

This was published 1 year ago


Our future report card shows the writing’s on the wall, but can we read it?

The dire outlook for household prosperity was not the only grim verdict for Australians when Treasurer Jim Chalmers confirmed on Thursday that the country was heading for lower growth, weaker income and bigger debt.

The dismal picture of a poorer future was painted with care, drop by drop in the news cycle this week, to make sure nobody missed the Intergenerational Report when it arrived on Thursday.

School test results released this week showed that a third of students are not meeting literacy and numeracy targets.

School test results released this week showed that a third of students are not meeting literacy and numeracy targets.Credit: iStock

The overwhelming message is that young Australians will not enjoy the big gains in prosperity of the past few generations. But that is only one part of the gloomy message from Canberra when today’s younger voters will also have to bear the cost of climate change.

And to add to the bad news, the school test results released this week showed that a third of students are not meeting literacy and numeracy targets. So Australians are being warned about a future of feeble growth at the same time schools are struggling to teach the basic skills that could change that future.

Stronger growth, and higher household income, will not be possible without better education. The government is planning to follow the Intergenerational Report with a plan for the Australian workforce – an employment white paper, the outcome of a migration review, and the next tranche of workplace relations law. The next step will be an overhaul of school funding.


The school tests build the case for a new funding agreement that delivers more help to the schools with the worst performance. The results should not be exaggerated, however, because they do not show a slide in student performance. The authority that decides the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy changed its approach this year with the claim that it would set more useful targets, so the results cannot be compared directly with previous years.

Even so, the numbers confirm an urgent problem. The test results show that 33 per cent of students are below expectation on literacy and numeracy. Within this group, just under 10 per cent of students across all years are in the “needs additional support” category, the lowest level.

Family fortunes shape the outcomes. The results are better for children whose parents finished university: only 3.9 per cent of them need additional support. The outcomes are worse for those whose parents did not complete high school: 28 per cent need additional support.


These are rough measures of the way wealth operates in Australia today – and the way disadvantage can cascade from one generation to the next.


The results also highlight the terrible outcomes for First Australians amid the debate about the Indigenous Voice and how it might solve entrenched disadvantage. About a third of all Indigenous students are in the “needs additional support” category.

Education Minister Jason Clare – who went to Canley Vale High School in western Sydney – is sending an unmistakable message that school funding has to change in a new agreement with the states next year.

“Six years ago, 83 per cent of students in public schools finished year 12,” Clare told the Labor conference last week. “Last year it was 76 per cent. Almost one in two people in their 30s today has a uni degree. But not everywhere. Not where I grew up. Not in the outer suburbs of our big cities. Not in the regions. Not in poor families.”

Arguments over the Gonski reforms eased in the years after the last funding deal, in 2018, but they are about to restart with a vengeance. This is not because the federal government is starving the states: it is increasing its spending on schools from $18.7 billion in 2018 to $33.6 billion in 2029. Canberra will spend $13.3 billion on government schools and $20.3 billion on private schools in 2029, so the key challenge is whether public schools need more help.


Money, alone, cannot lift test results. The Productivity Commission points out that standards have not improved despite the cash spent in the past few years under the National School Reform Agreement. “The NSRA’s targets are incomplete and too vague to drive reforms,” it says.

The federal agenda will be about bringing public schools up to the funding standard defined under the Gonski reforms of the past decade. The government estimates that public schools are on track to reach 95 per cent of the funding standard, with the states contributing 75 per cent and Canberra offering the other 20 per cent.

Who will fill the 5 per cent gap? Clare needs a new funding contract with the states. There is no hint that this means taking money from private schools, but the debate has only started. The changes are likely to require legislation next year, which means Labor faces a renewed contest with the Coalition over private schools and with the Greens over public schools.

This is one of three areas where education is about to undergo significant change. When Prime Minister Anthony Albanese spoke to this masthead in a podcast interview in June, he named education as a key issue for a second term. Clare is working on school funding, an overhaul of early education and reforms to higher education.

The school funding changes will start to take shape from October, when Clare receives a report from an expert panel led by Lisa O’Brien, a former chief executive of the Smith Family. Then he meets state and territory education ministers in December to talk money.

The Intergenerational Report usually floods the media with numbers that are, in essence, abstract concepts about a future nobody really knows. But the pressures on schools are here and now. That makes school funding an early test of the willingness in federal and state governments to confront the problems laid out this week.

“We can deliver an economy and society that allows the next generation to thrive,” Chalmers says. This is only true if political leaders make hard decisions – and Chalmers is clearly using this gloomy new document to build the case for some of those decisions.

There is a moral dimension to this, beyond the economics. Younger Australians are being told to expect a tougher future than previous generations on climate, income, housing, education and more. That must force change.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent.

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