

This was published 3 years ago

How do you campaign for a UN job from your study? Ask Natasha Stott Despoja

By Jacqueline Maley

Everybody has experienced some form of 2020 pandemic-related hardship, but Natasha Stott Despoja’s is unique: she had to run an election campaign for the United Nations almost entirely by Zoom, from her study in Adelaide.

In March, the former Democrats senator, famously the youngest woman ever to sit in the Australian parliament, was announced as Australia’s candidate for the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

Natasha Stott Despoja campaigned for her new UN position from her study in Adelaide.

Natasha Stott Despoja campaigned for her new UN position from her study in Adelaide.Credit: Ben Searcy

CEDAW is the UN body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and Australia has not run a candidate for it since former judge Elizabeth Evatt was elected to it 36 years ago.

This year Foreign Minister Marise Payne decided Australia would vie for one of the 11 seats up for grabs, and the Australian government ran a “merit-based, transparent process” to find the right person.


Stott Despoja, founding chair of Our Watch, and a former ambassador for women and girls, turned out to be an excellent choice.

But back in March, just after she received the official nomination from the Australian government and she flew to New York to begin her lobbying campaign, Stott Despoja felt she was an outside chance.

“I was nervous, especially given the large number of incumbent candidates,” she says.

Also, the timing could not have been more terrible.


“I spent two days in the UN and then it shut down,” Stott Despoja says from her Adelaide home, where she is in lock-down with her family.

“I had 42 bilateral meetings in that time. It was United Nations speed dating.”

This was less romantic than it sounds: it consisted of sitting in the delegates lounge “with a little flag up” and meeting as many convention signatory states as possible, to lobby for their vote.

On her second day there, Stott Despoja went to shake someone’s hand, only to have the person resile from contact and ask if she had “read the memo” on social distancing.

Then a state of emergency was declared in New York.


She travelled to Washington to give a speech, set for Friday, March 13, but was informed on arrival that the Australian embassy was shut, following Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton’s COVID-19 diagnosis (he had recently been in the embassy).

She was told to get home, now, and her flight back to Australia was one of the first where passengers were required to quarantine on arrival.

Stuck at home, she was forced to rely on the dreaded Zoom.

“There are 189 countries eligible to vote - all the member states that have ratified the convention,” she explains.

“You want to talk to as many of them as possible.”

Stott Despoja also travelled to Canberra several times (quarantining for a fortnight after two of those trips) and personally lobbied the heads of mission there - between March and October she had a staggering 190 or so meetings.

“I found nearly every country was fascinated by my primary prevention of violence work,” she says.

“Most countries wanted to ask about COVID and how it would affect violence against women and children.”

The variety of countries she spoke to was dizzying. Some asked for her thoughts on forced marriage, others wanted to know her view on how climate change impacts women in the South Pacific.

“Talking to Guyana, to India and St Lucia before breakfast, it reminded me that while we have some beautiful things in common, some of the things affecting the world are so different,” she says.

“I am excited by it and slightly terrified.”

As with any successful election campaign, the candidate did not work alone. The push was headed by the Office for Women, but won with the substantial work of DFAT, UN Ambassador Mitch Fifield and his staff, and overseen by Minister Payne, who had a “particular passion” for the undertaking.

Says Ambassador Fifield: "Minister Payne led ceaselessly from the front and the DFAT diplomatic network applied a full court press." The wooing included delivering to ambassadors lamingtons in "Natasha boxes", which were very well received, he says.

Stott Despoja watched the vote live last week, on UNTV, at about 4.30 in the morning.

She felt relief, happy shock, and crushing fatigue, in that order.

Then she went back to work - she had an Our Watch meeting to chair.

Elizabeth Broderick, who in 2017 was appointed by the UN as a special rapporteur and independent expert on discrimination against women, says Stott Despoja is stepping onto a committee with divergent views.

“It’s going to be a really interesting ride,” says Broderick.

“It’s a diverse group of countries. There are a few issues where there will be hugely different opinions. The committee sets out new human rights standards on certain things, for example on surrogacy - which will be quite divisive, [as is] sex work. ”

Former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick.

Former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick.Credit: Tim Bauer

Stott Despoja is pragmatic, rather than starry-eyed, about the value of multilateralism in a world where many nations are turning away from it.

“When you have large powerful countries that have expressed their disdain for multilateralism and a stretch in resources at the United Nations, it’s challenging, but that doesn’t mean you give up on it,” she says.

Broderick, who loves her UN job, says that before she started there, the organisation was described to her as “like stirring wet cement with your eyelashes”.

“It is a huge bureaucracy, but when no one else is there, the UN is there.”

Broderick says there is a global backlash on women’s rights.

“In the new world, being a moderate, measured, considered voice from a mature democracy on some of these issues that are so divisive, is very important.”

Broderick is “excited for Natasha”, and for Australia, although she points out that Stott Despoja sits on the committee as an independent expert, not an Australian representative, and is not required to toe a government line.

“We will definitely hang out in Geneva,” Broderick says.

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