

This was published 6 years ago

Grave new world as political culture slips into the gutter

By Mark Kenny

I. Will. Do. It. The measured staccato delivery of these four words signalled that Michaelia Cash knew pretty clearly what she was doing.

“If you want to start discussing staff matters, be very, very careful,” the Workplace Relations Minister fired back at Labor's Doug Cameron as he used an estimates committee hearing to question staff movements in her office.

“I am happy to name every young woman in Mr Shorten’s office about which rumours in this place abound. If you want to go down this path today I. Will. Do it. Do you want [me] to start naming them?”

Jobs and Innovation Minister Michaelia Cash during the Wednesday estimates hearing where she made the threat to name staffers who were the subject of rumours.

Jobs and Innovation Minister Michaelia Cash during the Wednesday estimates hearing where she made the threat to name staffers who were the subject of rumours. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Things had reached a new low. A fact underlined when the man regarded as the toughest exponent of politics-as-a-contact sport lamented the tide of "cheap smear" now inundating Parliament, singling out Cash for special mention.

"It's bad when it comes from the Labor Party," Tony Abbott bemoaned, "it's bad when it comes from the Liberal Party and it's particularly bad when it comes from a minister of the crown because ministers of the crown are supposed to operate to a higher standard".

He was far from alone.

"My profession has never been at a lower ebb," observed Victorian senator James Paterson after fending off a Nazi slur from Labor's Kim Carr, adding "we've got a collective task to try and improve it".

These criticisms were coming not from soft-edged moderates in the Liberal and Labor parties, but from devotees of the political right, uncompromising anti-political correctness warriors who can usually be found championing free speech, hang the consequences.

A graphic real-time demonstration of how far federal politics had drifted from reasonable standards came from another Liberal on Friday morning as Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman - despite facing a life-and-death struggle to hold onto government in an election the next day - heaped praise on his opponent.

Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman

Tasmanian Premier Will HodgmanCredit: Janie Barrett

During a radio interview on Friday morning, Hodgman was a model of civility and did not hesitate when asked to name the better qualities of Labor's Rebecca White, calling her courageous for stepping up to the leadership, and listing other positive attributes.

The counterpoint was startling. None of that generosity in Canberra this week, where such politeness seems unthinkable.

In an interview published in GQ magazine, Bill Shorten did the opposite, swearing and insulting Malcolm Turnbull as a "vacuous" person who would do all the talking at a dinner party.

Many Liberals were privately aghast at Cash's comments, which appeared to be a calculated dive into the gutter. If this was the tip of the spear in the government's sharpened "kill Bill" strategy, it merely demonstrated its venality.

Typically, the government's current hard man of choice, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, doubled down, implicitly backing the threat to elevate sleazy rumour to matters of parliamentary record.

"Sticks in the craw": Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton escalated the attacks on Bill Shorten on Thursday.

"Sticks in the craw": Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton escalated the attacks on Bill Shorten on Thursday. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"I think there's a frustration on the Coalition side at the moment, if I'm being honest about it. I think we've sat here taking a morals lecture from Bill Shorten in relation to Barnaby Joyce over the last few weeks and people know that there's a history of problems in Bill Shorten's personal life, Tony Burke's personal life. And to be lectured by the Labor Party really sticks in the craw," he said, managing to take the tone even lower.

In reality, Labor had played no role in breaking the Joyce story and had actually moved carefully once it broke, prosecuting its case exclusively on the grounds of any inappropriate use of public funds via well-paid government jobs, and travel-related expenses. Questions going directly to his affair were avoided.

Nonetheless, on Capital Hill, a prurient public focus on Joyce and the deeper issue of relationships between powerful men and younger women in their employ, enlivened an already strong discourse in rumours now turbo-charged by the #metoo anger coursing through the wider community.

And that was before a decision was taken by persons unknown, to release the identity of a complainant in an alleged sexual misconduct claim about Joyce. That leak - against the complainant's wishes - had the clear aim of inflicting the knock-out blow against Joyce, who until that moment, had vowed to fight on.

Amazingly, it would then get even worse as Liberals spread rumours that Joyce was not the father of the baby he is expecting with his new partner, Vikki Campion

Now on the backbench, Joyce flatly rejected that as grubby and outrageous.

“It’s mine, on the record, there it is,” he told Fairfax Media. "And can I say, even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t care, I’d still go through this, I’d still love him.”

