

This was published 6 months ago


How low can they go? Byelection exposed our cheap and tinny politics

Paul Keating “insists he does not want to enter current political controversies”, reported the Australian Financial Review a fortnight ago. Still, you had to squint to avoid seeing at least some comment on current politics in his headline opinion: “The country is so timid. To come of age, Australia has to have a new and altogether different idea of itself.

“There is no premium on self-capacity, self-assurance, or belief in our ability to divine our own way forward. Our circumstance is a sad indictment of our lack of pride and wilful incapacity to do anything material to head down a new pathway.”

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

Keating was certainly not talking about something of such piddling consequence as the byelection in Dunkley on Saturday. But consider, for a moment, the major issues this byelection was being fought on. From Labor’s side, a set of tax cuts, inherited from the Coalition and reworked to be a lot fairer (while still giving rich people quite a bit of money back). On the Liberals’ side, a nasty campaign built on fear of refugees.

The first thing to say about these twin themes is that they are, when all is said and done, fairly trivial. Tax and fairness are important – but income tax cuts, by their nature, are not lasting reforms. On the let’s-be-scared-of-detainees-released-by-the-High-Court side, we are talking about a small cohort, who could only ever be responsible for a minute proportion of the crime committed in this country. These are not matters on which national politics should be decided.


The more important thing to note is how old all this feels. To some extent that’s just politics: the hip pocket will always be an issue, as will fear of difference, and it is naive to hope otherwise. Still, we should at least pause to wonder whether one reason these topics have dominated public discussion of Dunkley is that the major parties have yet to offer much more to fill the space – leaving the vacuum to be filled by fear and greed, those old reliables.

Which brings us to another former prime minister – no stranger to those trusty electoral weapons – who leaned further than Keating into explicit political advice. In an interview with this masthead before his final speech to parliament, Scott Morrison said “the maths is obvious”. To win government, or at least to win majority government, the Coalition had to win back seats from the so-called teal independents.

Theoretically, the Coalition could win government without those seats. Other opposition leaders – Howard, Rudd, Abbott and Beazley – have won comparable numbers from the other major party before. Still, Morrison knows something about winning elections. Practically speaking, in the current landscape, he’s right.

This is interesting because, last week, after one of the ex-detainees released by the High Court was arrested, deputy opposition leader Sussan Ley tweeted, “If you live in Frankston and you’ve got a problem with Victorian women being assaulted by foreign criminals, vote against Labor. If you do not want to see Australian women being assaulted by foreign criminals, vote against Labor.”


Turns out the ex-detainee was the wrong guy – police released him. That’s not a mark against Ley: she was responding to what had actually happened. The mark against Ley is her explicit, offensive appeal to people’s worst instincts – or what, I suppose, she hoped were people’s instincts – which apparently hold that the only thing worse than assault is assault by a foreigner.

The people weren’t quite what Ley thought. There was a swing against Labor, but in the region of what you’d expect at a byelection like this. I can’t do better than the election analyst William Bowe who described the result as “unremarkable”. Still, you’d rather be Anthony Albanese than Peter Dutton today. In the midst of a dramatic cost-of-living crisis, there is a surprising dearth of baseball bats.

Some might think it is unfair to focus on a single tweet from Ley. This is a little like those Liberals suggesting the Dunkley result is not a problem because Victoria is difficult for the party. This is only a useful rebuttal if Victorian votes don’t count at the next election. A problem in Victoria is still a problem.

Similarly, dismissing Ley – who has had a shocker in recent months – ignores the fact that her tweet was in line with Dutton’s strategy, not just in Dunkley but since the last federal election. His most notable contributions have been attacks on migration, on the Indigenous Voice, on a company not selling Australia Day merchandise (but, he said, happy to sell Chinese New Year products), and ex-detainees. It is remarkable how little this is remarked in the press.

One difficulty is moral: Ley’s line is a low and dangerous place to take politics. The other is political. Dunkley is not definitive, but it hardly suggests Dutton’s approach is working. And it is likely to take the party further from winning the teal seats that Morrison says are needed for victory.

It is hard to know what Labor will take from the result. That its slow-and-steady approach is working? Or that taking on useful fights for worthwhile things, such as the tax cuts, is politically effective? Or that it could do still better if its political management improved? (The timing of its decision on fuel standards for cars was questionable, not just because it was close to Dunkley but because it came on the heels of the tax cuts. Why risk muddying a clear tax positive by immediately gifting the opposition a scare campaign on tax, however dodgy that was?)

Byelections are poor predictors at the best of times. With so many seats held by independents, and the major parties on low primary votes, the idea Dunkley can tell us much about the next election is fanciful. That’s in terms of results. In terms of the topics being discussed, we can only hope the same applies: that the federal election will not be so cheap and tinny. With about a year until the likely start of formal campaigning, the major parties don’t have long to do their part in proving Keating wrong.

Sean Kelly is author of The Game: A Portrait of Scott Morrison, a regular columnist and a former adviser to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

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