

This was published 1 year ago


How to save globalisation from itself? Chalmers has some ideas

Ed Husic was impressed. The federal minister for industry dropped into Newcastle University and was shown a breakthrough in solar energy. “Solar panels printed on a kind of paper with ink that conducts electricity,” he relates.

“They can deploy faster, be replaced more quietly, at way less cost, they can be recycled and reused,” he says. Printed on material that’s similar in thickness and appearance to a chip packet, according to the university, you can make the stuff with a conventional printer.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis.Credit: Jim Pavlidis

The cost? Under $10 a square metre. It costs more than that just to clean a conventional solar panel, according to the Australian Energy Council. A commercial printing operation could make kilometres of the stuff every day.

With printed solar, “every surface can generate clean, low-cost, sustainable energy from the sun,” says creator Professor Paul Dastoor. And it could give Australia a second chance at profiting from the global solar boom.

“It’s often remarked,” says Husic, “that we devised the first solar panel and let someone else manufacture and profit from them.” He’s right.

UNSW was doing groundbreaking work on solar cells in the 1980s and 90s under Professor Martin Green. One of his PhD students, Shi Zhengrong, returned to China in 2000 and founded Suntech Power. Other UNSW students followed suit.

As a direct result, China now dominates the fast-growing $200-billion-a-year global market for solar panels. “Seven of the top 10 Chinese solar manufacturers have Australian graduates at the level of chief technology officers or higher,” Green told the ABC.

China today makes 80 per cent of all solar panels worldwide, according to the International Energy Agency, and is headed for a near-monopoly 95 per cent. “This level of concentration in any global supply chain would represent a considerable vulnerability,” remarks the agency. “Solar photovoltaic is no exception.”

Husic doesn’t want to see the next generation of Australian technology leave the country, too. “In Australia we have a lot of people re-imagining energy,” he tells me. The new technologies “are not necessarily able to deliver a return because commercialisation is in its infancy, but we need to keep them to allow them to evolve”.

Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic. “We devised the first solar panel and let someone else manufacture and profit from them.”

Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic. “We devised the first solar panel and let someone else manufacture and profit from them.”Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Husic has in mind concessional federal loans from bodies such as the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and government investment or subsidies through outfits like the Albanese government’s new $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund and its Hydrogen Headstart. This is the new interventionism.

Perish the thought, says the federal government’s own Productivity Commission. It issued a stern warning this week against any such thing. “We should never forget the lessons of our protectionist past,” said deputy chair Alex Robson. “Each dollar spent on subsidising the domestic production of goods in firms or sectors where Australia does not have a comparative advantage comes from firms and sectors in which we do.”

“Worse,” Robson says, “such moves will only further encourage a global return to isolationist trade policy – a system under which a small economy such as Australia is unlikely to prosper.”

This was precisely the free-market doctrine under which Australia lost the solar panel industry, and many other industries as well. But does the Productivity Commission have a point?

The commission is an independent-minded, in-house economics advisory agency of the federal government. Under various names over the decades, it played an important part in educating Australia on the high costs of its cherished protectionist policies.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers at the G20 finance ministers’ and Central Bank governors’ meeting in India this week.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers at the G20 finance ministers’ and Central Bank governors’ meeting in India this week.Credit: Reuters

The tariffs and quotas that cossetted Australian industry for most of last century kept manufacturing alive but also made it uncompetitive. And when the Hawke-Keating-Button government dismantled the wall, most Australian manufacturing could not survive.

Australia transformed from being one of the world’s most protected economies to being one of its most open. It became more competitive, productivity improved, and the country as a whole benefited. But manufacturing output halved as a share of the Australian economy.

So the PC, as it’s known, does know what it’s talking about. But it’s also talking about the past. Treasurer Jim Chalmers calls it “old think”. He tells me: “Economic theory doesn’t always match geopolitical reality and that’s why pragmatism matters.

“I’ve always been at the freer trade end of the spectrum,” the opposite end to protectionism, “but with COVID, risks to the supply chain, turbocharged by geopolitical tension, you have to be realistic that the old models don’t apply as well as they did.”

Australia, says Chalmers, is not about to abandon its essence as a nation of free trade and investment: “Not everybody understands the difference between old-school protectionism and supply chain resilience.” Got that, PC?

The key question today, according to Chalmers, is this: “How do we get all the benefits of free trade and investment without unnecessarily making ourselves vulnerable?”

Vulnerable, for instance, to China’s near-monopoly control of the global solar panel supply. Especially a China that routinely deploys trade bans as a political instrument of coercion.

The PC’s model of economic efficiency fails to account for other priorities. Like survival. An interruption to Australia’s fuel supply or pharmaceutical imports would cripple the country.

Husic says: “Big new factors have reshaped thinking radically. Governments have to respond in markedly different ways.”

And they are. Freshly returned from a G20 finance ministers’ meeting in India this week, Chalmers attests: “Making supply chains more resilient and less risky is now a central theme of discussions at forums like the G20. The free trade debate has evolved. It’s now less ideological and perhaps more pragmatic. What was once a Cold War-style clash of worldviews is now more like a scramble for resilience and reliability in the face of risk.


“The only way to safeguard globalisation is to mitigate its negative impacts – this is about how to save globalisation from itself.”

What Labor is doing isn’t exactly new. The PC’s Trade and Assistance Review this week found that the total value of government assistance to industry increased by $460 million to $13.8 billion in 2021-22. And that was under the Coalition which also was subsidising the energy transition, but in an ad hoc way. A new coal-fired power plant here, a Snowy 2.0 hydro battery there. Labor is more systematic.

But if the treasurer and industry minister are dismissive of the PC’s complaints, Ross Garnaut is scathing. The eminent economist says that while the commission is right to point out the cost of subsidising industries where Australia lacks comparative advantage, its “recent remarks leave out more than half of the economics”.

“All economists who have absorbed the wisdom of their trade know that where a private activity imposes a cost on others – as does emission of greenhouse gases – special measures are required to maximise productivity,” Garnaut says.


“Increasing productivity requires a tax to balance the external cost, or regulation to prevent it, or a subsidy for competitors that do not impose those costs [such as the renewables sector]. To let the external costs run free is to subsidise the activity causing it. This fact of economic life is missing in recent PC statements.”

The best solution is a carbon tax, an efficient, market-based mechanism for decarbonising an economy. But that’s politically infeasible in Australia. So it has to muddle through, a reality that Garnaut accepts. The US had to do the same after the Obama administration lost its effort to legislate a carbon tax.

Garnaut recounts a remark from a private conversation with Obama’s energy secretary, Stephen Chu, at the time: “Don’t worry, Ross. We were going to achieve our objectives with a low-cost, efficient mechanism. Now we will have to get there with high-cost and inefficient tools.”

Chu added an important rider: “But we’ll keep the costs as low as possible by estimating the social price of carbon, and asking all agencies to use it in choosing policies to reduce emissions.”

Garnaut thinks that this is where the PC could make a contribution: “I look forward to the PC getting out of its bunker and explaining the productivity advantages of restoring carbon pricing. And calling for a shadow price of carbon to be applied in development of the policies that will be implemented in the meantime.”

Chalmers and Husic are adamant that the government “won’t be spraying money around indiscriminately” in supporting technologies and companies. As Chalmers puts it, “There’s nothing in the new reality that says you can’t be disciplined and rigorous about it. We will rigorously measure the costs versus the benefits and weigh that against other priorities.”

We’ll see soon enough whether to be impressed.

Peter Hartcher is political editor

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