

This was published 8 years ago

Governments not economic factors to blame for current budget woes, says Parliamentary Budget Office

By Gareth Hutchens

Policy decisions by government, stretching back to the Howard government in 2002-03, have been more responsible for driving federal spending higher than any "external" economic factors, the Parliamentary Budget Office says.

And the opposite is true for revenue, with huge variations in Commonwealth revenue being driven by economic factors outside government control.

The PBO has released a new document, Impact of policy decisions and parameter variations on Australian Government revenue and spending estimates, that will likely play a role in the federal election.

It shows successive federal governments have cumulatively increased their spending commitments while the mining boom has come and gone.

Former Australian prime ministers and treasurers: John Howard & Peter Costello, Kevin Rudd & Wayne Swan.

Former Australian prime ministers and treasurers: John Howard & Peter Costello, Kevin Rudd & Wayne Swan.

The PBO report shows how every federal government between 2002-03 and 2015-16 has responded to the economic circumstances of its day, from the pre-mining boom Howard government, to the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd era, to the current Abbott-Turnbull epoch.

It shows Commonwealth spending commitments increased by a net $303 billion over that period, with policy decisions accounting for $290 billion, or 96 per cent, of that net increase.

Over the same period, revenue estimates were reduced by a net $124 billion, with policy decisions - such as tax cuts and savings measures - accounting for $67 billion of the decline, and "external factors" accounting for the remaining $57 billion.

But in absolute terms, the report shows Australia's federal governments have had to absorb revenue changes, up and down, worth a massive $682 billion.


It says 75 per cent of change in revenue was accounted for via external factors and parameter changes.

"In the period prior to the global financial crisis, revenue estimates were revised upwards reflecting the unanticipated revenue from Australia's commodity price boom," the report says.

"Subsequently, the downward revisions to revenue estimates reflected a faster than expected decline in Australia's commodity prices."

"Changes in the Australian government's revenue estimates have been driven mainly by external factors."

The Greens have already jumped on the report, saying the Abbott government's decision to abolish the carbon price was responsible for blowing a hole in government revenue estimates by $12.4 billion.

"This is a 10th of the net $124 billion in revenue estimates lost from 2002 until 2019, and about one fifth of that lost due to policy decisions by the government," Greens Treasury spokesman Adam Bandt said.

Chris Richardson, director of Deloitte Access economics, says the PBO report confirms what he has been warning for a while.

"It's the same analysis I've dragged around the countryside for years, looking at how the economic and policy impacts on the budget have played out over time," Mr Richardson said.

"Our budgetary challenges can be summed up in four words: temporary boom, permanent promises. The temporary mining boom saw revenues pumped up, but governments spent that revenue on permanent promises."

Treasurer Scott Morrison told the National Press Club last week that the Turnbull government would try to use its first budget to stop any new spending proposals, while also looking for savings.

He also dampened expectations for anything more than modest tax cuts.

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