

This was published 3 years ago

‘Shut him down’: Readers respond to Craig Kelly furore

By Orietta Guerrera

Federal Parliament returned this week and Craig Kelly was front and centre.

Under pressure: Liberal MP Craig Kelly is the member for Hughes in southern Sydney.

Under pressure: Liberal MP Craig Kelly is the member for Hughes in southern Sydney.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The NSW Liberal MP’s controversial views on topics from climate change to medically unproven treatments for COVID-19 have long caused headaches for party leaders.

Heading into the first sitting week of the year, The Sunday Age and The Sun-Herald political correspondent James Massola this week reported on moves from two fronts to unseat Kelly, the member for Hughes in southern Sydney.

In his article, “ ‘Pete Evans in the party room’: Liberals, independents line up to take on Craig Kelly”, Massola wrote that Kelly could face a challenge from Liberal moderate Kent Johns to retain preselection for the seat, while a group of local activists, We Are Hughes, was also searching for a candidate to stand against him.

Kelly, a climate change sceptic, has frequently advocated on his Facebook page for the use of the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID-19, even though health authorities say they do not help to treat the disease.

In the past, successive prime ministers have intervened to secure Kelly’s preselection in Hughes, which he has held since 2010.

However, one NSW Liberal MP, who was interviewed by Massola on the condition of anonymity, said it was unlikely Mr Morrison would again intervene to save Kelly.

“It should be a normal preselection. He’s never had the numbers other than when he was first preselected,” the MP said.


“People have become immune to what he says on climate change; it’s just Craig being Craig, but his comments on the Capitol riots [in Washington, DC] shocked people.

“His comments on COVID-19 are really damaging. It’s like having [celebrity chef] Pete Evans in the party room.”

For many readers, the message was clear: Kelly’s views were dangerous and it was time for him to be forced out of politics.

philt: “Shut him down ScoMo. He is harming the party.”


WS Jevons: “Craig Kelly — another failed provincial politician who has no moral sense of the balance between the right to freedom of speech versus the responsibility for ensuring evidence-based policy. The sooner he is thrown from office the better for Australian society and the public institutions that are the pillars of our nation.”

Cgaw: “Diverse, informed opinions can bring enlightened discussion. Uninformed, bigoted, ill-considered rants will empower the ‘deplorables’ — we have seen that just recently.”

Prof Antiantihoon: “This is not about a difference of opinion: if Mr Kelly was a climatologist or an immunologist, his opinions would be worthwhile. But he is not. He is manifestly unqualified to proffer opinions on either of these matters.”

BuckStopsHere: “If you repeatedly deny proven science, then you should be disqualified from having a seat in Parliament. Australia needs representatives that will look after them.”

Ajfwelch: “‘It’s like having Pete Evans in the party room.’ Best put-down of Kelly this year.”

Chazza: “Craig Kelly truly has the support of the Liberal party then it says a lot about the Liberal party (and none of it good). We need politicians who have the capacity to tell truth from fiction, and the character to provide real leadership.“

However, the MP has some support among readers.

Rob: “A brilliant member of parliament.“

Chad: “Kelly is a legend. He knows his subject matter and won’t be silenced by the Left. They hate that.”

Booker T: “Craig Kelly is a true Liberal. Telling it as it is without fear of consequences from Head Office. A role model local member!”

Hot2Trot: “I respect and support Craig Kelly in putting forward the truth rather than the propaganda put forward by others in the interest of political power. We need more representatives like Mr Kelly.”

Random.stuff added: “Perhaps he’s just reflecting his electorate.”

Replying to Random.stuff however, Matt wrote: “If the majority of his electorate truly believe the misinformation (which I doubt) his job is to help educate them, not exacerbate the problem.”

Massola said whether they loved him or hated him, “clearly our readers care” about how the MP’s messages could impact Australians, particularly with so much at stake with a vaccine roll-out.

“The last story I wrote that attracted as many emails, texts and calls was the Thai cave rescue - and that was a huge global news event,” Massola, who most recently was this masthead’s south-east Asia correspondent, said.

“I was really struck by the number of comments, like those from readers philT, AJFWelch, CGaw and Pip123, about the damage being done to the national government and the dangers posed by uninformed commentary.

Speaking in question time on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his views “do not align” with those of Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly.

Speaking in question time on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his views “do not align” with those of Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer/Alex Ellinghausen

“They’re spot on — this isn’t just an internal Liberal Party matter or a free speech issue.

“Kelly’s message damages the government and the potential for a successful vaccine roll-out across Australia — and that affects all of us.”

Heading into the sitting week, readers such as Ian were asking: “Why doesn’t ScoMo jump on this MP?”

Trim the cat added: “The standards you walk past are the standards you support. With Kelly, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and then Scott Morrison went out of their way to protect him and his ridiculous conspiracy theories. Also the grassroots Liberals excused these dangerous outbursts by rationalising it was just ‘Craig being Craig’...The existence of Craig Kelly is a damning indictment of the whole party.

Subsequent stories about Kelly throughout the week continued to capture readers’ attention.

A news report detailing Kelly’s run-in with Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek in the corridors of Parliament on Wednesday, by The Age and the Herald’s chief political correspondent David Crowe, attracted more than 900 comments from readers.

Later that day, Scott Morrison went on to rebuke Kelly in question time.

“I think Scott Morrison has done just about enough to distance himself from Craig Kelly and to make clear his displeasure with the MP this week - though I’m sure many will disagree,” Massola said.


“Not calling out Kelly would be far more damaging to the PM than the alternative.”

Morrison was applauded by some readers for acting, however some readers described the Prime Minister’s response as “laughable”.

Doug6: “Morrison has had a lot of time to address the Kelly issue however like his lax response to the initial COVID outbreak, he doesn’t take risks, even safe risks. He waits and pontificates.”

NICKEN: “Any ‘reprimand’ now is a sham.”

The Owl and the Pussy Cat: “For too long, the government has let Kelly and Christensen spread this manure without public challenge — now at least someone in authority has stood up to them. Good on you ScoMo for organising it.”

Scott55: “Thanks Tanya. You’ve done a fine job forcing Morrison’s hand.“

moominlu: “Now if Craig could also receive a dressing down on his views on climate science which is contrary to scientific advice.”

In 2021, a potential election year, the issue isn’t likely to go away, particularly as the preselection for Hughes draws closer.

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