

This was published 2 years ago

From the Archives, 1991: Dr John’s tax show goes on tour

30 years ago, Opposition Leader Dr John Hewson hit the campaign trail, on a mission to sell his proposed goods and services tax. “This is a revolution,” he told the Herald’s Tony Stephens.

By Tony Stephens

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on November 23, 1991

Australians stood bewildered before a John Hewson crash-through-or-crash juggernaut yesterday. Would the changes he had planned for the nation bring the greatest reform since Magna Carta or were they, in the words of a disbeliever at Bondi, a pile of rubbish?

Dr. Hewson sells the GST to (left to R) Mrs. Jan Merry and daughter, Katherine, 3, Mrs. Erica Holmes and her grandson Jay Jay. November 22, 1991.

Dr. Hewson sells the GST to (left to R) Mrs. Jan Merry and daughter, Katherine, 3, Mrs. Erica Holmes and her grandson Jay Jay. November 22, 1991. Credit: Robert Pearce

Whatever the case, it is clear that Dr Hewson has seized the national agenda.

It also seemed reasonably clear that yesterday was Day 1 of the election campaign.

By last night most Australians must have been aware that the extent of Dr Hewson‘s planned changes was among the most radical ever entertained by an Australian politician but that the end product would be a most conservative government.

The Opposition Leader takes Day 2 of his election campaign to the Parramatta shopping centre today and then to the Gold Coast. The 18 months ahead will be a gruelling test of stamina for Dr Hewson, Mr Hawke and any Australian who cares about the future.

If Dr Hewson cannot persuade Australians that his way is the right way, he will be finished in politics.

“This is a revolution,” he said yesterday. “I have staked everything on it.”

He kept saying: “We will govern in the best interests of the people of Australia.”


Hang on, someone pointed out in the Bondi Junction shopping mall, hadn’t Bob Hawke said that? Hadn’t Malcolm Fraser said that? They had, of course, as had other political leaders before them.

Dr Hewson admitted that Australians had a right to be cynical about their political leaders. Wasn’t he asking, therefore, for a great leap of faith from Australian voters?

“This is a revolution.” Dr Hewson at the Eastern Suburbs Leagues Club on  November 22, 1991.

“This is a revolution.” Dr Hewson at the Eastern Suburbs Leagues Club on November 22, 1991. Credit: Robert Pearce

“This is a very radical program and we will have to work very hard to convince a cynical electorate,” he said.

To a woman pensioner who said all politicians were the same, he said: “You’ll see that we’re different.” She looked long and hard at him. He has a lot of talking to do.

The question put most often to Dr Hewson expressed the electorate’s cynicism. How could Australians trust him not to increase the GST from 15 per cent? He would resign rather than let that happen, said Dr Hewson.

The other substantial point to emerge from the day was his admission that the introduction of the GST might lift unemployment in the short-term, although he said this would only be temporary.

His day had begun well, with generally favourable newspaper reaction to his program. Only two points troubled the campaigner - a caption under a photograph in The Australian calling his wife Margaret (that was his first wife, his second wife is Carolyn) and a headline in The Sydney Morning Herald which adopted the Prime Minister’s line on Dr Hewson‘s tax package: “Bonanza for the rich.”

On ABC radio, Dr Hewson predicted that Mr Hawke would “probably steal a fair bit of the package - he’s got very little alternative but to address a very wide range of issues that are raised in the package”.

He said the Opposition’s biggest problem was “to get people to understand that they already pay an enormous amount of tax” - hidden taxes such as payroll tax, fuel excise, sales tax, superannuation lump sum tax, Customs duties, all built into the price.

Dr. Hewson downs a quick middy at the club.

Dr. Hewson downs a quick middy at the club.Credit: Robert Pearce

Dr Hewson wants to abolish those taxes and replace them with a transparent goods and services tax across the board with, he said, an average price increase of 4.4 per cent.

Dr Hewson had agreed to appear on Ron Casey’s talk-back program on Radio 2KY but backed out, his minders pleading lack of time. “Dr Hewson has chickened out,” Casey told listeners.

He went, however, to Jeremy Cordeaux, on Radio 2GB, where he said his eldest son had just finished the HSC, so he was very conscious of youth unemployment.

He told Howard Sattler, on a Perth radio station, that the unemployed had nothing to fear if they were genuinely looking for work.

At a gathering of business people at the Eastern Suburbs Leagues Club, Dr Hewson made it clear that his proposals centred on a massive transfer of income to the business sector as the catalyst for a new age of private enterprise and growth.

One businessman thought Alan Bond and Christopher Skase would approve of that, but most of the 350 present were pleased by Dr Hewson’s words.

Here he harked back to the years of Sir Robert Menzies and their sunny conservatism: “The opportunity would be created for business to boom in Australia and business has to boom in Australia.”

Yet he put it to the business people: “Just as we are willing to change policies, you have to be willing to change attitudes.”

He said workers would have the incentive to work hard and work longer and should be given the chance to share in the profits.

He even used a variation of the J.F. Kennedy line: Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.

In the club’s bar, life was more prosaic. GST would lift the price of beer by about 3 per cent but, Dr Hewson said, drinkers should look at the total package. They could have a beer on his government. He left his own on the bar

In the mall, he assured a worker with Dr Barnardo’s Homes that he would not tax charities.

He debated with a passerby who accused him of wanting to rob the poor to feed the rich: “I’d rather give the unemployed a job than a welfare cheque.”

He ignored isolated shouts that he was a “dickhead” or “arsehole”. He agreed that he had had two honeymoons, having been twice married. He puzzled Priscilla Martin and her good friend Alistair Alexander by wanting to talk to them when they just wanted to talk to one another.


He said: “Some people remain to be convinced. Some are overtly enthusiastic.”

On his way to Radio 2MMM, Dr Hewson sat himself between the unsuspecting Mrs Jan Merry and her three-year-old daughter Katherine and Mrs Erica Holmes and her grandson Jay Jay, aged three months.

“I get very confused,” he said. “I start shaking babies and kissing hands.

Confusion, however, did not look like stopping his juggernaut, not yesterday.

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