

This was published 5 years ago

AWU raids inquiry cost taxpayers $1.2 million - but Liberal staffers refused to co-operate

By Michael Koziol

Taxpayers have now forked out at least $1.2 million to cover the costs of a police inquiry into leaked information pertaining to raids on the headquarters of the Australian Workers' Union.

But documents newly released to the Senate show a litany of Liberal staffers refused to give statements to the Australian Federal Police and the two ministers involved - Small Business Minister Michaelia Cash and Human Services Minister Michael Keenan - took five weeks to provide a written response to investigators.

Small Business Minister Michaelia Cash took six weeks to provide a two-paragraph response to the AFP.

Small Business Minister Michaelia Cash took six weeks to provide a two-paragraph response to the AFP.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The documents reveal the AFP investigation cost taxpayers $340,000, including officers' hours, supplier expenses and external legal costs, over the 16 months to February this year. The true cost is not known as the figure does not include executives' hours or AFP Legal members' hours.

Taxpayers have also paid $288,000 for Senator Cash's legal expenses and at least $550,000 in legal bills for the government's union watchdog, the Registered Organisations Commission, which was embroiled in the scandal. In total, the costs have reached $1.2 million.

The police probe - which did not yield any charges - related to raids on the Melbourne offices of the Australian Workers' Union in October 2017. News of the imminent raids was leaked to the media by Senator Cash's former staffer David De Garis, resulting in TV cameras being in place to document the event.

The raids were conducted to look for documents relating to donations the union made to activist group GetUp in the 2005/06 financial year when Labor leader Bill Shorten was the union's secretary.

Five staffers to Human Services Minister Michael Keenan refused to provide statements to police.

Five staffers to Human Services Minister Michael Keenan refused to provide statements to police.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

It was revealed at a Senate estimates inquiry that Senator Cash and Mr Keenan refused to be interviewed by the AFP in relation to the leaks, and twice refused to provide formal witness statements.

The documents provided to the Senate show both ministers took five weeks to provide any written statement to investigators. Meanwhile, five of Mr Keenan's staff members refused to provide any statement at all, despite being asked by police.


The AFP first asked to speak to Senator Cash and Mr Keenan on March 16, 2018, regarding the leaks, "with a view to obtaining a witness statement".


Six weeks later, on April 27, Senator Cash provided a two paragraph statement via an email attachment referring AFP deputy commissioner Leanne Close to evidence Senator Cash had already given to a Senate inquiry on the matter.

Mr Keenan provided a three paragraph statement on April 20 in which he told investigators his office had dealt with the execution of the AWU search warrants "in the usual way".

The Department of Home Affairs, which is responsible for the AFP, told the Senate, "Five members of Minister Keenan's office who were asked to provide statements did not do so".

Public prosecutors received a brief of evidence from the AFP but felt there was no reasonable prospect of a conviction and declined to press charges. The Commonwealth Solicitor, Andrea Pavleka, has said the lack of witness statements was an "important factor" in this decision.

Taxpayers are still incurring fresh legal costs related to the matter because the AWU has taken the ROC to court to try to quash the investigation into its 2005/06 donations to GetUp, arguing it is politically motivated.

Senator Cash, as employment minister in 2017, had asked the ROC to consider investigating whether the AWU's donations to GetUp had been properly approved under the union's rules.

Liberal senator Eric Abetz also made a referral to the ROC to consider examining the issue.

Labor described the subsequent investigation as a "witch hunt" against Mr Shorten, and has vowed to abolish the ROC if it wins the May 18 election.

Senator Cash and Mr Keenan have consistently denied any knowledge of the leaks about the raids, and have said they fully co-operated with the AFP investigation.

The documents provided to the Senate were in response to questions on notice from Labor senators Murray Watt and Louise Pratt.

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