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce talks to reporters this week after playing rugby with colleagues.

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce talks to reporters this week after playing rugby with colleagues.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

A source close to backbencher questioned the “humanity” of people spreading rumours that inflicted personal damage on a former party leader simply for the pleasure of it.

Earlier, during a sit-down interview Joyce and Campion expressed fear their baby son would be viewed "somehow less worthy than other children" with Joyce noting the attention on his personal life had shifted from “inquiry to malice".

Galled at their growing list of friendly-fire casualties, government MPs had muttered darkly about Labor figures whose marriages had broken up without media attention.

But before Cash and Dutton, such talk remained hallway chatter, simply unsourced venting, reflecting most poorly on the utterer.

In the immediate tactical sense, Cash's angry threat sent the Coalition into yet another tailspin, infuriating its supporters and confirming for everybody else this government's seemingly limitless capacity to make itself the story whenever forward momentum seems possible.

More worrying again is the pattern of such comments, marking a slide in political standards that has people wondering where it will end.

For the Coalition in particular, the answer seems to be: nowhere good. When parliament is in turmoil, it's the mob sitting on the treasury benches that cops most of the blame. They are supposed to be in charge. The adults.

Abbott knew this only too well when he was in opposition, fomenting parliamentary chaos itself to diminish Julia Gillard's governing legitimacy.

Now Malcolm Turnbull, who only a fortnight ago drew a moral line in the sand demanding better working conditions for female staff, built on respect, stands knee-deep in a similar level of mayhem.

This was supposed to be his year of recovery, dedicated to capitalising on an improving economy, to delivering a jobs and investment boom underpinned by competent, line and length government.

The Barnaby Joyce affair skewered that. The squalid details of his family breakdown and new relationship may have raised eyebrows nationally but inside Parliament House, the sudden public foray into the deputy prime minister's private life rang alarm bells, prompting concerns that the long-held rules of engagement in which private lives of politicians remained off-limits had been brushed aside.

Suddenly, jarringly, the binary indignation of Twitter outrage had become the news metric of mainstream media, and potentially in politics itself.

Paterson, in the fevered wake of Cash's "brain-snap" as Abbott had called it, had been likened to a member of the Hitler Youth.

Labor senator Kim Carr, who likened a Liberal senator to a member of the Hitler youth during estimates.

Labor senator Kim Carr, who likened a Liberal senator to a member of the Hitler youth during estimates.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Carr quickly apologised, but Paterson bristled, noting correctly that the insult to him paled in comparison to the hurt caused to the families of Holocaust survivors who suffered incalculable loss at the hands of actual Nazism.

Cash's defenders, including Turnbull when he finally addressed the matter, say she was "bullied and provoked" by Cameron, or that she may have misinterpreted what he was driving at. Neither excuse was more convincing than the qualified withdrawal she finally offered under the indignant scrutiny of Penny Wong.

"If anyone has been offended – I withdraw.” As precisely as she had uttered the original threat, she had calibrated her backdown, eschewing "sorry" or "apologise" and narrowcasting the retreat as a contingent regret applicable only to those "if" offended.

Inevitably, Abbott's intervention invites the 2010-2013 comparison. Back then however, it was the opposition leading the downward charge and the government trying to protect conventions. Now, thanks to Joyce, Cash, Dutton, et al, it is the government creating its own chaos. And Turnbull has been caught in the invidious space between hotheads like Cash and Dutton, and the lofty tone he famously demanded of ministers only a fortnight ago.

Meanwhile, policy debates struggle for attention. As a former Liberal adviser and prominent business strategist Ian Smith told clients recently, emotion has come to overwhelm reason in much of Western politics. "We are now in a world where we have seen glib phrases such as “Stop the Boats” win elections but give the challenges of migration and refugees scant debate" he said.

"We hear unrealistic promises stir voters – back to that Mexican wall – and agreements worked out over years ripped up in weeks – with the free trade that has helped lift hundreds of millions out of poverty now in doubt."


On Friday, former Treasury secretary Ken Henry, now chairman of NAB, added his voice lamenting the polarisation of political theatre and the dominance of sectional interests in important policy areas such as company tax.

"Australia will get no progress on tax reform unless the community sees vested interest make way for national interest," he said.

Many in the government would no doubt agree, but they might pause for a moment to reflect on who has driven the agenda-stealing crises of the last 12 months. A mirror might help in that endeavour.

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