trade-off is with the “goals in terms of employment and inflation”. It says “unemployment would definitely be higher without the monetary stimulus”. And it favours the employment objective, leaving control of housing prices to other tools.


This ignores the important political reality that while its seeks to exclude house price inflation from its inflation target, the average Australian struggling with the cost of living doesn’t see the point, either as a home buyer or renter.

Another particularly odd feature of the budget forecasts is the strong consumer spending, while real wages are negative for 2020-21 and 2021-22, and only flat in 2022-23, even though the government and RBA’s declared strategy is to push the unemployment rate down to have a 4 in front of it, thereby creating the pressure for wages and inflation to increase.

The relationship between unemployment and wages has changed significantly in the pandemic with shifts in behaviour – including attitudes to work, working from home, travel, spending and saving – and with the uneven government support for different industries. Treasury models are out of date here; we see assumptions rather than forecasts because it does not have the data to make a complete forecast.


While measured unemployment may trend down, under-employment is likely to remain near double the rate, and there may be serious imbalances between labour demand and supply in important sectors of the economy – already seen in the health and care sectors (heavily supported by the budget) and in hospitality, training and some construction.

This problem will be compounded by the sustained restrictions on immigration and visa workers. While under-employment may reduce wage pressures, big worker shortages in some sectors may lead to significant upward pressure on wages.

I suspect inflation will emerge as a challenge in the context of a post-election desire to shift the focus to budget repair, as the government has to admit the debt consequences of the huge blowout in recurrent spending on aged care and childcare, the National Disability Insurance Scheme and mental illness.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.

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