

This was published 2 years ago


Now he’s been shamed into going, Morrison must take more than spin to Glasgow

Scott Morrison’s systematic weaponisation of climate change has played very well for him politically. Until now, that is. Australians overwhelmingly have grasped the reality of climate change. His cynical inertia has come home to roost.

Now the Prime Minister has been shamed by the royal family into attending Glasgow at the end of this month, the real question is what he does on our 2050 target, and most critically, our 2030 target.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Sydney on Friday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Sydney on Friday.Credit: James Brickwood

On 2050, the long, inelegant crabwalk to net-zero has been many months in the making. The Australian started paving Morrison’s path months ago by editorialising that “not declaring a 2050 target leaves an easy mark for the federal opposition”. The Murdoch media’s political cover for the Morrison walk of shame gained pace with this week’s extraordinary front-page spreads extolling the virtue of the very policies it previously claimed would end economic life as we knew it.

Even so, Morrison has squandered this advantage by allowing the Brontosaurus Rex of climate change, Barnaby Joyce, to take the wheel in designing his 2050 policy. Whatever emerges from these opaque discussions, it’s likely to include a giant pork-barrel that will make sports rorts look like amateur hour. Morrison may also exclude major sectors, such as agriculture, without compensating for those losses elsewhere. That’s not leadership. It’s a dereliction of duty.

Of course, Murdoch’s newspapers will crown Morrison a hero whatever he does.

But the central question for Glasgow is our 2030 target. If the adjustment curve is too steep after 2030, we can never reach net-zero by 2050. Yet, Morrison is already gearing up to hoodwink the public by deferring the heavy lifting to the next decade. In other words, for some future prime minister to handle once Morrison has left the scene.

Australia’s current 2030 emissions target (a reduction of between 26 and 28 per cent between 2005 and 2030) was originally set by Tony Abbott in 2015. Abbott spun this target as being comparable to then US president Barack Obama’s commitment to cut emissions by the same percentage (always a false comparison since the American timeframe was five years’ shorter).

To be credible, Australia should reduce its emissions by about 50 per cent by 2030. That’s what the US is now doing. This is the level of global action necessary across the world if we are to have any real hope of protecting the Barrier Reef. It’s also what Australia’s independent Climate Change Authority said was “our fair share” of global effort – before it was gutted by the Liberals.

If Morrison lifts the 2030 target, it may only be to match the government’s latest projections for emissions levels by 2030 without any further policy effort. That is, business as usual – but dressed up as something better.


Alternatively, Morrison could announce a 50 per cent cut for 2035. This would be designed to sound dramatic. But it would be pure deception because the rest of the world will be using 2030. It would be the same PR trick Abbott played in 2015.


Morrison may also reverse his earlier crabwalk on using dodgy accounting tricks (the so-called “carryover credits” rort) to make up any remaining shortfall in carbon reduction. Unless he definitively rules this out, we risk global condemnation as carbon cheats, including by others who have collectively written off trillions of tons of expired credits amassed under the pre-2015 Kyoto regime of carbon accounting.

Australia cannot risk a repeat of the Madrid fiasco two years ago, when Morrison joined two right-wing strongmen, Donald Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, to undermine climate consensus.

Morrison, if he has any integrity, must also ditch his “negative globalism” rhetoric on the Green Climate Fund. This was a low-rent political appeal to his domestic base with zero regard to the trashing of our international standing. With Donald Trump’s demise, we are now the only major Western donor that insists on operating outside it.

A creature of polling research, Morrison is utterly devoid of policy conviction on climate. But Glasgow is not about spin. It’s about detail on 2030 targets and how we deliver on them.

Otherwise, Australia will be staring down the barrel of a carbon border tax on our exports from the Europeans and others because he failed to pull his weight compared to the rest of the world.

Morrison’s Liberal predecessor, Malcolm Turnbull, said recently “history is made by those that turn up”. That’s true. But it’s no use turning up if all he’s bringing are smoke and mirrors.

Kevin Rudd is a former Labor prime minister.

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An earlier version of this story erroneously stated that Australia’s current 2030 emissions target required a reduction of between 26 and 28 per cent between 2000 and 2030. In fact the reduction is between 2005 and 2030. 

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