

This was published 5 years ago


As the election approaches, the Liberals are in a severe state of flux

The market for talent in the federal Liberal Party is in severe flux. The players range from well-known public figures to those hardly known at all. Departures include the government ministers Kelly O’Dwyer from Victoria and Michael Keenan from Western Australia (plus Nigel Scullion from the Country Liberal Party) and backbenchers like Senator David Bushby from Tasmania. Those planning on not going anywhere include former Prime Minister Tony Abbott and NSW backbencher Craig Kelly. Those entering the market include Indigenous leader and former ALP president Warren Mundine and others still to be pre-selected even at this late date. This is all happening in the shadow of the likely fall of the Morrison government at the next federal election and that possibility is likely to be influencing the career decisions of MPs.

Scott Morrison has defended the right of politicians to choose a work-life balance.

Scott Morrison has defended the right of politicians to choose a work-life balance. Credit: AAP

Although made up of many personal decisions these movements must be considered as a whole, reflecting on the state of the Liberal Party, its electoral dilemma and the wider talent pool for Liberal MPs. The individual decisions may be about career aspirations or family life or a mix of the two. Some jump and others are pushed. Some are bought off while others grimly dig in. The overall impact of all of this for the Liberals and our parliamentary system is of crucial importance.

These movements can be interpreted as just another part of the natural cycle of politics in which MPs come and go and the system marches on without a hitch. After all, a third of our 76 Senators have jumped or been pushed since the last election. Who is to say that the new Parliament will have less talent than the present one?

Or they can be like the canary in the coal mine, a gauge of dangerous working conditions and an indication of how decisions are made within not just by the Liberals but by all our big major parties.

The Prime Minister defends the right of every individual’s choice of work-life balance. O’Dwyer and Keenan both have very young families. But he would take that position wouldn’t he? If he did not it would reflect badly on the government he leads. In the case of his intervention in the seat of Gilmore to install outsider Mundine as the Liberal candidate over the local favourite and clear pre-selection winner, Grant Schultz, he did venture the provocative explanation that bullying would not be rewarded. The only reasonable interpretation of that comment is that he was accusing Schultz of bullying the retiring MP, Anne Sudmalis, out of her seat, although Morrison himself might equally be accused of using his position to depose the locally elected candidate.

Recent departures include Michael Keenan, Nigel Scullion and Kelly O’Dwyer.

Recent departures include Michael Keenan, Nigel Scullion and Kelly O’Dwyer.

The departure of a senior woman like O'Dwyer, following the defection of Julia Banks and allegations of sexist bullying, is interpreted by outsiders as worsening, and even being caused by, the low numbers and status of women in the Liberal party. Perhaps Keenan’s departure also shows once again just how tough it is to be a federal MP from Western Australia. The retention of right-winger Kelly is explained by NSW factional politics and the support of influential Sydney shock jocks. Bushby’s departure for a plum Consul-General’s job in Chicago is another example of jobs for the boys. It may have been his last chance to profit from his loyal party service as he wasn’t going to be appointed anywhere by a Shorten Labor government. His departure now is a painless way of creating another Senate spot to be chosen by the Eric Abetz-controlled Tasmanian branch of the Liberals.

While Liberal talents like O’Dwyer and Keenan are leaving mid-career, apparently with much still to offer, old-stagers like Abbott and Kevin Andrews are hanging on when it appears their contribution lies in the past. Parliament always needs a mix of experience, but in this case, after 25 years parliamentary service in the case of former prime minister Tony Abbott and 28 in the case of Andrews, the longest continuing serving member of the House of Representatives, enough is enough.

No party has an endless talent to draw upon and can never afford to squander what it has. Party membership is shrinking. Vacant and winnable seats always draw a crowd of likely aspirants but MPs who outstay their welcome with the support of their local party members are a blockage in the system within their party.


Some newcomers, like Zali Steggall who is running as an Independent against Abbott in the safe Liberal seat of Warringah, would in different circumstances be standing for Liberal pre-selection. Somewhat like Independent MP Kerryn Phelps in Wentworth, Steggall, a lawyer and former Olympic medal-winner in the 1998 Winter Olympics, is a self-proclaimed small-l Liberal who is championing action on climate change and increasing the presence of women in the Parliament. She is financially conservative, opposed to Labor policies like negative gearing and other taxation changes, and has never voted Labor.

Win or lose at the next election Liberal supporters everywhere should be concerned about the longer-term damage they may be doing to their talent pool through parliamentary machinations and self-interest. The number of talents outside their tent is growing.

But this is not just a Liberal problem. Major party supporters across the board should also look closely at the encouragement given by their organisation and its leaders to the talent pool within their own party of choice. Do longer-term MPs put their own self-interest before the greater good by not moving on at the appropriate time? Is factional politics limiting the wide range of talents which should be brought into the parliament? Unfortunately, the answers are too often yes.

John Warhurst is an Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University.

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