

This was published 2 years ago

From the Archives, 1992: Court upholds right to native title

A full High Court judgment in a legal battle by the people of tiny Murray Island in the Torres Strait was hailed as being of sweeping significance for Australia's indigenous people and the death of the concept of terra nullius.

By Verge Blunden

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on June 4, 1992


Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images and names of people who have died.

CANBERRA: The High Court has ruled that the common law of Australia recognises a form of native title reflecting the entitlement of indigenous inhabitants.

However, the court said that claims seeking recognition of native title were subject to valid Federal or State legislation.

Solicitor Greg McIntyre, barrister Ron Castan, Eddie Mabo and barrister Bryan Keon-Cohen at the High Court of Australia 1991. From the film Mabo: Life of An Island Man .

Solicitor Greg McIntyre, barrister Ron Castan, Eddie Mabo and barrister Bryan Keon-Cohen at the High Court of Australia 1991. From the film Mabo: Life of An Island Man .

By a six-to-one majority, the court declared yesterday that the indigenous Meriam peoples were entitled to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment of the Murray Islands where they live in the Torres Strait but that such title could be overridden by a valid law of Queensland.

The Chief Justice, Sir Anthony Mason, and Justice McHugh, in a joint judgment, said the order of the High Court was cast in a form which would not give rise to any possible implication affecting the status of any land other than the Murray Islands.

The judgment ends 10 years of litigation mounted by the late Mr Eddie Mabo and other plaintiffs who sought native title to the Murray Islands in actions against the Queensland Government.

While the judgment will provide legal and factual issues to support Aboriginal land rights claims, the judges have chosen their words carefully and it is not a general precedent for such claims. The judgment is heavy on rhetoric, but perhaps its most important emphasis is a recognition that international law has ousted the notion that inhabited land might be classified as terra nullius (uninhabited) to override indigenous claims.

Justice Brennan said the fiction by which the rights and interests of indigenous inhabitants were treated as non-existent was justified by a policy which had no place in contemporary Australian law.


"The common law of this country would perpetuate injustice if it were to continue to embrace the enlarged notion of terra nullius and to persist in characterising the indigenous inhabitants of the Australian colonies as people too low in the scale

of social organisation to be acknowledged as possessing rights and interests in land," Justice Brennan said.

Justice Brennan said there might be other areas of Australia where native title had not been extinguished and where Aborigines, maintaining their identity and customs, were entitled to enjoy their native title.

In their joint judgment, Justice Deane and Justice Gaudron said they had used language and expressed conclusions which some people might think to be unusually emotive for a judgment of the High Court.

They said it was unnecessary for the purpose of the case and probably impracticable to seek to ascertain what proportion of Australia was affected by common law native titles. "Obviously, the proportion was a significant one. Conceivably, it was the whole."

Justice Deane and Justice Gaudron said the dispossession of the Aborigines from their traditional lands constituted the "darkest aspect" of the history of Australia.


The two judges said the High Court had a duty to review the proposition that in 1788 the territory of NSW was terra nullius for legal purposes and that full legal and beneficial ownership of all the lands of the colony vested in the Crown was unaffected by any claims by the Aboriginal inhabitants.

"The official endorsement, by administrative practice and in judgments of the courts, of those two propositions provided the environment in which the Aboriginal people of the continent came to be treated as a different and lower form of life whose

very existence could be ignored for the purpose of determining the legal right to occupy and use their traditional homelands."

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