

This was published 2 years ago

Christensen tells anti-vax event he wants to ‘prod the powerful’

By Cameron Atfield

George Christensen will pursue a post-parliamentary career in journalism, he told an online forum featuring a who’s who of right-wing provocateurs on Friday.

Disgraced former Hillsong and C3 Churches pastor Pat Mesiti moderated the “Prayer and Pushback” forum, which also featured government senators Alex Antic and Matt Canavan, Liberal-turned-United Australia Party MP Craig Kelly and One Nation’s Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts, among other activists and evangelists.

Former Hillsong pastor Pat Mesiti interviews Dawson LNP MP George Christensen in the Prayer and Pushback online event.  

Former Hillsong pastor Pat Mesiti interviews Dawson LNP MP George Christensen in the Prayer and Pushback online event.  Credit: Screenshot

The longest speaking slot — more than 30 minutes — was given to vaccine sceptic Robert Kennedy jnr, the nephew of assassinated US president John F Kennedy and son of JFK’s brother, Robert F Kennedy, who was also murdered.

Mr Christensen, who will not seek re-election in the central Queensland seat of Dawson at this year’s election, told the forum he planned to return to his journalistic roots.

Before entering politics, he worked at several small newspapers and was a media adviser to former Howard government minister De-Anne Kelly.

After pressure this week, he announced he would resign from his plum position as chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth, although he said it was a decision of his “own making”.

It came after a furore over his calls for parents not to vaccinate their children against COVID-19.

“I’m not leaving politics, I’m leaving Parliament,” Mr Christensen said.

“We are all involved [in] politics as citizens and I’m going to fire up and get back into the fray, but from a different point of view.


“I was a journalist before I was in politics, and that’s my trade. I want to report what’s going on and I want to prod the powerful.”

Last August, The New Daily revealed Mr Christensen was preparing a “patriotic” news site modelled on the US-based Drudge Report.

While Mr Mesiti interviewed most guests, Mr Kennedy, a member of America’s most prominent political family dynasty, was given 34 minutes of almost uninterrupted monologue.

In a 2015 file photo, Robert Kennedy jnr speaks against a measure requiring California schoolchildren to get vaccinated.

In a 2015 file photo, Robert Kennedy jnr speaks against a measure requiring California schoolchildren to get vaccinated.Credit: AP

“What hill are you going to die on? When are you finally going to say ‘no’?” he asked rhetorically.

“That time is right now.”

Mr Kennedy said nobody in history had “complied their way out of totalitarianism” and urged civil disobedience.

“Don’t trust your doctors, don’t trust the health agency, don’t trust the government. Do your own research,” he said.

Mr Kennedy is the cousin of incoming US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy.

Among the other speakers, NSW state Liberal MP Tanya Davies said she would not allow her children to be vaccinated, while One Nation’s Senator Roberts appeared to advocate a form of social Darwinism.

“This is the first time in our society the young have been sacrificed for the old,” Senator Roberts said.

“Normally with the animal kingdom and with humans, the old sacrificed themselves for the procreation of their society, of their species.

“This is not happening here. It’s the young sacrificing for the old.”

He made the comments as the Premier of his state, Annastacia Palaszczuk, announced the COVID-related deaths of another 13 older people.

Senator Roberts also cast doubt on the safety of vaccines and suggested the Morrison government and Labor opposition were acting “under United Nations directions”.

Senator Antic lamented that Australia had “simply accepted” restrictions of liberty, suggesting the populace should take inspiration from the US and fight against the public health measures.

“I think it’s ingrained in our DNA. Aussies are laid-back and they are more inclined to go along with authority,” he said.

“I think Australians are less sceptical of the government and Americans have more of a libertarian approach to the way in which they see their government.”

Mr Kelly, with a UAP-branded “FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM” sign behind his left shoulder, said Australia had become a “nation of weak hypochondriacs”.

Senator Hanson, meanwhile, said there needed to be a royal commission called to examine Australia’s response to the pandemic.

“If we have another pandemic, we have to have the answers to this. I think we’ve been lied to over the number of deaths, they’ve been overexaggerated,” she said.

“We’ve had premiers, health professionals and other people that have just fumbled their way through this.

“They haven’t been truthful with the public and we need to have answers to this.”

The sole voice supporting vaccinations, if not mandates, was Senator Canavan.

“I’ve always said that I think the vaccines helped reduce hospitalisation and death,” he said.

“I have received the vaccine for myself, even though that’s completely irrelevant. I’m not a doctor — you can make your own decisions.”

Mr Christensen had a chequered pre-political journalism career.

In a student opinion piece in a University of Central Queensland student magazine in 1998, Mr Christensen wrote that “the truth is that women are bloody stupid” and reproduced a joke about a gay man dying of AIDS.

“Some of the content I provided for those publications was intended to shock readers or use humour in a shocking way rather than to provide legitimate commentary,” the then-unelected LNP candidate wrote in a 2010 apology.

“No one should take seriously statements published in the context of university politics. I have grown up and moved on since then.”

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