

This was published 5 years ago


Just how many digital transformation strategies do we need?

By Nicholas Stuart

A week ago, Human Services and Digital Transformation Minister Michael Keenan dramatically unveiled this government's "bold vision for Australia's digital future" at the National Press Club.


Minister for Human Services and Digital Transformation Michael Keenan's bold plan is not so bold.

Minister for Human Services and Digital Transformation Michael Keenan's bold plan is not so bold.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

It's not, of course, as if Keenan himself had previously launched the strategy, because he hasn't. Indeed, he's been in the job for less than a year – as was his predecessor, Angus Taylor; and his predecessor, Mitch Fifield; and his predecessor, James McGrath; and even his predecessor, Malcolm Turnbull. That's because, ever since the former prime minister established the Digital Transformation Office back in July 2015, the person in charge has changed more often than the incumbent of the Lodge - and that's saying something.

This would be a joke (albeit a bad one) if the digital world wasn't so critical to our future.

Unfortunately, the threats are existential and yet our response is analog. What moves this from farce to tragedy is that our government obviously still doesn't get just how important this is. The whole responsibility for our digital future is still being shuffled from one junior minister to another – but even that wouldn't matter if any of them actually grasped how vital it is and attempted to grapple intellectually with the radical nature of what's occurring.

Instead, it's as if this succession of supposedly highly capable people had been handed a hot potato, which they desperately attempted to get rid of as fast as they could. Which brings us to the current policy re-launch.


What became evident during the minister's speech is that there's virtually nothing new in this current response. No startling new ideas and certainly no dramatic new initiatives that justify that huge word, "transformation". We receive the assurances – yes, privacy and security is at the heart of the roll-out – but there's little or no explanation of how this will be achieved.

Estonia, for example, has duplicated its information databases in other countries so that if it is attacked it will have fail-safe backups. We can't even manage to digitise things here. The point is to recognise what we can and can't do, explain this clearly, and allow people choice. The debacle of the project to digitise our health records has clearly shown government falling at the first hurdle.


Keenan's time would have been better spent explaining the nuts and bolts of how secure this is, coupled with the problems of making it more so, rather than prattling on about his vision for 2025. (Don't get too hung-up on that number, by-the-way, it can always be adjusted upwards. Back in 2013 Turnbull announced that 2017 was a "realistic and achievable date" for a similar goal.)


As for privacy, the European Union is tackling service providers like Facebook and Google head on in an attempt to understand how much information is being dredged from citizens and working out how that massive haul is being commercialised for profit. Our government doesn't seem concerned about protecting our privacy from these US behemoths, even if it means selling out Australian business and allowing internet providers to undercut them (avoiding tax along the way).

Earlier this week, National Cyber Security Adviser Alasdair MacGibbon blasted US tech firms for their "absurd" refusal to allow government to listen into personal communications so as to gain information about potential criminal threats. This is all very well, however it ignores the obvious corollary: why isn't the government (and Keenan) equally agitated about the way these same firms are gleefully commercialising and profiting from the sale of our own private information?

Earlier this month MacGibbon warned a cyber catastrophe is the "greatest existential threat we face as a society today", painting an accurate picture of just how much we've come to rely on the net and pointing out that there's no back-up. Against this background, the issue of Apple's preparedness (or otherwise) to allow police and security agencies back-door access to electronic messaging pales into insignificance. There are, for example, easily available ways of avoiding interception, from using the dark web to downloading readily available one-time encryption tools. The capacity to read other people's mail offers a huge leg-up to intelligence agencies, but it's hardly the be all and end all. The threat to society of a directed cyber attack, however, is cataclysmic.

The other difficulty is that the capacity to retaliate doesn't necessarily work as a deterrent. Fairfax has revealed that China's conducting an ongoing, deliberate, and hostile cyber campaign against Australian sites, persistently hacking and stealing information. How should we retaliate? The previous strategic response of calling out its activities obviously isn't working, because Beijing simply won't stop.


The point about all this is that government well and truly understands what's hurtling down the digital highway towards us. The problem is that it appears unable or unwilling to do anything to make our world more secure. What's lacking is a joined-up, coherent response that shifts beyond the platitudes and promises of the past. We need something that demonstrates government is acting, rather than simply talking about these challenges.

The digital superhighway is about to arrive and Keenan's promising us a man with a "stop and go" sign to control the traffic.

It's not enough. The time has come for a grown-up response, not more platitudes.

Nicholas Stuart is a Canberra author and columnist

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