

This was published 4 years ago


Morrison suddenly risks frittering away his 'miracle' election win

No doubt Scott Morrison will be hoping visits to India and Japan over the next several weeks will shift attention away from a bad look over an ill-advised overseas holiday when Australia was on fire – literally.

It remains to be seen whether travel abroad in the service of the country – as opposed to himself – will help to reset the political debate, or whether an unpleasant aftertaste will endure.

Scott Marsh painted this mural of Scott Morrison on a wall in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale.

Scott Marsh painted this mural of Scott Morrison on a wall in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale.Credit: AAP

Put simply, the Prime Minister needs to recalibrate after a jarring end to a political year that had begun promisingly following his “miracle’’ election victory in May. That promise is now in danger of being frittered away like the wafer-thin surplus.

Morrison’s principal vulnerability, apart from a sagging economy, has both a domestic and international dimension. It is one he would be wise to take more seriously than appears to be the case beyond the usual bromides about Australia’s inability to influence net global emissions.


Polls reveal a sharp increase in concern about the environment. The authoritative ANU Australian Election Study reports that environmental issues (21 per cent) are now just behind the economy (24 per cent) and health (22 per cent) among voter concerns.

That poll was taken in the aftermath of the 2019 election. In light of catastrophic bushfires across eastern Australia amid crippling drought, it would be surprising if environment had not leapfrogged health and, possibly, the economy.

A Guardian Essential poll last month found 60 per cent of those surveyed believed Australia should be doing more on climate, up from 51 per cent in March.

Noticeable in recent weeks is the extent to which Australia is being held accountable internationally for its climate policies, or lack thereof. Newspaper criticism might be dismissed as being of not much consequence, but a stinging Financial Times editorial reflected wider criticism of Australia’s beggar-thy-neighbour approach, in which the government seeks to minimise our contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions.


“Beyond Australia’s shore his [Morrison's] government stands as a reproach to any leaders tempted to follow its lamentable response to the deepening threat of climate change,’’ the FT’s editorial board said.

On climate, Australia is at odds with a multitude of friends and allies. This includes Canada, the European Union, Scandinavian countries and New Zealand. The latter has legislated for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Canberra is, increasingly, an outlier.

Australia’s performance at the 25th UN climate conference in Madrid was dismal, to say the least. Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor invited disdain by colluding with Brazilian and Saudi Arabian delegates to scupper consideration of stronger action.

On top of that, Canberra insists on using an accounting fudge provided by what is known as the “Australia clause’’ in the Kyoto Protocol to enable Kyoto credits to be carried forward to paper over a lacklustre performance on emissions reduction.

Frank Jotzo, one of the country’s leading authorities on emissions reduction policies, damns the Australian approach. “As a developed country most affected by climate change, it is in our interest to lead by example, not to be seen as a recalcitrant,’’ Jotzo says.

This recalcitrance has real consequences in our immediate neighbourhood. Unhelpful climate policies are jeopardising Morrison’s “step-up’’ policy in the Pacific, in which Australia seeks to bolster its relationships with island countries to counter Chinese influence.

The Prime Minister and his advisers need to reflect on this disconnect between a well-intentioned policy and real-life-and-death concerns that Pacific island leaders have about their micro states disappearing beneath the waves.

This brings us to Morrison’s international travel in the context of his visits to India and Japan. These visits take place against the background of a China threat hyped by a bloated security establishment dominated by the Department of Home Affairs.

Concerns about China are, in any case – and separate from any China panic – investing relationships with New Delhi and Tokyo with greater significance.

Morrison’s visits to New Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru (Bangalore), accompanied by a team of business people, will have an economic focus, but security will be an important theme in his talks with counterpart Narendra Modi. Likewise, his mission to Japan for meetings with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will have a clear-cut security focus.

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Illustration: Simon BoschCredit:

In a Lowy Institute speech in October on his return from the UN General Assembly, Morrison described the so-called “Quad’’ (as in quadrilateral dialogue) involving the US, Japan, India and Australia as “an important forum for Australia and the region’’. Morrison was speaking after the Quad met for the first time at ministerial level since the concept was revived in 2017 during the Turnbull government. The idea had been pushed aside as unduly provocative to China.

Speaking of China, the Prime Minister’s principal foreign policy mission for the year will be to manage a soft landing for his China policy, aimed at enabling high-level contacts to be resumed after a several-year hiatus during which no Australian prime minister has visited the People’s Republic. Apart from that, Morrison's immediate challenge will be to engineer a soft landing for his own bruised reputation. He could do worse than advance a credible climate policy.

Tony Walker is a vice-chancellor’s fellow at La Trobe University.

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