

This was published 2 years ago


Prince Andrew, Dyson Heydon and the case against non-disclosure agreements

Apart from so often ruining the lives of victims, sexual harassment and abuse is increasingly expensive, although not necessarily for the perpetrators themselves.

This week we have seen the civil settlement of two high-profile instances of sexual misconduct. Overseas, Prince Andrew settled the US lawsuit brought against him by Virginia Giuffre, who claims the Prince sexually assaulted her on three occasions when she was 17 years old.

The amount of the settlement was not disclosed, but the British press has reported it is in the region of £12 million ($22 million).

Prince Andrew, who has denied Giuffre’s allegations, won’t pay it all - Mummy (Queen Elizabeth) will help.

He’s also trying to hock his Swiss ski chalet to make up the balance.


Back home, we had the settlement of the claim made by three former associates of former High Court judge Dyson Heydon, who denies the allegations of sexual harassment made against him.

Again, the amount of the settlement was not disclosed, although the women said through their lawyer Josh Bornstein that they were “very happy” with it.

The cash figure was kept secret at the behest of the Commonwealth, under a non-disclosure agreement which means the women can talk about everything except how much money they got.


Attorney-General Michaelia Cash made this clear under close questioning in Senate Estimates this week. The reasons for keeping the amount secret are obscure. It is taxpayer money being shelled out, but we don’t know how much.


After he retired from the High Court in 2013, Dyson Heydon was appointed by then-prime minister Tony Abbott to lead the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption.

At its conclusion, one of Justice Heydon’s recommendations as royal commissioner was for the Commonwealth to legislate to make it a criminal offence for unions to pay the fines of their officials, when those officials broke the law.

The government at the time, led by Malcolm Turnbull, pledged to implement this ban on unions reimbursing their officials.

The issue had been fought out by unions in the federal court.

In one case, the Australian Building and Construction Commission - the industry watchdog set up after the royal commission - wanted to force union officials to pay their own fines, as a deterrent to bad behaviour.

The argument was that if unions picked up the bill, penalties for thuggery and corruption would be seen as simply “the cost of doing business” and would encourage the behaviour.

There is no question the Commonwealth will seek to recover any of the taxpayer monies from Justice Heydon, however much they may be.

Damages calculations of this sort include estimations of loss of income and opportunity of the victims.

In the case of Heydon’s former associates, actuarial evidence was submitted by their lawyers showing the kind of money the women might have earned, had they stayed in the law.

High Court associateships are highly sought-after, a rare prize awarded to only the brightest graduates.

Non-disclosure agreements, have been used by sexual harassers to silence women and cover up their crimes and misdeeds.

Those women could have, and should have, gone on to become barristers, top prosecutors and judges.

Instead, they all left the law, the profession they had loved.


In a compelling interview on 7.30 this week, one of the women, Alex Eggerking, said Heydon had “destroyed my love for the law”.

Her words brought to mind the poignancy of former Liberal staffer and alleged rape victim Brittany Higgins.

Higgins recently told the National Press Club that her job as a political staffer “was the most fulfilling job I ever had”.

She also ruled out returning to it.

But aside from the question of cash, the interesting thing about both the Prince Andrew and Dyson Heydon cases is that the women did not sign non-disclosure agreements preventing them from telling their stories.


Sure, in both cases, NDAs would have been largely redundant - the alleged misconduct of both men has been well publicised and the women have spoken out.

But the fact that the women aren’t legally gagged is significant, and shows some progress has been made in how we redress allegations of sexual misconduct, centring on the survivor’s right to control his or her own story.

Non-disclosure agreements, once intended to protect trade secrets and intellectual property in legal disputes, have been used by sexual harassers to silence women and cover up their crimes and misdeeds.

Hollywood’s Harvey Weinstein, notorious progenitor of the #metoo movement, had an army of lawyers who forced women into signing NDAs to protect his interests and reputation.

This helped him carry on raping women. In 2019 I spoke to one of his former assistants, Rowena Chiu. She said Weinstein tried to rape her in a Venice hotel room in 1998.

Rowena Chiu said the sheer number of women who come out with allegations against Weinstein was staggering and she was amazed at how it had trigged an entire movement. 

Rowena Chiu said the sheer number of women who come out with allegations against Weinstein was staggering and she was amazed at how it had trigged an entire movement. Credit: Kathy LaBarre

This led to her and a colleague being pressured into taking a £125,000 settlement and signing a non-disclosure agreement so onerous it was risky for Chiu to tell a lawyer, a psychologist or even her family about the assault (which Weinstein denied). She was not even allowed to keep a copy of the document.

The use of NDAs by perpetrators of misconduct, and the institutions they work for, is increasingly on the nose.


An international campaign called “Can’t Buy My Silence” is lobbying for a ban on the use of NDAs in cases of harassment, abuse and bullying unless the victim requests confidentiality.

The founder of the campaign, another of Weinstein’s victims, called NDAs “dreadful, demoralising things” with “no justice in them”.

In Australia, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ 2020 Respect@Work inquiry into sexual harassment looked at NDAs.

The Respect@Work Council, set up to implement the response to the inquiry, met on Friday and had NDAs on its agenda. The inquiry heard from many victims of sexual harassment who said their NDAs had impeded their recovery.

It is a stubborn fact of human nature that being able to tell your story helps you make sense of that story. You might even argue it should be our inalienable right to do so.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

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