

This was published 3 years ago

Super chair warns using retirement funds for housing is ‘destructive’

By Jennifer Duke

The chairman of Australia’s biggest retirement fund has criticised Coalition backbenchers for opposing an increase to the superannuation guarantee.

AustralianSuper chairman Don Russell said a faction of about a dozen Liberal and National MPs and senators fighting the superannuation guarantee rise from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent was “puzzling” considering the Coalition had historically valued lighthanded government regulation and individual choice.

Dr Don Russell was an adviser to Paul Keating during the 1990s recession and is now chairman of AustralianSuper.

Dr Don Russell was an adviser to Paul Keating during the 1990s recession and is now chairman of AustralianSuper.Credit: Ben Rushton

“On many levels, I find it quite odd because it’s as if the Liberal Party is now joined with the left of the Labor Party back in 1992 ... These are the people [former prime minister Paul] Keating had to stare down and now, to find the Liberal Party is embracing much of this, I find it puzzling to be honest,” said Dr Russell, a former adviser to Mr Keating.

The Morrison government has not yet revealed whether it will delay the planned rises in the guarantee, which is due to start in July with a 0.5 percentage point hike, nor is there any indication it is considering opening up mandatory super savings for housing deposits.

Dr Russell said superannuation required workers to try to self-fund their retirement, providing more financial freedom than relying on the age pension. But some Coalition backbenchers want people to have more choice during their working life instead.


Liberal MP Tim Wilson’s “Home First Super Second” campaign to allow first-time buyers to use their super for a deposit has found support from several backbenchers, but Dr Russell argued this would not solve the affordability issues facing young people trying to get into the housing market.

He said the campaign was at odds with evidence in Treasury’s Retirement Income Review released in late 2020, which found the majority of retirees owned a property despite affordability being a concern for 30 years.

“If you start giving early access to first-home buyers, then it’s really destructive because in the first instance what we’re doing is providing the wherewithal for people to further bid up prices, but you’re also undermining the wealth generating capacity of superannuation,” Dr Russell said.


“I think governments have to think very carefully about embracing notions which may appear very popular in the polling but you can be confident will make the situation worse.”

The review found the impact of a higher superannuation guarantee on homeownership rates was “unclear”. Research commissioned by the panel shows a higher super guarantee rate could result in more investment in housing but maintaining the rate at the present level “could marginally increase households’ capacity to save for a home deposit”.

“People do change their behaviour once they realise they have sizeable superannuation balances. They’re willing to take on later in life sizeable mortgages because they know that sitting against that mortgage ... is their superannuation,” Dr Russell said.

Dr Russell’s intervention comes as the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, whose members include industry and retail funds, on Monday call for an independent inquiry into housing affordability.

It warns giving first-home buyers access to their super could result in dramatic price rises in the nation’s most expensive real estate markets with chief executive Martin Fahy saying those who could not afford a home were the ones least likely to have enough in retirement to draw on for a deposit.

“Accessing your super will just see it gobbled up into the [house price] increase and you’ll face a bigger mortgage than you would have. Our view is the solution for low-income earners is not to exacerbate the current set of housing affordability issues, it’s to have a broad government review of affordability,” Dr Fahy said. He said this would require a closer look at federal, state and local government policies, tax settings and supply problems.

“We’ve had 11 reviews of superannuation and none of them have said you should use superannuation for housing. What we haven’t had is a comprehensive review of housing affordability,” he said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said any decision on the increase would be made with the state of the economy in mind nearer the time. Sources within the government are suggesting this would likely be in the upcoming federal budget.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull at an Industry Super Australia panel on Friday criticised the campaign to allow access to super for first-home buyers as “one of the craziest ideas” and a concept he had pushed back against when he was leader.

“If you’ve got a fire, you put water on it not kerosene,” he said, warning prices would rise as a result. “The last thing the housing market needs is firing up stronger demand.”

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