

This was published 6 years ago

Seven charts revealing the truth about wages and the Australian economy

By Jessica Irvine and Adam Gartrell

The war over wages has begun.

Television screens are already ablaze with union-funded ads portraying the perils of insecure work. Soon, corporate Australia will strike back, with an advertising blitz against "anti-business forces", highlighting the job-creating virtues of a thriving business sector.

Having failed to secure the two crucial Senate votes needed to pass legislation to cut the company tax rate from 30 per cent to 25 per cent for large businesses, the Turnbull government has vowed to try again after the May budget. It maintains that company tax cuts hold the key to higher wages: companies will hire more people, competition for workers will increase and pay rates will naturally go up.

But Labor has backed away from its previous support for cutting the company tax rate, promising instead to prioritise budget repair and repeal any cut for big business. It argues any reduction will overwhelmingly benefit executives and shareholders rather than ordinary workers.

The battle lines are drawn and the issue of wages looks set to dominate the political scene until the next federal election. The facts about work and wages have never been more important.


So what is happening to Aussie wages?

In the past, the economy typically followed a pretty simple formula: economic growth would push down joblessness and wages would rise.

Australia has experienced 26 years of unbroken economic growth. The jobless rate, after spiking above 6 per cent during the global financial crisis, has since fallen to 5.6 per cent. Last year, Australia recorded its strongest year of job creation since the global financial crisis.

And yet wage growth has been feeble for more than half a decade.


Wages growth has averaged about 3.3 per cent over the last 20 years, peaking at 4.3 per cent in 2008, just before the global financial crisis. Wages growth fell dramatically in the aftermath of the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers in late 2008, but started bouncing back in late 2010.

But in mid-2012, the investment phase of Australia's mining boom began to wane, the pace of wages growth starting falling again, reaching a below-inflation record low of 1.9 per cent last year. It’s now back at 2.1 per cent.


Australian households are feeling the pinch of lower wages growth.

According to the Bureau of Statistics' latest survey of household income and wealth, the disposable - or after tax and transfers - income of the average Australian household, adjusted for household size, fell from $1029 a week in 2013-14, to $1009 a week in 2015-16.

While $20 a week might not seem like much, it works out at about $1040 a year - and that does not take extra spending pressures on households into account.

While inflation has been modest overall, the cost of housing, child care, health insurance, electricity, gas and education have all soared.

So people aren’t just imagining that they’re worse off. They are feeling a real squeeze.


The Coalition often touts its job-creating credentials. And on some measures, the labour market is booming.

Before becoming prime minister in 2013, Tony Abbott promised to create one million new jobs within five years. Four-and-a-half years later, the economy is close to hitting that mark.

Last year was the strongest year for jobs growth since 2008, with a 3.3 per cent rise in the number of jobs. That’s more than 400,000 new jobs, about three quarters of them full-time. Last calendar year was the first on record in which employment rose in every month.

The problem is the number of new jobs has only really kept pace with the increased demand that comes from a growing population.

At 5.6 per cent, the jobless rate is the same as when the Coalition took power. Critically, it remains above the 5 per cent rate at which most economists think the jobless rate needs to fall before creating wages pressures.

Which means that despite the Coalition’s job creation record, there remains slack in the labour market, which is keeping a lid on wage rises.


Adding to that slack is a hidden army of "underemployed" workers.

In the early 2000s, the Australian jobs market reached a significant turning point when the rate of underemployment exceeded that of unemployment.

The jobless rate is a measure of all unemployed workers. The underemployment rate captures those employed persons who want, and are available for, more hours of work than they currently have.

Since overtaking the jobless rate in the early 2000s, the underemployment rate has risen further and remains stubbornly high.

Compared to previous economic upswings, this now implies a greater degree of slack in the Australian labour market, which is helping to keep a lid on wage rises.


An important piece of the wages puzzle is productivity. Is it possible that workers are not getting a pay rise because they've failed to become more productive?

In a word, no. According to figures compiled by economist Saul Eslake, labour productivity has been rising above wages for some time now.

Over time, workers should expect to be rewarded with wage rises that compensate them for both the rising cost of living and their increased productivity at work.

The apparent breakdown of this fundamental equation is feeding into public resentment about the economy - people feel like they are working harder and achieving more, but not getting rewarded through better pay.


So, are the capitalist cats stealing all the cream? Labor and the unions often quote figures about the rising "profit share" of the economy to argue workers are getting a raw deal.

In economics there are two main factors of production: capital and labour. Workers pocket their income as wages, and the owners of capital pocket theirs as profits. According to figures from the National Accounts, the wages share of total factor income scaled highs above 60 per cent in the 1970s and early 1980s, when industrial action was widespread and wage inflation rampant. In 1983, the Hawke government embarked on an Accord with the union movement to bring wage claims and inflation back under control.

Since then, the wages share has fallen noticeably and remained more stable, fluctuating in a more narrow band.

There are plenty of theories for why labour's share of income is smaller than a few decades ago - a trend evident around the developed world.

These include the declining bargaining power of labour due to declining unionism, globalisation and the rise of automation.

In recent years, the profit share of income has been buffeted by large swings in company earnings as a result of the mining boom. For a period, mining companies booked large losses as they ramped up investment. More recently profits have rebounded, and labour's share has declined.


Unions are using this as ammunition to push for a "once in a generation" rebalancing of workplace rules, including a big rise to the minimum wage and more rights for casual employees to become permanent.

A statistical skirmish erupted last week when ACTU secretary Sally McManus claimed the rate of casualisation had increased. Some economists have accused the unions of selectively quoting wage and jobs data, and Workplace Minister Craig Laundy has pointed out that the rate of casualisation had not increased in the past 20 years.

The truth lies somewhere in between, with official figures showing no noticeable rise in the percent of employees with no entitlement to paid leave - the preferred measure of casual work - over the past two decades, but a steep rise before that.


Economists remain divided on whether cutting the corporate tax rate would flow through directly to workers pockets. Leaked internal polling by the Business Council of Australia suggests less than one in five would use the cut to boost wages in the short term, however, a number of prominent corporations have vowed to spend the tax cut on more investment and better pay packets.

In theory, there should be an impact, at least in the very long run, as increased levels of investment expand the economic pie and enable businesses to hire more workers and share with them the rewards of higher productivity.

But, as Treasury's own modelling shows, the impacts are modest, take a long time to kick in and are highly dependent on what other taxes need to rise to fill the revenue gap. Higher personal income tax collections, for example, would offset any wage gains.

In practice, the future of wages will continue to depend on numerous forces at play in the Australian jobs market. Wage rises often come with a lag and econocrats are hoping the natural forces of supply and demand will fire up wages growth this year. Treasury's budget forecasts tip growth will pick up to 2.25 per cent by the middle of this year, and 2.75 per cent the next.

In the meantime, wages look set to remain the hot-button political issue for 2018.

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