

This was published 8 months ago


Thank you, Mr Dutton. With Lithgow going nuclear, the Shamrocks are daring to dream

Lithgow has had much to celebrate over the years. Well before the Wallerawang power station was even a dream, Charles Darwin paused at the very site of the plant and shot a platypus. This was 1836. It was his first encounter with a monotreme, and he couldn’t quite believe what he was looking at. It was a thing of wonder.

But it wasn’t the abundance of monotremes that had people clambering into happy valley, it was the discovery of coal. And mines sprung up all over the place. First there was the Eskbank Colliery, followed by the Lithgow Valley Colliery, the Vale of Clywdd Colliery, the Hermitage Colliery, then the State Mine, the Steelworks Colliery, Oakey Park Colliery and the Newcom Colliery.

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan for Lithgow has elicited quite a reaction from the old Shamrocks.

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan for Lithgow has elicited quite a reaction from the old Shamrocks.Credit:

All were great with much of the heavy lifting done by horses that saw the light of day once a year for the festival of the valley. It was described as “great burning coal”, “top quality coal” and “beautiful coal”. Some went as far as calling it “the best coal in the world”.

Lithgow locals who had cause to visit the Illawarra or the Hunter Valley took one look at the coal and shook their heads. Some brought back reports of the Latrobe Valley coal, which, quite rightly, they regarded as a joke. “Not worth burning” was a regular appraisal.

All homes had a coal heap in the backyard and as soon as a child learnt to walk they were taught how to get a good fire going.


And coal brought industry. The first iron and steelworks was in Lithgow, thanks to the Hoskins brothers, and there followed the Small Arms Factory. With all this coal and industry came a real sense of pride and a “can do” attitude that spread into more cultural pursuits.

It surprised no one that Marjorie Jackson was the fastest sprinter in the world – she’d trained on the local cinders track that sat on compacted coal near the Cool Stores. And she trained at night lit by the headlights of the cars of locals who were there to watch and help.

Sport was the glue of the city. Cricket. Basketball. Tennis. Snooker. Squash. Table Tennis. Hockey. Netball. And there was rugby league.


Most collieries had a team. Factory had a team and there was no shortage of playing fields be it the Recreation Ground – later to become the Tony Luchetti Sports Ground – or the Glanmire complex of grounds.

By the 1960s the Group Ten competition was in full swing and Lithgow had two teams – the Lithgow Workman’s Club and the Lithgow Shamrocks. Most of the players were either miners or fitters and turners from either the Small Arms Factory or the Wallerawang Power Station. Both teams had a couple of policemen in the forwards.


As players, we were always mindful that the base load of our existence was in the black seams of gold beneath our feet. Over time, coal got a bad name and this coincided with a drop-off in participation in rugby league and all other sports. The Valley of Wonder was in a slough of despond.

Then came, out of the blue, the Dutton Plan. A nuclear power plant for Wallerawang. I phoned a few old Shamrocks who had just about given up on seeing any future at all for the Valley of Heaven. A couple of them had worked at the power station back in the day and, while admitting they hadn’t actually been inside a nuclear power plant, they were as one in having the view that a retro-fit would be seamless. And they were excited.

Within two hours they had marshalled a small army of former players with practical skills in mechanics who were prepared, pro bono, to get involved. One had a laptop he’d borrowed and Googled “how to build a nuclear power plant”.

Over a few beers and a bit of back-of-the-beer-coaster calculations, they quickly formed the view that a generation 4 reactor was the preferred option. They were violently opposed to any talk of a “small reactor”, seeing it as an insult to the history of the valley. The Gen 4 would easily produce a gigawatt of power, produce hydrogen as a byproduct, would have thermal energy off-taking and, at a push, be capable of water desalination – a pipe connecting Lithgow to the sea wasn’t ruled out.


Most weren’t concerned about cost, but when pushed, agreed it wouldn’t be cheap. With a few figures bouncing about – cost of concrete and whatnot – and after a further few rounds of beers, a figure between $1.7 billion and $17.3 billion, plus or minus $709 million, was agreed as a “realistic” fiscal landing point.

Most thought that with all Lithgow shoulders to the wheel, the retrofit was practically achievable within 36 months. When they got back to me, they were excited. “Dutton has given us the licence to dream, to imagine a future. He’s given us certainty. As sure as night follows day, with Lithgow going nuclear, the Shamrocks will be back.”

‘Rampaging’ Roy Slaven is a former Lithgow Shamrocks superstar and presents Bludging On The Blindside on ABC radio with HG Nelson.

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