

This was published 2 years ago


It’s time to return to Costello economics, whoever wins the federal election

Being the treasurer of Australia isn’t easy. Voters only give you a pass mark if you succeed in two very different tasks at the same time. They expect you to prudently balance the federal budget, but they also want you to help balance their own household budget with tax cuts and generous family payments.

This is much easier said than done because balancing the federal budget means keeping revenue high and spending low, while supporting family budgets often requires the exact opposite: tax cuts and higher spending.

Then-federal treasurer Peter Costello in 2002, when the “baby bonus” was introduced.

Then-federal treasurer Peter Costello in 2002, when the “baby bonus” was introduced.Credit:

This is the basic challenge that has faced every treasurer from the incumbent Josh Frydenberg all the way back to Arthur Fadden in the Menzies government.

The maestro in the modern era was, of course, Peter Costello (now chairman of Nine Entertainment, owner of this masthead), who drove the electoral success of the Howard government by consistently delivering both federal surpluses and family tax cuts.

Costello’s trick was to implement economic reforms that drove higher productivity and income growth. He then took some of that extra cash to balance the budget and gave the rest back in tax cuts to help household budgets. Costello’s model was an evolution of Paul Keating’s formula, but Costello delivered it more consistently than any treasurer in modern history, thanks to monumental help from the mining boom.

But the last two Liberal treasurers, Josh Frydenberg and Scott Morrison, haven’t followed the Costello/Keating model.


In the name of battling the pandemic, they judged that voters would give them a leave pass on the normal laws of good economic management. So they allowed the federal budget to blow out and barely touched economic reform.

The Morrison government spent more than any previous government facing a crisis in recent history, increasing public spending by more than 7 per cent of gross domestic product during the pandemic. This compares with the 2.8 per cent Kevin Rudd spent to get us through the global financial crisis and the 3.3 per cent Keating spent during the 1990s recession. It’s even bigger than the 5.5 per cent spending increase introduced by Gough Whitlam in the early 1970s.


Voters have turned a blind eye to bulging deficits during the pandemic, but they won’t be so sanguine when they realise that gigantic public spending is one of the factors hurting their cost of living. This massive spending has flooded the economy with cash, fuelled the consumer boom, helped to push prices higher and ultimately put upward pressure on interest rates.


As we get past the worst of COVID, the electorate’s economic priorities will change. Voters are already starting to feel the cost-of-living impact of rising petrol, food and other prices. On top of that, families will soon feel the pain of rising mortgage interest rates.

Morrison is yet to recognise how the changing economic situation will damage him politically. Right now he’s trumpeting rising employment and strengthening growth as the foundation of his electoral pitch to voters.

But macroeconomic bragging doesn’t cut it with voters who are seeing bills pile up.

We learned this in the 2007 election when Australians punished the incumbent government despite strong economic growth and high employment. Kevin Rudd, as opposition leader, tapped into deep concern about rising prices for fuel and groceries, rising mortgage interest rates and the skills shortages that were hitting business.


We have seen the same in the United States recently where President Joe Biden had hoped that strong employment figures would earn him good economic marks with voters. They haven’t. While US unemployment is near record lows, 65 per cent of Americans are unhappy with the economy’s direction because of runaway inflation that is hiking the cost of everything from food to rent and used cars. Fuel prices hit around $US3.50 ($4.16) a gallon this month (compared with $US2.50 a year ago)> Many petrol stations have posted signs next to the price: “Joe Biden did this”.

Biden’s message that the American economy is recovering and jobs are coming back is being drowned out by the daily household reality of a rising cost of living.

To avoid the same fate in Australia, both political parties need to rapidly pivot from crisis economics back to Costello economics.


Over the course of the next year, they will need policies that address growing voter frustration with rising interest rates, higher living expenses, slow wages growth and skills shortages. That will mean executing a U-turn from the COVID economic policies of big spending back to the hard graft of fiscal consolidation and economic reform.

This month, unemployment hit a very low 4.2 per cent. But if Morrison thinks that will be enough to win him the election, he should ask Costello whose government lost in 2007, soon after the unemployment rate had hit an eerily similar low of … 4.2 per cent.

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