

This was published 9 years ago

Generation Why Not opt for social change

By Sarah Whyte

Four years ago, sisters Alicia and Emily Johnson had grand dreams of entering medicine or law.

But their passion for social justice has meant the two sisters have dramatically altered their career trajectories, especially after the first Indigenous school captains of their high school were confronted with offhanded racist comments at university.

Emily ( black coat) and Alicia Johnson (blue coat), two sisters who were school captains for Dulwich High School. They are also involved in the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience.

Emily ( black coat) and Alicia Johnson (blue coat), two sisters who were school captains for Dulwich High School. They are also involved in the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience.Credit: Lee Besford

"I veered towards more social sciences than medical science," Emily, now 21, said. "I feel that's the easiest way to express social concerns." Emily has just graduated with a bachelor of arts and plans to do her honours at the Sydney College of the Arts.

"I have been focusing on identity, particularly in Australia, and celebrating people of colour cartoons."

Her cartoons also featured in the first Indigenous issue of her university's student newspaper, Honi Soit.

For Alicia, 22, working at the prestigious department of Prime Minister and Cabinet for a year, cemented her desire to help Indigenous communities.

"That experience inspired me to want to help infrastructure for Indigenous people," she said.

Alicia now works as a presenter at the University of Sydney, rather than pursuing a career in medicine or law.

"No neither of those," she said. "I wanted to become more involved with social policy or things like that."


But comments the sisters received at university surprised them.

"We have learnt very young that we have to be the ones to diffuse the situation and laugh it off or brush it off," Alicia said.

"I had a very good experience … sometimes you get the occasional offhanded comment like 'why don't you get over it?' or 'that was many years ago', or 'don't you get help now'. But there are many Aboriginal people who understand that comes from ignorance."

Emily agrees: "Surprisingly the people who make the most ignorant comments are the people who have never actually had a genuine encounter or friendship with Indigenous people."

In four years, then number of Indigenous students accepting university places has jumped by more than 25 per cent, while the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that in 2013 there were 67,420 Indigenous students attending high school, compared with 70,340 in 2014.

Former NSW Young Australian of the Year, Jack Manning Bancroft, says in four years Indigenous issues have come a long way, particularly given the recent meetings on constitutional recognition.

"It's the first time in Australian history we have had having every major power lever in the country wanting to positively move towards improving lives for Indigenous people," he said.

Mr Manning-Bancroft founded the Indigenous mentoring program, AIME, which Alicia and Emily participated in.

"One thing that I have been able to learn and grow from, is clinging to being relentlessly positive in the space," he said. "Even though there is a lot of stuff that is hard, you have to will yourself that it's possible."

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